Monday, May 6, 2013

Montana Time - Cancelled Flight - Day Five

The parties are over and we have the day to spend before our flight this afternoon.  Becca needs to take Hyrum over to the school and get him registered for Kindergarten this fall and I go along as another set of ears.  Hyrum seems to like the school and we have him all signed up in no time.  It is so amazing to me that these little people are starting school.  It seemed that we had houses full of little ones for such a short time -- how did they grow up so quickly?

One of Zyra's gifts for her birthday was this outdoor water/sand toy and she and her brother spend a great deal of the morning out on the deck watching water move from one place to the next.  After a short time, I move the whole thing so that they are not standing in the sun so much.  The umbrella really only protects the toy itself.

Becca and I get the kids all packed and down for naps.  Then it is time to head to the airport.  After a quick good-bye with Mom and Dad, they are excited to head out.  We arrive at the airport, unload, and Grandpa goes to turn in the rental car.  Once he is back, we go into the terminal and get in line only to discover that the flight has been cancelled.  What??  Oh dang -- this flight was a sure thing and now we have no idea when we will get to leave.  These poor kids now have to go back home AGAIN from an airport without getting on a plane.  Ugh.

After we call for Becca to come back and pick us all up, we find a park near their house and play with the kids for awhile hoping to have them forget that they didn't get to fly today.  The sad part is that it is not looking promising for quite a few days.  Goodness.  It is hard to even get smiles out of them at the park.  Why is the plane broke Gammy?

We work at it pretty hard though and pretty soon, smiles begin to show up.

I can't stop laughing at Zyra insisting on sitting in the seat backwards.  Way too funny.

Although I am sad that we didn't get to fly today, it is fun to have time with family and now we have at least one if not two more days.  Live in the moment!!

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