Monday, August 4, 2014

Montana Grands - Days 3 & 4

3rd - Good morning.  The wristbands are being lit up this morning after a quick lesson in holding them under my quilt lamp.  This is followed with a dart into the laundry room to sink them into darkness and watch them glow.  I cannot believe how long this entertainment lasts.  These two play so well together that it is almost shocking.

We are having another beautiful day in Dallas which makes us want to get going and have some fun.  After breakfast, everyone gets dressed and we are soon on our way to the Children's Garden at the Dallas Arboretum for some fun.

I think all the northern grands have now made this stop and so far it has been a bit hit.  Heres to hoping today will be magical as well.

We arrive just before it opens thus providing us with an opportunity for a couple of nice photographs.  We strike it rich as they are both in the mood to do this and it only takes a couple of shots for a perfect one or two.  Yay.  It's a good omen.

The clock strikes 9 and we are off and running.  Literally.

First stop is as usual.  The tree house and some playtime on the nets.  I love the feel of being up here and so do all the grands.  These two are no exception.  Our time is cut short though as Grandpa wants to get to the water features before the gardens fill up and become crowded.  We promise to return here and are soon on our way across the bridge.  First glace at the water has them both standing in awe.  "Do we get to go down there?"  Yep -- let's go.

Zyra and I take a quick moment to look through the telescopes and see all the different areas of the garden.  She spots several places that she wants to go to.  Oh goodness, Grandpa and Hyrum are looking at us like, "Come on."  (By the way either she is getting heavy or I am getting weak.  Hmmn)

Water time!

My turn with the camera.

Oh the giggles that came from in the wind machine.  Check out Missy's hair.  Too funny.

A moment of beauty captured in time.  I love this place so much.

Onto the next area.  At the kaleidoscope they work together as a team taking turns and helping each other to see all the different shapes.  Again, so awesome together and Hyrum is such a gentleman with his little sister.  It is heartwarming to watch.  Once they learn how the wheels work, the one working them would say to the one watching, "should be blue/green (or whatever color) now."  This is probably high on my fav list here.

Some time at the pendulum:

We stop for awhile at the play area as they explore around them by building and learning a few things about nature and science.  When the attention span in this section starts to diminish, we make a decision to stop in the education center for a bit of a change.

There is a lesson being provided near the globe and both of them sit and listen for over 20 minutes AND offer answers to the questions.  It's indeed fun to watch.

Time for a snack before the final section.  It's starting to warm up outside and that is our signal to head back home for lunch and afternoon activities.  However, there is one more section to explore first.  THE MAZE!  We found this last time and I love it.  Hyrum assumed the lead to find our way out.  He is successful so a promise made needs to be a promise kept.  Back to the treehouse for some climbing fun.  (Don't panic Mom when you see these.  There is also a net over the top of them.  He cannot go over the top.)

I hear the cries for water as we are leaving the garden, so a quick stop to replenish before getting into the car.  Time to go home.

After lunch, it is Hyrum's turn to pick a movie and he gets a little bummed when I tell him that it cannot be Sonic X.  That is for his time in the evenings.  They settle on the Muppet's Pirate Movie for today and I sit and sew next to them.  A great way to relax after walking all morning.

After the movie, I ask who wants to bake cookies and they both do UNTIL I hand out aprons.  Then THIS is my grandson.  He would rather not help than put on one of "those."  Even Grandpa wearing one does not change his mind.

Zyra and I get all the ingredients ready while brother decides if he is going to help.  I finally throw my hands up and let him just not wear the apron.  Even showing him pictures of BOY cousins doing so does not impact his decision.  It is always fun to learn how to crack eggs without getting any shell in.  Measuring without spilling is another challenge, but mastery is not far away.  (Only about 50 years as I still spill when baking.) Soon we are all busy mixing away, taking turns as always.

Time for the best part --- the chocolate chips.

Only one wants to lick things clean.  But ALL three want cookies as soon as they are barely cool.  Ah -- makes me feel good to see them enjoying so much.  Grandpa is threatening to take Hyrum's' cookie.  I can't snap pictures quick enough but he does get it out of the way rather fast.

We decide to walk down to Northwest Highway for pizza as tonight's dinner.  While waiting for Grandpa and Gammy, Hyrum locks himself between the glass doors.  Never ending creativity around here.

After walking all the way to Tony's, we discover that they are closed on Sundays.  Grrrrr.  Well, since Albertson's is in the same parking lot, we stop for supplies to make tacos for dinner instead.  Movies in shopping carts --- what will they think of next?  And no, we did not use these.  They just hung out here with Grandpa while I ran made my purchase.

The rest of our evening is spent with dinner, baths, and some games of Go Fish.  Oh, and chocolate chip cookies for a treat.  Night.

4th -  When asked if anyone wanted to go on a train ride, we received two loud yes'.  Today's adventure will now be riding the DART down to the Children's Aquarium.  I actually love riding the train and am thankful to have it around.  I wish more people in the city took advantage of it but it is definitely gaining popularity.  A few years ago the cars were much emptier than they are this year.  We grab spots at the front of the train so the kids can watch out the front windows and see where we are going.

Once the transfer is made, they sit and watch for awhile.  Where did Hyrum's hat go?

We arrive down at Fair Park and Hyrum once again takes the lead.  He loves being out front and seeing everything first.

The fountain is extra pretty today.  As I catch up to Hyrum, I stop for a quick picture of it.  I do adore fountains.  I do, I do, I do.

About 10 minutes later, we arrive at the Aquarium and they are already talking about what they remember from the last trip here.  It is straight to the back section for them.  Sharks, and turtles, and stingrays, oh my.

We cannot wait to get our hands into the water.  No fear this year at all.

There are a few of the stingrays that love the attention and petting.  If you don't pet them as they stop by, they will splash you and one has just managed to get Hyrum rather wet.  I cannot help but laugh.

I think we stay down in this area for about 30 minutes with them going back and forth from side to side and then over to the turtle and back again.  I simply sit down and let them love life.

For a break, we decide to see the other parts of the aquarium.  I know, makes sense right?

The touch tank is not very active today and interest is lost quickly, BUT the albino alligator rapidly makes up for it.  Total fascination is taking place here.

The eels are playing in the tubes and sliding everywhere.  This holds EVERYONE'S attention for a very long time.

Walking Batfish.  What an odd item.  The way they  hold completely still and extend a little lure to catch prey.  Amazing.  Zyra is not at all sure about them.

We take a snack break and then it is back to the stingrays for round two.  Did you expect anything else?  Gotta wash again.

And let the fun begin for the second time.

We have a request to feed them and after extracting promises that they will indeed do it, Grandpa goes and gets the food.

They both do a great job and leave 4 rays much  happier.

It is almost time to go although neither one is even beginning to want to.  We do have to get back up to the train still and it is definitely heating up outside.  Say good-bye to the stingrays and let's boogie.

We stop outside for a quick picture, but the sun is hot and in their eyes and well that's how it goes sometimes.

There are a few play spots on the way back, but sad to say that suddenly the walkways over the lagoon have been fenced in.  This frustrates me to no end as I, along with the kids, loved to walk them and look for turtles.  It's hard for me to be nice about this.

"Why do I have to sit here?"

Within moments, Hyrum is off and running.  Mister grabs Zyra and they are off as well.  I think we are running late for the bus as I am quickly left in the dust.  Goodness.

We get there just in time.  Only a couple minutes to spare.  You can tell that Hyrum ran the whole way.  Look at those pink cheeks.  What a happy camper.

We make the exchange downtown and while we are waiting, a wasp stings Hyrum's foot just as we are about to board.  Ugh.  It doesn't really get the stinger in very far and he pulls it out right away, but as he sits down I can see his eyes tear up.  I have NOTHING but a cold water bottle so I put that on his foot and he fights to not cry.  He does very well and once the initial burst of pain is over, we can check it and see that the sting is just barely there.  It will be okay and by the time we get to our station, he is ready to walk again.  What a trooper.  His sister, on the other hand, has a blast riding the train home.

The birds are begging for food when we arrive so a quick stop is made to make them happy before going into the house.

Lunch and then quiet time -- Zyra is kind and chooses a movie called Dragon Guardians for their afternoon quiet time.

Okay -- shall we try the pizza thing again?  We KNOW it is open tonight so off we go on foot again.  I think they know the way themselves now.  I am laughing so hard at the look Hyrum gives this pizza.  It does look huge for sure.  Everyone digs right in and the table becomes very quiet.  Ah -- a sign that the food is yummy.

It has been a long day and once Zyra is finished with her dinner, she announces that she is ready for bed.  Seriously -- it is about 7:30 and she is done in.

What a fun day.  I end it sewing while Hyrum watches a couple of his Sonic X episodes.  See ya'll tomorrow.

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