Friday, August 8, 2014

Montana Grands - Days 7 & 8 (Texas Grands Too)

7th - Good morning!  We are a bit tired today so have made a decision to have a quiet day.  We won't be going anywhere overly active as we all need a down day.  Now that is not to say we will do "nothing."  After breakfast and dressing, a walk at the lake seems in order.  It is a pretty day and the weather is supposed to change tonight.  Let's take advantage.

We drive down to a parking area near the boat docks.  Within moments, the kids spot a couple of ducks sitting out on a piece of wood.  Good start.  I wonder what else we will see today.

I love the lake.  Perhaps it is a throwback from living on a lake in Bigfork but the calm here resides deep within me.  The sounds of the wildfowl mixed with the occasional hum of a bicycle tire on the road and a few giggles from children thrown in all add to the pleasure for me.  It's so incredible to me that I live in the middle of a VERY large city and yet this is only 5 minutes from my house.
The piers are beckoning ahead and as we get closer they both want to know if they can go out there.  Of course.

Continuing toward the bathhouse, Mister spots some cool spider webs and everyone takes the time to see if they can find the occupant.  Success.

We locate a park bench to sit a spell on.  Right below it is a snakeskin recently left behind during shedding.  Naturally we need to take the time to look at it and talk about the process.  No, the snake is not still here.

A little further down we find the perfect bench to sit and have a snack while watching the lake.  There is a beautiful breeze and White Rock doesn't allow motorized water vehicles so the only sound is nature itself.  However, there is boating and it is beautiful in and of itself.  I want so badly to do this sometime.  I show the kids my wish.  Ah, a beautiful sailboat.  We watch for awhile as it goes the distance of the lake and back again.  How peaceful.

Grandpa is ready to head back so we start the walk towards the car, finding play spots along the way.  A forked tree turns out to be just such a perfect place and I unceremoniously lift Zyra into the tree.  Great capture here Grandpa.  As she is getting into place, Hyrum comes from the other, much easier side.  I know, I seem to always do things the hard way.  Such is my personality.

Arriving back at the car, we discover that the water nearby is now occupied by several ducks.  Hyrum runs to take a closer look.

I let him take several pictures today, but this one --- well he did quite well with it I think.

What fun --- this morning is just what I needed to replenish and move forward.  We are spending the rest of the day in quiet mode as well.  Movies and toys for the afternoon  I love how the decor in the living room has changed.  Way, way, way too cute.  Grandpa and Hyrum go to Fry's for awhile to enjoy the technology while Zyra and I work on dinner.

 As soon as we finish, the boys return, dinner and baths are done and then . . . a storm hits and after sitting on the porch watching the lightning and rain for awhile we lose power.  Well, now what?  Oh, of course.  Flashlights for entertainment.  And yes, it works beautifully. (Yep, I have laundry going as well.  Fun, fun.)  Great ending for the day.

8th - Good morning Grandpa!  May I snuggle with you?  Who turns that down?  Certainly not Mister.  After breakfast, Hyrum convinces Grandpa that he should be able to watch Sonic X for awhile since we are not leaving for a couple of hours to go visit Grandma Hayter.  He settles in and since I need to work on the bears for Ophelia, Zyra grabs a t-shirt and joins in.  I need all the help I can get so she works on the base coat with me until she thinks we are finished and then wishes to paint on paper while I "finish."  (Pay no attention to the toys scattered EVERYWHERE -- our house is a kid zone right now.)

We get the base coat on the bears and it is time to get ready to go pick up Great-Grandma for lunch and then some fun time.  They are both so excited but Hyrum's comment that, "I love her house.  It's so big and has an elevator," just makes both of us big people smile.  I am gathering swim suits, towels, sunscreen, and other necessary items so Grandpa takes over with Zyra's hair.  I think this is a first in his life.  Very cool.

As we arrive in Irving, Mister makes a stop at the grocery store to get some "bulky" items for Mom and save her the trouble during her weekly shopping trip.  No one else wants to get out of the car so I find a Looney Tunes/Bugs Bunny show to watch via YouTube on my phone.  This is a first for me as well.  I usually avoid using technology this way but it definitely makes the time go by faster while we wait.

Next stop is to pick up Mom for lunch.  We are off to the Pho place and I am looking forward to some yummy soup.  Let's hope these two youngsters are ready to try something new.  It appears they are.  LOVE these pictures.

After lunch, it is back to Grandma's house for some water fun.  We get changed and walk down to the pool.  At first both of these treasures are absolutely terrified to let go of us even a little bit.  They hold on and almost choke the life out of us.

This doesn't last long though as we explain that we will never let anything happen to them and they need to trust us.  We PROMISE to catch and hold them if they try what we are asking.  Without hesitation, they start doing as asked and the change is phenomenal.  I cannot comprehend how ready to learn they are.  Oh, they definitely need swim lessons.  Are you paying attention Mom?  Check out these memories from the day.

In the 5 foot section of the pool there is a small waterfall that empties into the main water.  Hyrum has figured out that he can navigate the pool on his own in this area by holding onto the side and he gallantly goes through the waterfall each time holding his head back out of the water.

Sister, on the other hand, goes right through without a thought about the drenching she is getting.

We practice jumping into waiting arms and then floating on both stomachs and backs.

Before long, they are able to go underwater and "swim" to one of us.  They are both so excited about all that they have learned and cannot wait to show Mom and Dad so we make a little video to quickly send.  Instantly we get feedback from Becca --- she is now worrying.  No need Momma --- we have things completely under control here.  Lots of fun and laughter for over two hours in the water.  They wear us both out and we finally have to call it a day.

Back up at Grandma's, the kids are given a really cool gift by another of the residents.  After everyone is dry and changed, we take the time to check it out and there are smiles everywhere.  They cannot wait to take it back to the house and use their LEGOS with it.  I am sure there will be great creativity flowing once they are able to do just that.

A quick picture with Great Grandma - what a fun day.

And an exhausting one.  We have to leave as we are meeting Jen and kids in Fort Worth around 4:30 and have a small drive still.  We manage to hit 5:00 traffic and our charges in the back seat prove that swimming is indeed very tiring.  I am glad they are resting though since they will be going full speed once we meet up with the cousins.

Traffic!  Ugh!  It takes us longer than we want to get to Cowtown, but we finally make it and have to wake up our little charges upon arrival.  As soon as they realize we are meeting cousins, well let's just say they were gone in a flash.  Are they tired of old people?

Check out my grandsons -- oh goodness they are growing up.  They both tower over me now and the voices are so fun to listen to.  Jon, especially, has dropped an octave and it takes some getting used to.

A quick pet on the longhorn and since we don't really have a plan from here, we take a walk down the main street a couple of times before actually making a decision

The area is shutting down for the evening and I am so surprised.  I don't really understand why.  There are still people everywhere and a rodeo tonight as well.  It would make sense to keep things hopping in this area at least until the rodeo starts.  So odd.

We have now come to a standstill and a decision must be made.  Boredom is setting in quickly.

I've got it --- back down the street, stop and see the longhorns/horses and then to the candy store.  Yep -- that's a plan.  Now we're cooking.

The overhead lookouts are accessed through a very old gate and my 6 year olds disappear like lightning once they are through.  I've got to walk quickly to catch up.

From above, we can check out the livestock and roast in the sun all at once.  Was I claiming credit for this idea?  Oh my, it is warm up here - but I do like the view.

Jen and Mister stayed down below --- hmmn -- it appears that the old lady is left to keep up with the younger set.

Zyra has latched onto Jared and he is her new best friend.  She does not want to lose track of him and the two of them decide to find as many feathers as possible for Bekah.  Lucky her.

It is time for candy.  Grandpa picks up Josh so Jon grabs Hyrum and they are both recipients of shoulder rides down to the candy store.  There are days when I wish I was that small again.

Once in the candy store, each one is told how much they can get and off they go.  Grandpa, meanwhile, finds the perfect spot to stand and basks in the air conditioning.  He is not moving.  I have told each of the kids that they can select 10 pieces of candy and they are thrilled and eager to see what they can find.  Zyra is my chocolate freak and once she spots the coins and Reeses cups, she is finished.  Hyrum is not far behind but has added a little more variety to his purchase.

While Bekah and Jen pop into a store next door --- Grandpa pays attention to what the others are doing and catches this moment.  Perfect.

Bekah comes out of the store and oh my goodness --- the look she gives Grandpa when he asks her to join the picture.  Wow.

We are now off to the water gardens for some fun before dinner.  I love how eyes light up when we go here.  The last time Hyrum was here, he was really small --- first time for Zyra so let the fun begin.  As for the others, well I'm pretty sure Josh and Jared don't remember it either.  The others probably do.  Down we go.

The place is packed on our way down and then suddenly everyone is gone and we have the bowl all to ourselves.

For someone like me who loves water fountains -- this is pretty dang close to heaven

I grab a picture of Hyrum as he is going around the base.  He stops beside me after his first round and calmly says, "there should be a fence down here."  And then he takes off running again with me close behind.  We wouldn't need a fence if he would WALK.

And the participation award goes to?

I look up and Mister has drawn a crowd around him.  They are deep in conversation which I later find out is about religion.  Someone was trying to "save" Mister.  Oh they had no idea the can of worms that opens.  I may giggle all night about this.

We leave him there and move on to the next few water features.

For some reason I didn't get a picture of the second feature, just these gorgeous grands.  Do they like it?  One can never be totally sure.  Moving right along to the third one --- it is humid here.  AND some of us are getting hungry --- can you spot the one?

These two are never far apart.

Here is Aunt Jen telling Hyrum that if he throws a coin in the water and makes a wish it will come true.  I overhear part of it as I am walking by and suggest that he wish for dinner or some ice cream.  Oh my heck no, he wishes for a Transformer and throws his coin.  When it doesn't turn into the toy --- he is devastated.  I am not exaggerating.  Tears and heartbreak all the way back to the car with me.  Meanwhile a few steps back, Jen is rapidly calling her brother to have him somehow make this all better in a few days.  Oh my.

A quick climb on the wall and it is time to go.

Even I am hungry now.  Also, Jen needs to get this crew back to Abilene tonight and that is almost 3 hours away.  Time to get the show on the road.

IHOP is the destination for dinner and all I can say is "what a zoo."  We did have a chance to visit for awhile though and I enjoyed having so many grands along with my beautiful daughter for the day.  What fun.  This has been one very full day.

It is late when we arrive home and there is not even a peep about staying up.  Everyone is off to bed.  Night.

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