Saturday, April 23, 2016

Blanco, Texas - Home of Real Ale

Mister decided to take a road trip this weekend down towards the Hill Country.  Just say the words "Hill Country" and I am on board.  We make it to Blanco, Texas where Real Ale is brewed and a stop is definitely required.  The last time we had dinner with Brent, we said we needed to make it down there and for some reason it has taken us forever to do it.  But that all changes now.  We are HERE.

It's time to go inside.  Oh, and NO -- we are not doing a brewery tour again -- just enjoying a wonderful product.  Or two, or three.  Hmmm.  We DO still need to drive today.

The brewery!!!

We have a great time at the stop and realize AGAIN why we love this product.

They've been doing this IN TEXAS for 20 years.  I think they have got it right and I LOVE that it stays in Texas, is family owned and operated, and will NEVER be mass marketed as long as it remains under family control.  Oh yes, the big guys want to buy it, but Brent is holding strong.  Until our next visit, ta ta for now.

Since we are in Blanco, we check out the town square for my courthouse picture collection and even take in an antique shop or two.  If you follow my quilt blog, all the picture from those shops are in the April Update post.

Love, love, love the city hall.  There's just something to be said in these two pictures.

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