Monday, May 13, 2013

A Week with Miss Elena and Miss Malea in Dallas - Days 3&4

Sunday:  After another good nights rest (these girls sleep around 10-12 hours at a time) we are up and moving.  First up:  bath time.  Yep, she was caught drinking her bath water - ugh.  The cup was for pouring water over her head to wash her hair, but when I went to get the shampoo, voila!

While Malea is getting clean -- Grandpa and Elena are feeding the birds.  We have some bread that is past it's prime and can be crumbled on the driveway.  The feeders need to be filled as well and so after Elena's bath, they go out to finish the job.  Both girls have such a good time watching the birds and squirrels in the backyard -- just like I do.  It is soothing and comforting to just sit and watch the animals play and interact.

Once everyone is dressed and ready to go, our next stop is to walk down to White Rock Coffee for a fun little breakfast.  A smoothie and cinnamon roll seems to make all perfect in someone's little world.  She is given a perfect size drink and yet even still we take almost half of it with us when we leave . . . AND half of the roll as well.  She asks for a ride back to the house and Grandpa is happy to oblige.

Since it is Mother's Day, we have decided to stay home today and just relax.  Naturally, "Go Fish" is on the agenda multiple times throughout the day.  We have been working on the colors and learning the names that are written on the cards.  Elena is so good at this game AND lucky.  I never seem to win and I give it a good effort.  She seems to pick up the card she has asked for very often in addition to remembering exactly what I have asked for.

My sweetheart gives me a Singer 301A from 1950 for my birthday and I am soooo excited.  I love the vintage machines and this is the second one he has bought for me.  Once it is all cleaned up, it is going to be perfect for my quilting.  Cards, flowers, pictures, and gifts sure do make a girl feel special. I also get phone calls from all my wonderful children today.  It's a good day and getting better -- Cass and Scott are coming over and my wonderful Mister is cooking us what I am sure will be a fantastic meal.  Yay.

Oh, what is that?  The squirrels are after the bread.  Let's watch.

Since we are at home for today -- a project is in order.  What do I have?  Ah - how about a blinged out wristband?  We set everything up on the sofa and it doesn't take Elena long to design and create her masterpiece.

Her little fingers delicately place each stone and design where they are needed.  She is very meticulous and each one goes into place nicely.  I think she does a great job, how about you?  "Now what shall we do Gammy?"  I am off again for a new toy from the cabinet.  Sometimes I forget how little minds need constant stimulation.  Perhaps us old folks do too, but we just don't do it.  Hmmmn.

GEARS!!!  Always a good one.  After some technical engineering help from Grandpa, we soon have a "factory" going.  Oh how I love watching the wheels turn in their heads as they learn new concepts.  If I do this --- look what happens. Smile.  It's great.

As we are working . . . Guess who is here?  Uncle Scott and Aunt Cassie.  They are now the new toys in town.  Amazing how quickly we become obsolete.  Too funny.  We go outside for some fun with the new ball that Grandpa bought this morning.  After a few minutes, I put Malea down in the grass and laugh as her one foot refuses to lay down on the lawn.  If I push it down, she pops it right back up.  I'm not sure what her issue is, but it sure is funny.

Cass and Scott have brought me the cutest scarf holder.  I think it is perfect, don't you?  Of all the people to know that I needed one, it would be them.  Every time they spend the night, they deal with the hanger on the back of my door that holds my scarves . . . well, not any longer.  We visit, feed, and play with little ones for awhile before it is their bedtime.  Elena has discovered a magnetic toy with many face parts to create funny (or in her preference - pretty) faces.  Uncle Scott grabs several of the mustaches and puts them up to himself asking her if they are right.  Many giggles ensue.

Once the girls are down for the night, the four of us have a wonderful dinner and conversation.  What a nice night compliments of Mister.

Monday:  Today is photo shoot day and so as soon as breakfast is over, we are dressed and ready to go to the Arboretum.  As I am dressing, Elena has found my sandals and a part to the patio door.  What is she up to?

Soon, we are out the door and on the road.  As we arrive at the Arboretum, I mention that the car smells hot and Mister checks it out.  There is some fluid coming from under the car, but he is not overly concerned about it, so off we go to have some fun in the gardens.  I am sad that the new Children's Garden has postponed it's opening until fall as I really thought the kids would have fun there.  Oh well.  We will have a good time anyway.  Right?

As we are walking in, we discover that Elena is not really in the most cooperative mood and Malea has become irritable as well.  Dang, perhaps this won't work out after all, but let's give it a try.  Ah, that's better.  Good first start.

After a short time, we discover that just trying to catch the two of them is a better plan than asking them to do things.  The rest of the shots are just that -- catching moments together in the park.  I love them and am just going to post them without words.


I love the one above as well.  It seems as though Malea is wondering what the heck is so funny.  We catch her quite often like that -- watching Elena with curious looks on her face.

Elena and I are watching several squirrels race each other around the tree trunks.  One stops to look at us, screeches, and continues his merry chase.

Time to go.  As we get to the car, Mister says, "that's not good" and I look down to see the pavement beneath the car totally soaked.  Wonderful.  We load everyone up, stop at a nearby grocery store to get some water, and limp the car home.  Ugh, what now?

Malea goes down for a nap and Elena plays quietly while we try and figure out what to do with the car.

Mister decides to take the car to the shop and is gone for a couple of hours.  When he returns, Malea is awake and so I take the girls to the school to play for awhile and give him some space to work through his frustrations.

Before we go though, Elena takes him some cookies and milk to feel better with.  So cute.

The girls both have fun playing for awhile at the school and I play amateur photographer.

After she has been a monkey for awhile, she just lays down on the  ramp and rests.  What a sweetheart.

Malea just wants to do absolutely everything that her big sister does.  It is funny to watch and I am sure she will be running to keep up in no time.

It is time to head back.  This day has been full and the girls are ready for dinner and quiet time before bed.  The days just seem to go so quickly with them here.  Why is that?  (Oh, the giant carrot is for teething -- she LOVES to bite on it)

Well, we don't have a car until tomorrow afternoon.  As we are muddling what to do, Cassie calls and is providing transportation to the zoo tomorrow.  Yay.

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