Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Flowers for the Soul

The Dallas Arboretum stays open late on Wednesdays so Mister and I are off for an stroll and the chance for some evening light photograph opportunities.  Come along with us and enjoy the absolute wonder our eyes behold.

The current exhibition throughout the garden is "The Great Contributors" with it's magnificent bronze statures.  What a sheer delight they are.  You can check it out between now and the end of November.

The azaleas are in bloom too, leaving a color explosion  EVERYWHERE!!  I do so love this flower and wish we had the right soil at our house for them.  Alas, we do not.

I REALLY like these white ones.

The crepe myrtle rising from their midst.  Truly delightful.

We find a little spot that we have never checked out.  I know, it seems impossible right?  We what wonder do our eyes behold?  Absolutely divine iris.  All the colors you can imagine are blooming right along this fence.  Love.

Another wonder is this mulberry tree.

Mister standing next to it.  Oh I want one for the backyard.

Is that Gumby walking in front of me?


Japanese maples leafing out.  Yum.

Yes, I am guilty.  While Mister was photographing trees, I took a break.  Apparently the camera left the trees alone for a few seconds.

A girl's gotta answer retreat questions, doesn't she?  It was a quick check, I promise.  Time with my sweetie is at a premium and I don't like to give up very much of it.  He's way more important to me than anything else in life.  Isn't that how it is supposed to be?

Moving on . . .

Aha -- time to get even.

Well alright, I guess not.

Oh his eye --- Love it.  Reminds me of lips.

Nature's perfection.

Test gardens.  I think they are passing.

And this little beauty who kept leading us.  Perhaps AWAY from the nest?  We do not have robins in our yard for some reason, thus we thoroughly enjoy them here at the garden.

Thanks for spending our evening together.  Hope your day is filled with just as much beauty as ours.

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