Thursday, May 9, 2013

Montana Time - Days 6, 7, and heading home Day 8

Tuesday:  It's official, we are stuck in Billings.  The flights filled up from the cancellation and we will have to watch it daily for awhile, but it looks like Thursday before we will have a chance to leave.  Drat.  Now we have to rethink the situation and figure out what to do without totally upsetting Hyrum and Zyra.  They just keep talking about the plane --- it is breaking my heart.

Grandpa takes them out for a walk while I rest for awhile.  I think I did a bit too much the past couple of days and am feeling it today.  Rather than walking, I just need to rest my hips a bit.  So, on their bikes and away they go.

It doesn't take them long to get things going and soon they are having fun and Hyrum is trying new moves.  Awesome.

Once the return, I play carefully with them out back for awhile making them chase me while on their bikes to work on the sharper turns.  After about 3 rounds, I am caught by Hyrum.  And . . . back to bed.

Later in the evening, we make a quick trip over to Rhiana's to see Elena's new "art room" which is her Mommy's gift to her for her birthday and she is getting it on her true day.  Rhiana did such a great job on it and it is a kids dream.  Chalkboard walls, easels, desks, supplies, PERFECT!

Soon, they are off to dance class and Mister and I take a small "alone" time break and stop in at Angry Hanks and Carters for a couple of drinks.  It is here that the decision is made to take the girls back with us instead of Hyrum and Zyra.  We had planned on having H&Z for a week before trading them with Elena and Malea, but now we are running out of days and can't risk not getting back to get the girls.  Dang -- now to figure out how to get the other two for their time.

Wednesday:  Today is spent watching kids and relaxing a bit -- no too much and we put the cameras away for awhile.  We are tired, lol.  And to prove it, Grandpa takes Zyra in for a nap and we don't see either of them for quite awhile.  Meanwhile, Hyrum and I learn about bees and play games together for quite awhile before I, too, need a nap.  I snuggle up with Hyrum on the sofa and wrap my arms around him while I let him play a video game for a few minutes of shut-eye.  The rest of the day is spent just playing out back with the two of them and letting Becca have some "alone" time with her friends.  So glad we get the chance to help out like this now and then.  Then we head over to Rhiana's for the evening and to spend the night so that we can leave early in the morning with her girls.  So far, the flights look good.

Thursday:  We are up early and off to the airport with out two precious girls in tow.  Everyone has their fingers crossed, but this time I have explained EVERYTHING to Elena and she knows that they might not let us on the plane.  It turns out well though and we all get on and are on our way to Denver.  Yay!  Elena gets a window seat and keeps looking out the window saying, "this is so fun" over and over.  I cannot help but smile.  We manage to all sit together on this flight and it doesn't take long before both girls are sound asleep.  Dang, I was hoping they would hold off until the next flight since it is longer.  Oh well.  They wake up just as we arrive in Denver.  Here we go.

Elena notifies us that she is hungry.  Well, that makes sense and the two of us go off in search of food.  We locate a spot and she picks out fresh fruit, milk, and a scone for us to share with Malea and Grandpa.  Sounds good.

Our layover doesn't take too long and soon we are called for seats to Dallas.  Whew -- that was easy and away we go.  This time we have two seats together and Grandpa is across the aisle and back on seat.  We'll see how this goes.  We settle in and as soon as we are in the air, Elena wants to color for awhile.  

Malea falls asleep again rather quickly and I am just crossing my fingers that it will last the whole flight.  It doesn't, but she does pretty good until the last 15 minutes and she is just done by then.  Can't say as I blame her.  Once we are off the plane and she can move around, her smiles return and she is letting me chase her all over while we wait for luggage and Grandpa goes to get the car.  Soon we are on our way and once in the house, toys are found and the girls are happily playing away while we fall in a heap.  Look out Dallas, here come the girls.

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