Sunday, November 25, 2018

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Red Gap Brewing

On the way home from Abilene, Mister made a stop in Cisco, TX so that I could check out a local quilt shop. If you're even remotely interested in that, here's the LINK to the separate post.  At any rate, the shop is wonderful and we also spent some time walking down the main street to see all that it has to offer.  We even discovered the first Hilton Hotel is here and still standing.  Pretty cool although it is not any longer a hotel.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Texas Renaissance Festival - 3 Generations

My lovely granddaughter, Bekah, invited her mother and I to spend the day at the Texas Renaissance Festival in Todd Mission, TX.  Yeah, I didn't know where that was either, but it's just north of Houston.  Maybe northwest?  At any rate, this is the last weekend for it this year so I chose to go on Black Friday.  My sweet Mister has to work anyway, so it'll still leave the weekend free for us.

Since my son-in-law is deployed right now, Jen is on her own and still has four boys at home.  Once again, Mister to the rescue.  He decides he can work from home there, so we stayed over on Thanksgiving and now we are on this early morning jaunt to the festival, arriving right around 11 a.m.  Our first stop is at the costume shop, for to truly enjoy a renaissance fair, one must dress the part.  Now, let's go have some fun.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thanksgiving in Abilene

Mister was able to get off work around 2 and we left town immediately.  It STILL took us 2 hours to get to Weatherford.  Traffic was just not fun at all.

Now, we have open roads and are on the way to Abilene at a bit quicker pace.  Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and we are spending it with Jen and family.  Since a drive there early in the morning didn't seem that appealing, tonight we are able to watch the sunset and get a good night's sleep - we hope.  Just joking, I'm sure we'll sleep grand.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Fun With My Sweetie

Sundays are for us!  We try so hard to keep them that way.  Our morning ritual at White Rock Coffee starts out the day.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Hyrum and Zyra Return - Days 5 and 6 with Mom and Dad Too

These wonderful young people are opting for a quieter, closer to home day.  Words that make my heart sing.  However, tradition still must be upheld and that means a coffee shop visit is first up today.  It's a little chilly out so the walk is let go, but the visit is just as wonderful.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Hyrum and Zyra Return - Days 3 and 4

Hello to Day 3 with these treasures.  Saturday means no work for Grandpa and that means the whole day can be spent together.  My grands decided to save the zoo for a day when Grandpa could go too and today -- we are off bright and early for time with the animals.

We are making a beeline for the crocodiles as it is a member morning and the keeper talk starts any minute but a stop along the way to watch the penguins swim fits right in the route.

The keeper talk is really good and we even watch the feeding which only takes place every now and then.  These big guys just don't eat all that often.  I am so caught up in what I am learning that my camera stays put.  Oh well, trust me -- it was fun.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Hyrum and Zyra Return - Days 1 and 2

The house is clean, all the chores are finished and I'm oh so ready for time with some grandchildren.  It has been an extremely long year without them and I am super excited that is has worked out to have Hyrum and Zyra come visit for a few days.  Did I make that clear?  I am THRILLED!

In fact, I am so excited that I go to the airport super early even though their flight is delayed.  Up to the desk I go to get my pass in order to pick them up at the gate and, for the first time ever, have an attendant that is just not nice.  Apparently I look like a terrorist today and they have no concern over whether my son and his wife make their connection on -- even though it is on the same airline.  I have ALWAYS been able to go in to pick up kids.  After giving them my best logic, I am stuck in baggage waiting for the plane to land.  As soon as it does, I know that they will have about 10 minutes to drop the kids off, catch the Skylink, and make it to their gate in another terminal.  Not risky at all.  Argh.  I've texted all the information I can to my son and he lets me know when they are at the exit doors where I open the door, tick off the guard and stand firm until he send the kids into my waiting arms.  Crazy, but real.  At any rate, my babies are in my arms finally.

Grandpa is home working, but by the time we drive home, he is ready to call it a day and the kids have requested walking down to get pizza for dinner.  All requests must be met, of course.