Sunday, August 24, 2014

Jacob Time - Days 4 & 5 - Return to Parents

23rd -  Saturday!  Yay.  Mister is home with us.  Jacob wakes and asks if we can go to the coffee shop this morning --- absolutely!  Hurrah -- he asked for something.  As I go into his (my) room for some clothes, I notice his little collection he has been building.  So fun.  We start off walking and the light on the grass out front is just SO pretty that I have to stop for a picture.  I do love this grass and this time of year.

White Rock Coffee is hands down our favorite little shop in town.  After we arrive and order, Jacob wants to sit up above and again -- his wish is our command.

As we are sitting and talking he starts laughing at what someone wrote on the banister.  I Love Jonathan H.  Way too funny since that is his brothers name.

Per our usual mode of operation, we are down in the area so let's walk over to the shopping center and check it out.  We take a few minutes to say hello to George at Gecko and grab some spray for my alphabet bears along with a freebie for Jacob.  Then to Tuesday Morning where we find a terrific deal on an OttLite for me and a Skylander for Jacob.  Lots of smiles when we leave here.  One last stop at the dollar store gives me a little journal that I need for an exchange I am in an Jacob finds a NO TRESPASSING sign for his new bedroom.  Time to start the journey home.  As I am putting clean clothes away -- I spot his new layout.  Lovin' It.

Mister spends the afternoon working on the car (yep - it's dead again and needs to be jumped to go and get a battery).  Jacob and I set to work making Lemon Cookies.  They are ooey gooey to make, oh so yummy.

After delivering to Grandpa, It's time to taste his own work.

I think it is a hit.

We have enjoyed our time with Jacob.  He is certainly quiet and easy going which in and of itself causes a few issues, but we make a deal that he gets to return over Thanksgiving and we will cook, cook, cook.  I forget how much he loves the kitchen.

Way deep into his game for the evening.  We have to be up early tomorrow so this is his "own" time.  Enjoy Jacob.

24th -  The camera is put away.  We have to have Mister at the airport by around 8:30 so everyone is up, packed, and on our way by 8.  After we drop off Mister, we point the car west towards Abilene to deliver Jacob back to his mom in time for church.  Everything goes well and I am back in Dallas around noon, just as my sweetie arrives in Chicago.  I make a stop to do some shopping and then home for some "me time."  What a great week this has been and with school starting tomorrow, I know that it is my last week with grands visiting for quite awhile.  I have truly LOVED this summer though.  My only regret is that I didn't get time with Bekah.  Perhaps during a break at school this year we can work something out.  Fingers crossed.

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