Thursday, May 2, 2013

Montana Time -- 3 Birthdays!! - Day One

It is that time of year again --- we are off to  Montana for the pack of birthdays that take place during this time each year.  We have Caleb on April 26, Zyra on April 27, Malea on May 4 (me too), and Elena on May 7.  Wow.  It was determined a few weeks ago to try and combine things into one weekend in Billings and we are sure it will be a jam-packed few days.

Mister and I are fortunate and our flights go perfect into Billings along with my handheld tea set for Miss Elena (see Tea Time for Miss Elena).  We arrive around 1 p.m. and after picking up our car are soon on the way to Matt's house. 

Becca makes us a wonderful spinach salad for lunch and we are starving so dig right in.  It doesn't take long and Miss Zyra climbs up into my lap wanting to share my lunch.  I watch in amazement as she literlly finishes every piece of spinach that is left in the bowl.  Is there anything more heartwarming than children who eat vegetables?  Especially fresh ones?  

We spend the afternoon with two very excited grands who greet us with smiling faces peering out from the front room curtains.

It doesn't take long and we are soon wrapped up in games and trampoline fun.  It is hard to believe we haven't seen these treasures since August.  Oh my, the time is flying by.

What fun Hyrum, Zyra, and I are having!  His face is so cute and this trip is the first time we don't have any shyness at all -- he is just so excited to have us there.  We plan to spend lots of time hugging, playing with, and listening to him and his sister this weekend.

We are the new toy in town and not a  moment goes by that someone is asking us to play something.  We simply spend the day enjoying each and every moment with these two.  I do manage to get in a visit with Becca while Hyrum and Zyra give Grandpa the "Mario" lesson.  That lesson turned out to be quite long as Zyra fell asleep on Grandpa and he just held her until she woke up.  Now THAT is devotion.

Once awake, it is Gammy's turn to play and so I get schooled in a game of Memory.  I have a hunch that will happen a lot this week --- their memories are so good and this old lady's is starting to fail now and then.  Where on earth is that red bird?  Oh --- and Zyra looking for the elephant will make me giggle for months to come.

I peek into Zyra's room and see her doll in the stroller -- have to laugh as I cannot even comprehend how much time and effort has gone into making her look this beautiful.  Future cosmetologist at work!

This is truly our only day of rest as we will certainly be up and running the rest of the weekend.  We zip over to Rhiana's after dinner to say hi to her and the girls.  After getting an idea of her plans for parties and what is needed tomorrow, we help her finish some yard work while playing with Elena.  After dark, it is time to return to Matt's and when we arrive -- they are all in bed and the house is dead quiet.  It is 9 p.m. and so off to bed we go as well for some much needed sleep.

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