Saturday, March 2, 2019

Saturday in the Hood - Texas Independence Day

I'm channeling Chicago today and the title of this post is a nice little melody in my ear.  February was a WHIRLWIND month for me and I'm thrilled to have a weekend with my sweetheart.  I think he's ready as well and has several great ideas --- starting with coffee.  Now, how is it that my great mood can be altered by the crazy selfishness of others?  My PET PEEVE at coffee shops is when others take up residency at a table that would hold four people.  They stay there all day and drink one cup of coffee, maybe two.  Not only is it inconsiderate to other customers, but terribly disrespectful to the owners of the shop.  I know, I know --- I'm old, but still.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Surprise!! Jen, Jared, and Josh Visit Brazos

Surprise!!!  I turn around at quilt retreat and my daughter is standing there. Right behind her are Jared and Josh.  What a fun treat.  Once Jen says hi to everyone, we are off for a bit of fun.  They boys have never been here and since it's full of animals, there is a lot to see.

The donkeys are first up and Jen has cut some apples to share with them.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Mister Turns 60 - Party Time


Okay, okay.  I know it's not really his birthday yet, but I will be out of town on the actual date so we are celebrating today.  I have sent out some invitations and just about everyone I invited is attending.  Very fun.  We are bringing together a mix of old and new friends, along with memories all along the way.

Red Hat Valentine's and a Contest

Live, Laugh, and Love was the theme of my quilt retreat last weekend and with Valentine's upon us, it seems fitting to carry it right on through.

I am not absolutely sure that I will attend today's Red Hat event as I have really missed my sweetheart and it's the last weekend I have with him for awhile.  It's also his birthday party this afternoon and I still have things to do for that.  However, the idea of fun with my Red Hat Sisters wins and now I'm racing to put together a hat for the contest.  Someone mentioned just adding hearts to a hat and for some reason my mind just opens and everywhere I look I spot something I can use.

Morning Visitor

As I walked into the den this morning, I just happened to peek out the back door.  We have a visitor and I know these aren't the best pictures but by the time I got closer, he/she saw me and took off for another roost.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

A New Smile

Seven months and eleven days in the making.  I have a new smile.  Here's to a better 7 months.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

District 9 - A New Neighborhood Spot

I've been out of town for the past 11 days and during this time Mister must have spent some time looking for a new spot to visit.  As luck would have it, he found one right in our own neck of the woods.

District 9 --- no, not either of the movies that come to mind --- is a new brewpub with a German flair.