Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Girls Trip - Day 6 - Mahahual (Costa Maya), Mexico

 What a beautiful morning!  It's another port day and today we are stopping in Costa Maya, which is simply the name of the port (and, again, pretty much owned by the cruise lines).  The town is Mahahual.  New to you?  Yep, me too and I've been to Costa Maya before. The last time was in 2005 and I was with a ton of family, so not venturing too far out.  I'm up before the sun again this morning and it's simply divine.

It gives me a chance to show a bit more of the ship - moon still out as well.

Serenity Deck - 

Main pool area on lido.

Here she comes - I've found a spot where the glass is a wee bit lower and I can get the lens between the panes.

Pretty quiet out here.

Coming up on the mainland.  A couple of ship are already in port.

This sitting area is perfect for watching us come into port as I've been told we will back in.  Told the girls where I am and they join after a bit.

We are moving further down the coastline - not where those other ships were.

AND - apparently, we are not backing in.  Ugh.  A quick walk to the side.

Sliding into place.  It is always fascinating to me that these big ships maneuver so well.

There ARE two other ships here right now.  Not the same two we originally saw, though.

View of the pier and the land beyond.

Off I go --- another excursion for us.  Gwen and Frieda have already left the ship as I discovered that my phone did not charge last night and I was giving it a boost so that I could take pictures today.  I think they worried about missing the excursion, but we have lots of time.

The water is BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Entering the "port town".

At this point, I arrive where the excursions are lining up, find the girls, and wait for another 20 minutes.  See why I wasn't worried?  Into the bus we go and we are off for our adventure.  This is our tour guide and he is sharing information of the area with us.  Telling us about some of the local foods - which at once time contained human meat.  Hmmm - not really boosting my appetite.

He then shares a legend of two trees found here.  I have heard this before when I came to this area for a cenote tour (here is the LINK to that wonderful adventure).  Back to the legend.

The Chechén and the Chacá are both poison and antidote. In the Yucatan Peninsula, you will find endemic species of trees and unique plants, among them these two trees with a very peculiar history. It is said that for every Chechén tree you will find a Chacá tree very close to it. Wherever a Chechén is located, a Chacá will keep him company...   In the mystical jungle of Quintana Roo, the legend of two Maya warrior princes is told. These two princes were brothers; Kinich and Tizic. Both had the same blood but were very different from each other. The younger brother was Kinich, a gentle and kind young man with all the people. Tizic, on the other hand, was the opposite of his brother; he was cold-hearted, ruthless, and arrogant. One day, Nicté-Ha appeared, a beautiful woman with the most beautiful heart and such a pure and gentle soul. The beautiful maiden conquered the hearts of both princes.  The brothers, realizing that they were both in love with the beautiful Nicté-Ha, decided to do battle to win her love. The gods were so angry that they covered the sky with dark clouds, and the moon was hidden during the entire battle.  This fight for love had a tragic outcome, both brothers died. It was truly a battle to the death, but neither could win the love of Nicté-Ha. They were so in love with this woman that when they arrived in the other world they asked the gods to see Nicté-Ha again.  The gods agreed and returned the brothers to earth in the form of trees. Tizic returned to earth in the form of a poisonous tree; the Chechén. With branches and leaves that burn the skin if you touch it or are near it. Kinich was reborn as the Chacá tree, a tree that cures all the toxic poison left by the Chacá. Nicté-Há died of sadness, after seeing the tragedy of the brothers. But when she arrived in the other world, the gods allowed her to be reborn in a beautiful white flower that is located near the water. 

That is why if you find a Chechen tree, you can be sure that there will also be a Chaca tree nearby that will cure all the evil that Tizic could cause.  Great legend, but truth that the trees are always together and one is poisonous and the other an antidote.  Crazy, right?

I don't think Frieda slept well last night.

Gwen and I are, however, ready to go.

After a 90 minute ride, we arrive at our destination.

Step one, restroom break, buy hats (yep, we decide it's a good idea and I go along as I left the one I brought back on the ship - smart right?), and load the bamboo rafts.  Gwen is up front, while Frieda and I take the back.

The water is crystal clear.

Gwen was supposed to take our picture, but we gave up and took a selfie --- hahahaha, she uses a facial recognition to get into her phone and the sunlight was working against her.  Goodness, I have a lot of chins in this pic.

She did finally get it working and we are off.

Mangroves that work as a filter for the water.  They are definitely doing their job.

Our guide - 

At the end of the channel, we enter Bacalar - the seven color lagoon.  It is simply stunning.

We do not go ashore, but stop the rafts and jump in.  Perfect.  The water is lovely and feels so nice.  Like our hats?

LOVE this pic.

I walk over to the edge of the sandbar and just look how beautiful.  Putting the camera down, we just enjoy the time here in the water.  We have at least 45 minutes and it is amazing.  I feel so refreshed (and perhaps a wee bit sunburned, but I did use sunscreen so it won't be too bad).

Back onto the rafts and THAT was entertaining, to say the least and I'm glad cameras were put away.  A tree with a termite next in it.  This is why  most trees are painted white at the base (see picture back at the top of this post).

Back down the channel we go - our raft driver is pretty shy and doesn't speak English.  I discovered this after he didn't respond to Gwen several times, so I asked.

Everything is just so beautiful and still --- it's pretty amazing.

Notice the white paint.

When we arrive back at the landing, a meal is served, restrooms used, and my hat is traded in as the girls noticed a tear in it before we even left.  Now, I have a tan hat.  Dang, liked the teal but it is what it is.

One last look at the area and then onto the bus I go.

Agave plants along the way - tequila is very big in Mexico, thus the plant is also rather abundant.

A peek at the Azul Cenote through the trees.  I've BEEN there.  It's all in the post I linked to above.  On that trip, we ferried over from Cozumel, whereas this time, we are driving up from Mahahual.

Here is a map showing that of which I speak, kinda:

A pineapple stop - we can't take fresh pineapples back on the ship so I ask for dried pineapple or pineapple candy.  Unbelievably, there is none to be found and they all look at me like I'm crazy.  They have dried plantains, but no pineapple.  So sad.  However, the displays are lovely.

Bird on a horse - never know what you'll see out a bus window.

We are returned to port in such a manner as to have to walk through ALL of the shops.  Of course we are.  That makes perfect sense from a business standpoint.  Each time we pass a local vendor with white dresses, I look.  They want an insane amount of money for a simple white dress.  Pass.

We found the flamingoes (and apparently there are dolphins here, too, but we missed them).

I'm trying not to pay attention to the shops and notice other things.  Another dress stop, still insane.  Pass again.

Right after this picture, I stopped one last time to ask about a white outfit - pants and top that look crazy comfortable.  Again I'm give a nutso price and walk away.  The vendor calls me back and asks why is everyone saying no.  I'm pretty blunt and tell him it's because his prices are way too high.  He has me make an offer and I go about $5 lower than I think is fair - he raises it the $5 I'm expecting and I have a new outfit.  I HATE this process and it shows when I do it.  Now, back to the ship and one final good-bye to Costa Maya.

There she is - notice the Texas Star on the front of her?

It's so pretty here.  Wish we could stay longer.

Pics for Mister.

My towel friend greeting me - quick clothes change takes place and I put the new white outfit on.  Yay!!!  It fits.

Now to find some food.  Big Chicken it is.

While I eat, I watch the sailaway of the other two ships.  Yes, we could have stayed on land longer, but . . . . .things happen.

Time to pick up the next barrels and I'm early.  Kush, the jeweler, sees me sitting quietly at a table and walks over.  I tell him I'm there for two barrels that I'm missing and he notices my emerald earrings that I have on.  Next thing I know (psst, the shop is not open as we are still in port) he has brought some jewelry out to me and I fall in love with an emerald palm tree necklace.  The price he gives makes me laugh and he pretty much cuts it in half and then mentions that I have a $200 coupon to take it down further.  Unbeknownst to him, the manager at the shop changed mine to $500 a few days ago as I was looking at jewelry.  NOW, I take the deal.  So pretty.

Necklace and barrels in hand and on neck and I'm off to the spa as I have a $50 coupon to use as a VFP award.  I think a manicure will work out nice.

Settling on a neutral pink - I'm happy with the results.

Now, off to dinner and then, as we are walking back, I have had a drink and am ready for some fun.  Picture stop.  A couple of them turned out pretty good.

Now for the night show - tonight it is - Soulbound.  Gwen, Frieda, and I are seated together and ready for fun.

Before the show begins, I notice some figures at the end of the stage.  It takes a minute, but I tell the girls that one is a real person.  They don't think so.

Yes, he is.  He's moved.  And then, he's gone.


This was a GREAT show.  Loved it all.  My favorite show is still the one I saw on the Legend last September (Epic Rock), but this was still wonderful.  That's it for today.  Another port day tomorrow so see you then.

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