Friday, August 22, 2014

Jacob Time - Days 2 & 3

21st -  Well, I now have this 11 year old grandson at the house and when I asked him last night what he wants to do, he just gave me the deer in the headlight look.  He was not much help.  As a result, today I am up early and attempting to find an activity for us while he sleeps.  After surfing for awhile, I think I find an idea.  It is after 10 before he gets up and I ask if he would like to go to a movie today.  I receive a smile in return which I take to mean "yes" so I continue to make plans.  We have to catch a bus right around lunch for the mall -- we'll do an afternoon matinee.  Yay! A Plan!  Let's go.

We arrive at the mall after what seems like a VERY long bus ride and wander for awhile since we are early.  Some of the same features fascinate Jacob, just as they did for the others -- the water towers being one.  And then, for some reason he felt the need to weave through the plants instead of walking down the aisles.  Hmmm.

They are beautiful plants though.  I love the bright yellow.

We make a stop at the Apple store - every teenager's wonderland.  I just stand back and watch as he moves from one item to the next.  I am asked numerous times if I want anything, but, hey, I'm an Android girl.

Next stop --- the Lego store -- another must for these boys of mine.

We have walked the lap around the mall and it is time to grab some lunch before the movie starts.

And now for the main event - Yep, that's what I went to and I have to admit that it was VERY GOOD.  I enjoyed the entire movie and I think Jacob did as well.

Time for the trip back and we decide to take the shuttle to the train instead of the bus all the way home.  Let's see if it is faster.

Home again -- Yay and our evening is spent quietly.  I get dinner finished and Jacob has taken over my computer to play games, so I actually spend some time reading.  How nice.

22nd -  Jacob is still asleep, Mister has gone to work and I am literally wracking my brain to come up with an activity for today.  This kid really doesn't make it easy and I am finding that younger kids are easier.  They love no matter where I take them -- even the school playground.  Ugh.  Finally, I spot something that might work.  Jacob loves baseball and the Rangers are in town tonight.  They suck right now, but it's still a professional baseball game right?  I send a message to Mister to see if he is onboard since transportation might get a little dicey and soon we have a plan.  By the time Jacob wakes, we have it all worked out.

Yes, we are back on the bus in the afternoon.  The bus to White Rock Station, then DART to Union Station, then TRE to the Centerpointe Station where we will hopefully meet up with Grandpa after work.  At that point -- the plan is to drive to the stadium together.  Fingers are crossed.  Let's go.  Candy Crush and my phone help with the boredom of riding trains.  I, on the other hand, enjoy watching out the windows.

We arrive at Centerpointe just a bit early and grab a seat to wait for Grandpa.  He arrives shortly and we are on our way.  As we pull into the stadium to make a stop at will call for the tickets, the car does a short little stutter but we don't think anything of it.  Mister parks and I get the tickets.  Then, since it is free jersey night, Jacob and I take our tickets and go pick up our jerseys before they run out.  The won't give me one for Mister so we return to the car and he goes to get his.  This all takes about 20 minutes and when he returns, the car won't start.  Yep.  Wonderful.  After another 1/2 an hour, Jacob and I leave him to deal with the car and we go into the game and find our seats.  We are a heck of a long ways up - can't really get any higher -- but there is a breeze that helps with the heat.   Mister gets a jump for the car, parks, and joins us for the game.  Unfortunately, the team does not do well, but the evening is quite enjoyable.

Daytime when we arrived - totally dark now.

Trying to get Cowboy Stadium in the background -- not very successful.

It is a great night and wonder of wonder -- the car starts when we get in to go home.  Hooray.  It's bed time -- I'm tired.

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