Saturday, January 13, 2024

One Week Into 2024 - Back in Montana - Week 1

 January has arrived and, with that auspicious statement, we are off to Montana once again.  Two weeks with family and enjoying winter.  At least that is the plan.  Once again, we have a flight in the wee hours, so Mister is sleeping on the plane.  Seriously, we left the house at 3:15 this morning.  We are NOT typically mask-wearers while traveling, but there are two people coughing right behind us and we are off to see Mom, so don't want to risk hauling something fun up there.  Masks on --- let's do battle.

Salt Lake comes into view - still dark out

But . . . a sunrise is beginning to appear.

We have a bit of time (never a lot, but got lucky and didn't have to change terminals this time - HATE SLC airport) so walked from one end of the terminal to the other.  Don't get me wrong, I don't mind walking.  I just dislike the way this airport is laid out and if you have a tight connection, I am not a huge fan of running.  A bit more sunrise out the east windows.

Inside - 

Still decorated for Christmas - today is Epiphany and for many, the last day of Christmas.  If I was staying home this month, my decorations would still be up as well.

Well, hello frozen tundra.  Yep, that's Montana.  We get picked up by my sister and her hubby, get some lunch at Cislo's Family Restaurant (yum) and made our way down to Mom's.  

7th - Good Morning!  I'm the first one awake and my view through the living room --- pretty colors and snow.  Mom's decorations are still up so that is my chore for today or tomorrow.

We've decided to brave the weather (in all honesty, it's just supposed to get worse each day) and go to breakfast in Bigfork.

The snow/ice on the car is crazy weird to me.  Little balls inside the snowflakes.

View of the lake on the way back home.

The Montana Grizzlies are in Frisco, TX playing in the FCS Championship.  Although it doesn't go well and South Dakota wins, it is cool they are there.  Meanwhile, I'm taking down Christmas while the game is on.

Here comes the snow.

8th - I have to go into Kalispell today for an appointment to get my tooth repaired.  That means Mister is out clearing the driveway.

At least the roads in town are nice.

While my tooth is repaired, I quickly go to Costco and the grocery store to grab a few items.  The sun is trying to make an appearance, but this is as good as it gets today.

Tooth fixed one hour later and back to the house.  We finished up the un-decorating by getting the tree down and the house put back in shape and then Sis and Joe came down for dinner.

9th - Winter - kinda.  Will it get worse?

I start working on a project the Mom got for Christmas and then Mister comes and finishes it up.  Way to go, my love.  Zach stopped down to visit for awhile and I'm so thankful for that time in his busy schedule.

10th - Not too much going on today.  Mister has to work and I'm just working on some projects I brought along.

11th -  More snow to wake up to.

I bet you're wondering just how cold it is.  Well, here ya go, BUT we are projected to get MUCH colder this week.  Why did we travel in January?

More snow means more work.  We've ordered a new tool to help with this, but it's not here yet.  Look close to see how much there is and it's still coming down.

Our Marshmallow Garden has begun.

Seven and a half inches just like that.

AND - temps are moving down.

12th -  When I finally crawl out of bed this morning, this is what greets me.

However, at least the snow has quit and the sun is out.

Crazy Mister has decided to go for a walk.  With the wind chill at -38, this is a brainy idea.

Yep, I'm looking for him in this temp.  The sun made it possible.

We notice some birds eating the white berries in the back yard and I've never seen this type of bird up here before.  They are all puffed up for the cold, but the variety in color is amazing.  Enjoy the pictures.

After much Googling, we've decided that these are Pine Grosbeak.  

Seriously, let's sit on the snow?

Mister and I went down to the Bonfire for Indian night dinner.  So yummy and great to be out, even though it's dang cold.  In fact, Mister grabbed the door handle without gloves and his thumb was numb for quite awhile, just with a quick touch.  Goodness.

13th - OMG!  It's been years since I saw this in person.  LOOK at the wind chill temp.  Hunker down time.

Believe it or not, we are having a family dinner tonight and I need to go and get the stuff for dessert.  That means a trip for Mister and I to Bigfork.  We drove down by the lake on the way ---- the steam coming off the lake due to the temperature is amazing.

Even more amazing --- there are geese out on the lake.  Hey guys, let's go for a swim, it's a nice day.

Brownies are made and family time begins.  Jill and Brock and kids are first to arrive.

It's fun to watch the cousins play.  Psst --- these are all great nieces and nephews.

It's a houseful.  Everyone in the pic except Joe and I.

Now, all but Mister who is taking the picture.


Dessert time --- brownies and ice cream all around.

So good to spend time with my nephew --- twice in one trip.  Perfect.  Well that's it for the first week.  Lots of weather and family.  Love it.

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