Sunday, April 24, 2016

Exploring Johnson City and a stop at The Ranch.

Our big objective for today is to stop at Calais Winery and pick up our wine club bottles.  There is a caveat though . . . it doesn't open until after noon so we have the morning to kill.  We spent the night in Johnson City so let's explore the area a bit.  As we drive up by President Johnson's boyhood home, we see something called the Settlement Trail and decide to park the car and get out for a stroll to check it out.  Wanna come along?

As we go cross the creek and go through the gates to find the trail, what is the first thing we spot.  Bluebonnets, of course.  Ah, my heart.  I do so love these beautiful flowers.

After passing through a meadow, we come upon some beautiful longhorns.  Another Texas wonder that makes my heart jump with joy.  I absolutely love checking them out.  What do you suppose I see?  Look at this gorgeous specimen taking a delightful morning rest.  Or maybe it's just too early to get up still.  Who cares -- this is magnificent.

The pasture they are in contains thistles in full bloom as well.  I remember how much these purple flowers drove me nuts when I operated the landscaping company in Montana.

Here they seem to just look okay -- not sure about the cattle stepping on them though.

Oh yeah --- look close at them for a great amount of activity is taking place.  Yes, they fill a need.

Just past the cattle, we discover the beginning of the settlement buildings.  I feel as though I have stepped back in time and would love to stay all day.

Right after the windmill, I find the horse barn and guess what?  Yep, horses wander over to say hi.  Now here's something I will never be able to resist.  Nose pets and perhaps a treat.  Ah, my youth comes back in a flash --- my cousin's horses were one of the bright spots.

It's time to move on.  What treasures will I find next as I stroll around this magical place.  Can you picture me in a long dress going about my chores?  For some reason, I can.

Mister falls behind me as his photographic eye is able to see things that I miss most of the time.  Yes, he does take pictures of things other than my backside.  Hahahaha

Love how the cactus finds a way in the stone wall.

Oooh, oooh, oooh -- I've found the cabin of Sam and Eliza Johnson -- President Johnson's grandparents.  It's just sitting here filled with wonder for us to see.  There is also an audio that plays and tells the story of how Eliza survived an Indian attack on the place.  Don'tcha just love history?

The next building is the visitor center where Mister finds time to enjoy a rocker.  Yep, we need some of these at home.  It's time to head back through the meadow again and as we do, I spot some plants that are just dang cool.  I should look up what it is before posting this, but I'm just too lazy tonight.

That was a super cool stop but we still have a lot of time to kill.  Where next?  Mister suggests keeping the Johnson theme going so we are aiming for the LBJ State Park and Historic Site.  After checking in at the visitor center, we discover that they have an authentic living history farm on the site so the Sauer-Beckmann Farmstead is our first destination.  A lovely trail leads us to the gate and once we open it, poultry greets us from both inside and outside the pens.  Chickens are everywhere and the turkeys do not appear to be very shy either.

As we head into the buildings (yes, we get to go INSIDE the buildings without being roped off at any point) my eyes are on overload.  This is indeed a happy place for me.  Mister and I find one item that we don't have any idea what it is.  Yes, time for some research.

Someone's watching me.

As I enter the kitchen, the smells are just so amazing.  Someone has been in here recently and whatever they made has to taste divine.  It turns out that it is an egg pie and it is in the warmer at the top of the oven.

I must admit.  I would like a piece.  As I wander around, I see this lovely seat cushion on the chair.  Yay --- fabric scraps put to a good use also make my heart sing.

The bedroom is lovely and has a sewing machine -- of course.

The story goes that as the family grew, so did the house.  The living room is absolutely lovely.

The time at the farm goes too quick for me but others are behind us and it is time to move on.  Since we still have time and are right next door to the Johnson Ranch, that is our next stop.

As we drive the roads of the ranch, we come upon a cemetery that has the graves of both President and Lady Bird Johnson.  I did not know that they were buried here.  For some reason I held the belief that they were in Arlington with several other presidents even though I couldn't remember seeing them there.  A quick stop for a quiet moment and we are on our way again.

President Johnson's Air Force One is here and I try to get Mister to play with a picture.  He just doesn't play well sometimes so this is the best I could get.

It's finally after noon so we opt out of touring the The Texas White House - gotta leave something for the next time we are down here - and head towards Hye and Calais Winery.  It's time to pick up the wine and start the trek back home as our little weekend is coming to an end.

Benjamin takes time to visit with us and after a nice wine tasting, we are on our way home.

We need to plan another weekend away -- SOON.

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