Saturday, May 24, 2014

Bob's Graduation

Mister's nephew is graduating today, so we get up and get everyone fed and clothed. We are then off to pick up Mister's mom. After fitting the walker and the stroller in the trunk, we get to the church auditorium where the graduation ceremony is being held. We have done some recon work and found out the facility has an indoor and outdoor play area. Perfect for the girls if they get tired during the ceremony. Mister takes his mom with Elena in tow to try to get her a seat where she can see, put her walker, and anyone can leave without disturbing anyone, if we need to. I stay in the car since Malea fell asleep on the way.

Mister runs into Penny's family on the way, and all get seats in the large auditorium. The line of graduates passes right by us, so we get some pictures of Bob as he goes into the auditorium.

There are 120 kids graduating and they have lots of speakers and music items planned. Malea wakes so I join the group after a bit of a trial in the play area (you can read all about it here).  The graduates are still filing in when we take our seats and both girls are really great.  We stay until the keynote speaker takes the stand and then I take the girls out for a snack and a few minutes to run around.  It works well and so we return to the ceremony and are able to stay and watch Bob graduate.  Once he has received his diploma, I take the girls and head back to the play area.  Mister and his mom soon follow and we sit and visit until graduation is over so that we can congratulate Bob and take some pictures.

The after-graduation party is being held at La Madeleine so everyone sets off in that direction.  We decide on dinner and once it is delivered, everyone settles in to refresh and visit.

Okay, okay -- let's get to the presents.  I am pretty sure I am more excited to give this one than he is to receive.

"What is it and why am I getting this huge bag?"

"It's a quilt!"  And a smile -- I feel better now.  Whew.

"Oh, it's soft."  (as he asks Mom to fold it back up for him)

You're welcome Bob and Congratulations.  I hope you enjoy it at school next year.

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