Sunday, August 17, 2014

Fun With Jared - Days 1 & 2

16th -  We are picking up Jared today to have some fun together for a few days.  It is a "halfway" pickup and a new road for us to explore.  Maybe we will spot some places to put on the list for future trips towards Abilene.  We meet Louis just past Weatherford (which I now remember for the peach festival and bike ride that Mister was in and I think he is even wearing that shirt today - too funny.)

We visit for a few minutes and then make the return trip to Dallas.  As we go through downtown, Mister asks if I want to stop at the Farmer's Market and pick up a few things.  Naturally, I say yes.

Samples are always the best and Jared tries a melon that is new to all of us - a Sweet Golden Honeydew.  It's good but doesn't wow us.

They have a great deal on raspberries and strawberries so we pick out several boxes and plan to make some jam tomorrow.  Oh yum.

Next stop is the grocery store as we are running quite low.  Jared and I play a game with the cart in which he stands on the front and tries to reach out and add things to the basket as we walk along.  I, for my part, try to keep him from the shelves and added displays.  I am mostly successful, however, he does score now and then and sometimes with pretty heavy, big objects.  We both laugh as he reaches out for a bottle of wine and makes a split second decision to pull his hand back.  The rest of our day is spent in making dinner and playing.  Not much day left to be truthful.  On to tomorrow.

17th -  It's raining today so our outside opportunities are minimal.  It's a good day to be in the kitchen and since we have berries to use --- let's get the jam made.  Once we have the berries cleaned, into the processor they go for a bit of chopping -- not too fine though as I like bits of fruit in my jam.

Next step -- lemon juice to squeeze.  I teach Jared to roll the lemons first until they are all mushy and then cut and press the juice out.  He does a great job and in no time has the required amount to add to our fruit.  We then stir in the pectin and start the second batch while waiting for our 5 minute stir intervals.  Soon, the half hour has passed and it is time to add the sugar.

Now to fill our containers and finish this process.

We are getting quite a stack.  One batch strawberry - one batch raspberry.

We clean up the mess and move on to making cookies.  I did say it is a kitchen day, right?  The request is for chocolate, chocolate chip cookies.  We look up a recipe on the internet and decide to give it a try.

Ah yes, the rewards of his labor.

First cookies always go to Grandpa along with a glass of milk.  (Oh my Mister, those eyes!)

And now for the ultimate fun.

It has been a busy day and we are both ready to just kick back and relax before making dinner.  Yes, indeed.

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