Monday, May 26, 2014

It's Girls Week - Elena and Malea Visit - Days 7-9

Saturday - It is high school graduation day for our nephew and as a result we are keeping things a little quiet this morning.  After the girls are fed, I make Mister and I some poached eggs on toast or as he likes to call them, "man on a raft"'s.  Elena takes one look and wants to try them.  Oh my -- she loves them and I tell her that if she wants her own to ask for it tomorrow morning as she has already had her breakfast.  That works.  Mister goes to get a haircut and I am playing with the girls. I am trying to see if Malea will take an early nap so that she will be happy this afternoon, but my little Houdini is able to get out of her crib and is having no part of sleeping.  Oh well, we will get through it I'm sure.

We leave around 12:45 and within minutes, she is asleep in the car.  Yep --- now what?  First stop is to pick up Mister's mom.  She is riding with us to the graduation so I climb into the backseat with the girls.  Somehow Malea doesn't wake up so once we arrive at the location, Mister takes his mom and Elena in to find seats.  I stay in the car with Malea and kick back with the doors open.  Since we are early she gets a decent nap.  Just as it is time to start the ceremony, she wakes and Elena has come out to show us the way.  As we enter the church, there is a GIANT play area and the girls both make a beeline for it.  Malea is way too small for it, but she has worked herself into it before I can catch her and as I cannot get through the areas to reach her, Elena goes to hunt her down.  About this time, Mister shows up wondering where we are --- he sees my problem and goes back inside.  I tell him I will get them out and join him which I do manage to accomplish a few minutes later.  Ugh.

The graduates are still filing in when we take our seats and both girls are really great.  We stay until the keynote speaker takes the stand and then I take the girls out for a snack and a few minutes to run around.  It works well and so we return to the ceremony and are able to stay and watch Bob graduate.  Once he has received his diploma, I take the girls and head back to the SMALLER play area.  Mister and his mom soon follow and we sit and visit until graduation is over so that we can congratulate Bob and take some pictures.  (If interested, check out this post)

As you can see, the larger play area is right next to us and Malea really wants to go back over there.  She is not allowed though and yep -- throws a fantastic temper tantrum.  Yay us.  Elena is a good sport and only sneaks away once.

Once the family has reconnected, we all depart for La Madeleines for dinner and a small reception for Bob.

It is now after 5 and I have hungry little girls.  They get pizza and are oh so content.  Ah -- bliss.

Once the gifts are opened and my quilt is received, we are out the door and on our way home.  Mom is beat and so are we.  She is dropped off and we once again sing songs all the way home to keep everyone awake.  By the time we get home and do baths -- well, it's bed time.

After Malea's bath, I find her in the living room talking to the pictures.  She finally located the family pictures and finds hers.  She is standing in the dark saying hi to each person.  I go and grab the camera real quick and snap a shot with the flash.  It turns out way better than I hope.  I think she is getting ready to see mommy again.  It has been 18 days now.  When I ask if she is ready for bed, she leads the way.  I take that as a yes.

Sunday -  We have plans for this morning and we also have one young lady who does not wish to get  up.  Mister grabs a camera this morning so that we can show how we find Elena each morning.  During the night she strips off her pajamas and throws her blanket off the bed.  She says that she gets hot.  We have the a/c on AND she has a fan oscillating on her.  Goodness --- but, wait a minute, I remember her doing the same thing in Wyoming while I was there.  It must happen often.  Let's get going girls.  Our event starts at 10:00 a.m. and we still need to do breakfast.  I ask Elena what she wants and she is not sure.  Mister asks again and finally she remembers the poached eggs.  Malea loves them as well and we have a hit today.  Everyone is well fed and dressed by 9:30 --- let's get going.  We have a Thai Festival to attend.

We arrive and find a location to park then walk a block to the temple.    The first thing that the girls spot is a small garden area with a miniature elephant in it and right next to a fountain.  Malea is just like Gammy -- must touch everything.

As we are at the fountain, we hear music starting and gather everyone up to go check it out.  I am able to locate an open park bench near the stage and get the girls settled in to watch.

As I sit, I am mesmerized by the sound and so are the girls.  Well, at least for while.  I think it needs a bit more pizazz for them to really hang out, but I sure am enjoying it.

Once the wiggles have set in, we decide to go and check out the vendor shops.  I spy one that is serving fresh coconut water -- straight from the fruit itself.  I always thought it was coconut milk -- but these are young coconuts and they give water.  I love it, but have absolutely no takers in the girls.  We continue on and I spot a booth that I think they will like.  Let's give it a try.  The pictures will tell the story well, but here ya go.  First we order the Boba Tea.  Elena is already looking very unsure.

It is an instant hit with Malea, but Elena is not at all sure.  She pretty much determines that she will not try it.  Mister gives up trying to get a picture and leaves to find a snack.

When he returns, this is the picture he gets:  Yep it's not so bad after all.

We walk back to the performing area to listen to the music again and it is near the koi pond which Malea would like to sit right on top of if we would let her.

Grandpa takes Elena into the temple to see it and I just sit by the water with Malea.  She is very content.

It is about time to go so we start walking towards the entrance and stop for a moment to let Elena have a picture taken with one of the smaller shrines.  Malea is unhappy that she is not allowed to climb up on top of the elephants.  Dang zoo.

As we are walking away, the announcement from the performance stage says that the dancers are on their way out.  Well, of course we need to check this out as well.  We walk down right near the stage and settle in to watch.  As the dance progresses, Elena moves closer and closer until she is almost at their feet.  When it finishes and we leave, she tells me that it was her favorite part of the festival.  It's getting to be lunch and nap time so on we go.

When we arrive home, Malea is not thrilled to be inside and sits with her shoes saying, "ma hop you" which I think translates into, "Will you help me?"  She gives up after I suggest playing with the marbles for awhile.  She is so cute that I grab the camera and video her for awhile.  Our day has come to an end and it is definitely time for sleep.  Tomorrow is going to be a long and busy day.  I am losing my little ones as they are returning home.  I am pretty dang sad tonight.

Monday - Since our flights are late this afternoon, we decide to give the Children's Garden a try.  It is threatening rain, but perhaps it will work out.  The gardens open at 9 so let's get moving.  We arrive about the same time as the rain so our first stop is the Exploration Center.  It is mostly for older children so Mister works with Elena while I find a few toys to occupy Malea until the rain stops.  The only problem with the place is that it is freezing cold in here.  Dang -- turn off the a/c on days like this.  All the workers have jackets on -- that should tell you something.

The rain stops and we have two girls that are ready to run.  First stop is the toddler area where Malea finds a ladybug car to drive.

The treehouse is first and then to the water station.  I think every item gets tried and we have water pouring from everywhere before we leave.

Grandpa spots a tornado tube and puts the girls in.  They are laughing and giggling until the wind really picks up.  Then Malea starts to get nervous and grabs ahold of Elena -- being the great big sister that she is -- she holds her until the wind stops.  Then they BOTH want to do it again only with Gammy.  Okay -- my hair looks pretty bad today anyway.

Our next stop finds Elena learning about the small life forms that live in the water.  She and Grandpa spend quite a bit of time at this stop while I get to visit with Rhiana -- who is back in the USA and ready for her girls later today.  Malea is just wandering different walkways as I talk and finds a spot she wants to show to Elena as soon as she finishes.  Are they not oh so cute together?

As we are heading back up the walkway Mister and Elena stop to work on something and Malea and I continue on.  At some point she realizes that her blanket did not come along with us and is in the diaper bag.  Oh WOW -- talk about a meltdown.  She will not even let me hold her and keeps throwing herself on the ground.  I set her on a wall and she promptly takes off her shoes and throws them at me.  At this point I call Mister and let him know that we need to switch children for a few minutes.  Two years old --- she lives up to the reputation.

While we are waiting for Mister, I spot some grapes on a vine and snap a picture.  How fun is this?

We decide on a snack/restroom break and soon everyone is all smiles again.  I think I have a bipolar child with me today.

Our final stop is at the garden area and we check out the various plantings.  This is also where there is a small slide and it doesn't take Malea long to find. it.  Elena joins in and we let them just play for a little while.  It is getting close to lunch and nap times though so although we hate to leave, it is time.  I love how Malea says, "bye slide" as we go.  Remember --- bipolar.

The girls are damp when we return home so Grandpa takes Malea's top and throws it into the dryer.  I walk around the corner and catch them in a very cute moment.  Love these times.

We put her down for a nap and I finish packing everything up.  Mister gets the diaper bag ready for us and all the laundry is completed and the suitcase closed.  Grandpa and Elena are playing a game together on the computer and I join them with nail polish and a towel.  I promised to polish fingers and toes and by golly I aim to keep that promise.

The afternoon flies by and soon we are on the road to the airport.

 In route, we discover that I am off by 20 minutes on my flight time and we are not sure we will make check-in.  Seriously Deb --- what is your problem today?  We pull up front and unload as fast as possible and I don't think we even say good-bye to Grandpa -- poor guy.  We are running for the ticket counter to get the car seats checked.  From there it is a race through security and we walk up to the gate, get a stroller tag, and board the plane.  Whew.  That was tight.  On the plane Elena is given wings by the pilot and she is thrilled.  Malea and I spend time putting stickers all over both of us.  

The flight goes well and we are soon in Denver.  Once we have the stroller, we aim for the train to the main terminal to find Rhiana.  Elena is pretty pleased as she has been wanting to take one of the trains ever since we left Wyoming.  Finally, she is getting her chance.  She even stands on her own as she is a big girl.

The train arrives and we take the elevator up to the terminal to discover Mommy waiting for us and she runs for her girls going around the barrier in the process.  No one seems to care and there are smiles everywhere from people who are watching the reunion.  My picture says it all.  Malea could not get out of her chair fast enough.

I help Rhiana get the car seats and girls to the car and send them on their way.  I am left with a wonderful gift from Greece as a thank-you and although I am glad they are reunited -- a little part of me is sad as well.  The house will be very quiet when I get home late tonight.  Time to head back through security and to my gate for my return flight.  Thank you oh so very much for this time with my beautiful granddaughters Rhiana.  I truly loved each and every minute of it --- well maybe there were a few that weren't so wonderful (such as poop floating in the tub) but for the most part --- great time.  Please let us do it again.

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