Friday, April 22, 2016

Artscape and Dinner with Family

Mister has tickets to Artscape at the Arboretum tonight so we are meeting up with his brother and sister-in-law for a fun family evening.

Artscape is a very small art festival held on the garden grounds.  The cool thing about it is that the vendors are usually different from the regular festivals and thus, much more hands on.  Two booths especially catch my eye enough to watch, watch, watch.  First up:  weaving.  Oh my.  I would love to have this talent in my arsenal.  And the beauty of her work is simply breathtaking.

The next booth to stop me in my tracks has the same effect on Mister and his brother.  They are determined to completely understand the workings of the spinning wheel we come upon.

The spinner is more than willing to explain everything to them as she demonstrates how she makes her yarn.  Again --- another desired arsenal builder.

Oh my -- what a lot of work she does to create her craft.

As with the first vendor, the finished product is remarkable.  All with hand spun yarn.  I am bowing down in complete admiration.

After all booths have been oohed and aahed over, we move on to a stroll through the gardens.  This NEVER gets old for me.  I could come here every day and see something new.  Today?  Well dang if the rose garden has not burst into a glorious splendor.

And the aroma?  I am in heaven.

Oh my.  Wedding anyone?

Yep, the obligatory family shot.  Don't the brothers look alike?

This could be a advertisement picture.  Wouldn't you go there?

Red Maple Rill --- still in color.

Well hello there.

Photography runs in the family.  Not obvious at all.

I just want to drink it all in.  What a lovely evening all around, both natural and with the help of man.

Mister's family has not been to the Arboretum in years so much of it is new to them.  It's so fun to show people around and watch their eyes light up.  I am, indeed, thankful to have this soul lifting place right in my 'hood.

Fountains!  I do love fountains.  Any and all of them.

Oh my heart.  This incredible area is filled with Delphinium.  I used to have these in my yard in Montana and loved them so very much.  I still do apparently as I stood and soaked them in for as long as everyone would let me.

Our evening at the garden has come to close and we are off to a yummy dinner at Cane Rosso.  Yep, I get to go again and absolutely never tire of it.

When we arrive, they are packed.  Go figure, it's a Friday night at 7.  What shall we do while we wait?  Well hot dog.  There is a brewery right next door where I fall in love with their Cafe au Lait Milk Stout.  Oh my.  See ya in the funny papers.  Signing out now.

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