Sunday, December 7, 2014

Back to the Arboretum with Bob and Friends

Our nephew is attending UD as a freshman this year and while we were together for his birthday dinner, I mentioned to him that if he wanted to go to the Arboretum to see the 12 Days of Christmas (see this link for pictures) gazebos in the garden, I would be more than happy to take him.  He called this week and asked to go today along with a couple of friends.  It's a cool day out, but I never turn down an opportunity to go to the gardens.  Come along and watch these college kids enjoy themselves in the beauty of the Arboretum.

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.  Does that hold true here?

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Carrollton Soccer With Jon

We are so lucky to be close enough to family to share in fun moments.  Today we have the chance to watch a grandson play soccer, so after meeting my friends in McKinney, we head to Babe's in Carrollton to meet up with Jen, Louis, Josh, and Jon.  After lunch, we are off to watch Jon play some soccer.  It's been awhile since we have had this chance and I am looking forward to it.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Zoo and Family Fun

Today is our last day with everyone for awhile and we are off to a slow start.  Everyone sleeps in just a bit except Mister and the oldest boys.  They have asked to go to the coffee shop and soon are one their way while everyone else sleeps.

Bekah has another game this afternoon so after I get everyone fed --- everyone packs up and we are going to try and get in a trip to the zoo before going to the game.  Right as everyone is getting ready to go, my stomach does it's thing and I have to be left behind.  So sad.  Mister takes everyone onto the zoo though for some fun and the opportunity to see the new baby giraffe.  Lucky them.

November Quilt Update

LINK to Our Quilt World Facebook Group.  Come be a part of us.

I have moved the previous posts to the end of the entry.  I hope that you make it that far.

Goals:  I have retreat this month --- YAY! -----  AND Black Friday with the start of the mystery quilt -- WOOT!!  ---PLUS time with family for Thanksgiving so scheduling is interesting but we'll give it a shot.

Roll Quilt - nope -- should take this off list until Jan
UFO - Ceramic Tea Set - nope -- dang, really need to get this one done or it is going to become a birthday gift instead
Sandwich, quilt, and bind My Favorite Things (MFT) quilt - yes
Wanderlust (W) Blocks (28 full plus half blocks) - yes
Mark, sandwich, quilt, and bind Sew Squared (SS) quilt  - nope but Mister did get the templates made
Sandwich, quilt, bind, and make label for Scrappy Bargello (SB) quilt - yes
Sandwich, quilt, and bind Virginia Bound (VB) quilt - yes
Quilt, and bind Lazy Sunday (LS) quilt - yes
Mark, sandwich, quilt, and bind Peaceful Paisley (PP) quilt - yes
Bookmarks finished - on hold til Jan
Round Robin (RR) blocks (14) pattern and fabrics selected
Clue #1 Grand Illusion (GI) Mystery Quilt worked on - yes - all cut and ready to sew
Wedding Quilt (WQ) blocks prepared, sashings cut, backing/label made, borders cut, binding made - yes
Finish sewing mats - yes

Finish any remaining Wanderlust (W) half blocks, do border blocks, and set yes
Set, sandwich, quilt and bind Wedding Quilt (WQ) yes
Make sewing mats - 4 finished, 2 close
Any bindings that need to be hand-stitched as well - worked on PP
Debone all remaining shirts in basket - yes - 12 completed

1st -  OMG It's November!  Hang on for one heck of a month.  I give myself a HUGE talking to this morning when I realize just how long my list is and how little time I have.  There is just no room for lazing around.  Get with it girl.  It's Saturday, which means I am devoted to my sweetie for today and tomorrow.  I won't change that as I have learned the hard way in life where my priorities need to be.  Mister and I go shopping for the materials to refinish my Featherweight table.  I appreciate so much that he is working on this for me.  He is also making me a Big Board!  I am one lucky girl.  Matt sent me a picture from Hyrum's birthday party of him with his quilt.  Makes my heart feel good.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Soccer - Haircuts - Josh's Bday -- Last Quilt is Delivered - Whew

Okay everyone -- Up and at 'em.  We have a soccer game at 10:00 in Plano and must be out of the house by 8:30 to get Bekah there in time.  So, naturally, who do you think we are having the hardest time waking up?  Yep, that's right.  Under all of that red/black/white/grey lies our soccer player.  Let's go girl.  We get to the field and settle in for the game while the boys set up a card game.  How on earth can Jacob tell what is going on?  Game time.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Black Friday at the Arboretum - Then Soccer

Good morning!  I find my computer commandeered and crayons being put to use in the office.  It all works for me.  However, Miss Bekah has a soccer game this afternoon AND a football game tonight so it is definitely time to get up and going.  Mister has gone to work and the rest of us are going to the Arboretum to peek at the 12 Days of Christmas displays during the daytime.

Let's go.  Head em out.  Yes, that means you too.  Come on now.  Out to door.  Oh Goodness but we are a slow moving train.  Doesn't everyone look happy?

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving Family Time

I LOVE Thanksgiving.  Perhaps it is because I love the fall so much.  Perhaps it is because it is a holiday devoted to being thankful and not expecting anything except some yummy food.  There is no pressure of gifts or costumes or bonkers decorating.  It's just people getting together and sharing the love.  I have always wanted to be surrounded by family on this day and this year my house will be filled with the sounds of laughter and love.  Yep - I'm a content girl.

Mister is on his way to get his mother while I finish up some preparations.  I made the rolls last night but was disappointed in the way they turned out so I am quickly getting another dough going.  Now, it's time for company.  When Mom arrives, we set up a table for her to work at in the kitchen and promptly put her to work.  She is in charge of the relish tray and preparing the giblets for the gravy.  Less things for Mister and I to worry about.

My dough is ready to be punched down and shaped into rolls.  It feels good so hopefully it will turn out better today.