Friday, January 26, 2024

Girls Trip - Day 1

 Ahh - the BEST way to kick of a new year?  A trip with the girls.  For sure, for sure.  I am soooo excited to get this one underway.  Kelly has made the supreme effort to drive four hours just to give little old me a ride today.  There are days when having only one car bites, and today is one of them.  She arrived last night and after some sleep, we are ready to drive (once again, out of the way - oh, poor Kelly) to Frieda's for the night.  Let's get this party on the road - some stops may happen along the way.

There are five hours between these two pictures.  How was that time spent?  Well, 3.75 hours was actual driving to Brenham.  The rest?  A Goodwill stop (where I found a top and shoes for our Platinum night) and an antique shop (where a formal dress was located) - total expense for me was about $25.00.  I'm good with that.  Now to show something new to Kelly.

It's one dollar a scoop and they are HUGE!  Why did we get so much?  Well, to try different flavors.  If we don't eat it all -- we're not out that much.  So, so yummy and the Salted Caramel wins for both of us.  Thank you Blue Bell, it was the perfect stop.

By 5:15, we are finally making our way down Frieda's road.  It's pretty secluded.

Arrival!!!!!  Now for a tour of the house and some relax time while we wait for Gwen to arrive.

At this point, I got word that my grandson was in a skiing accident and things are pretty scary.  Now what do I do?  Mister and I make the decision for me to proceed and maybe we'll know more by the time we board the ship tomorrow.  I'm now on pins and needles.  Gwen is a bit late getting in, but we meet up with her at a local restaurant, have a nice dinner, and I purchase internet for the ship.  I had planned to go without, but with Ryan . . . . .   Finally, we hear from Amanda and they are going to life flight Ryan in the morning to Denver or SLC for surgery.  He's holding his own at the minute and we'll see how the night goes.  Well, I didn't plan on much sleep tonight, but for a different reason.  Pretty sure the pins got worse.  That's it for tonight.  See ya tomorrow, world - oh, and if you're the praying type, send one up for Ryan, okay?

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