Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Girls Trip - Day 5 - Isla Roatan, Honduras

 Buenos Dias!  We are getting our feet on land today and I'm super stoked.  THIS day is why I booked this cruise.  Well, not completely truthful - turning Platinum was the main reason, but this itinerary was because of today.  Hello Isla Roatan.  The pilot boat is guiding us in as I arrive on the upper decks.

Ahh - it's quiet out here.  A chance for some more pictures to share.

Overlooking Lido pool area.

More Isla Roatan - beautiful island, along the second largest barrier reef in the world.

The area you see roped off is the free beach and I believe it is owned by Carnival.  Simply beautiful.

There's a story behind this.  Isn't there always?   You'll just have to go there to hear it, BUT I will share that it didn't happen where the ship is currently located.  Several storms have moved it closer to shore and it's not being removed for fear of damage to the reef.  My understanding is good scuba/snorkeling can happen around it.

Off we go --- here's a look back at our ship.  First better view - from the back.

We have a bit of time before our excursion leaves and so, after showing the girls the Del Sol shop (which we will return to before going back to the ship) and snag some color changing rings for free.  We are styling now.

Next, a vendor stop and the purchase of a couple of little bags to hold the "important" stuff.  I already have one and it already under my shirt per usual travel protocols.  Not trying to sound superior, I just have been taught well by my sweetie.

At the tour stop, I ask about the Top 10 tour (not the one we are taking) and discover that it includes the cameo factory, tequila factory, and large chocolate factory.  It's about five hours long and a definite for the next trip here.

The excursion time has arrived and we are off in our bus for some true special moments.  First stop is at AJ's where we will spend some time with various animals, including sloths.  Here we go:

We learn that the only way to determine sex in a sloth is to wait for the coloring to appear.  Males have the brighter color on their backs.

Let the holding begin and prepare yourself for a bunch of  pictures.  It is just too cool.  Gwen is first.

Then my turn comes and I'm in love instantly.

Wrong little guy - each time he turns away from the camera.


Simply the BEST!

Check this out.

Snack time - 

Just to prove Frieda was here - she didn't wish to hold.  I did manage to sneak in HER turn as well and hold these lovelies twice.  I. Am. So. Happy.

As we move to the next location, a pen of guinea pigs - I so remember having these when the kids were smaller.

Macaws are next.  I've never held one, but they are old hat to Gwen, who owns one.

We receive warnings on where to stand and are told to look up - understood. 

White-faced monkeys (Capuchin) are next up.  We enter their cage and they just land when they wish.

Check out the tongue.

This one just cracks me up.  Look at his face as he looks at the camera.  O. M. G.

A higher quality pic, just kidding.  Leaving out the peeps.

Back into the bus and onto Arch's Iguana and Marine Park.  This is an iguana sanctuary and, thus, they are protected here.  There are thousands of them in here, but we have a colder day, so not as many moving about.  It's doesn't stop us from having a great time.

As we walk though - a few are attempting to sun themselves.  They sure do blend in.

Mural and chickens - 

Ooooh, what a cool tree.

Near the water are some Tarpon hanging around.

Views from the edge of the property.

Mural - 

Coconut tree - my eyes are all over the place today.

Back to the iguanas - the reason we are here.  Feeding time.

Hey - what's up here?

Hmmmm - just more of the same.

Well, we are now finished with the animal portion of our excursion and are heading back towards the ship, but . . . 

Passing it - 

Last stop - the Macaw Market.  

There is a chocolate shop here and I want to get some chocolate and coffee for my sweetie.  I manage to score both.

Inside the chocolate shop.

My chocolate treasure (yes, I got coffee as well, but didn't get a picture).  Check out the flavors.  They did have them all in milk chocolate as well.  Oops, one is upside down.  It is what it is.

In the courtyard is a small bar and we are told that a "must have" is a Monkey LaLa.  Well, don't ask me twice.  Drinks all around.

There are little booths and I do manage to snag a pair of hand-painted earrings from the one Frieda is at.

The courtyard.

Our lovely bartender - 

On the far side of the bar --- BEST sign ever.

She kindly share with me exactly what is in my drink - about an ounce of each and then blended with ice.

Well, that's it --- back to the port and saying good-bye to our great guide.

Required proof that we are indeed here.  Psst - look close -- these are the earrings that I bought.

Sites on the way to the ship.  Mister loves these type of pictures.

Just like that, we are back on board.  I spot Kelly right after dropping my things in the room and give a holler from quite a distance.  (Psst - great drink and no food).  She instantly knows that food needs to happen.

Guys Burgers fills the need and I'm a happy girl.  Also quieter.

One more pic and back inside we go.  Sunken ships everywhere.

A stop and Pig and Anchor - pics to share with Mister.  Yes, there is a brewery on board.  No, I haven't had a beer.

Their beer menu - 

A few more scenes around the ship - 

Walking past the Carnival Kitchen, I want to remember what is available.  How cool is this?  I don't know about all the classes but the ones we signed up for were only $40 per person and you get to eat what you make.  Includes gratuity as well.  Seems like a great deal to me.

A stop at Dr. Inks all by my lonesome.  Trying the Sea Cucumber and it is soooo good.

Model of the ship

Dinner time - Pumpkin Soup and a Martini, followed by Cast Iron Bronzed Fish (bass) and finished up with a Cappuccino Pot de Creme.  Pretty happy with my whole meal, but it is all one side of the color wheel.

I missed our friend for today while he was on the bed.  Don't want him to feel forgotten.  That's it for a wonderful day!!!  We opted out of the night shows.  See ya tomorrow.

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