Thursday, May 29, 2014

Awards in Temple

Last night the phone rang and Jen was on the line with a "help" for grandparents.  She is double booked for events today and hasn't figured out how to clone herself quite yet.  No problem -- we will be there.

We leave EARLY to be down in Temple by 9:30 and meet up with Jen for a few minutes before separating to our respective events.  She is off at Kindergarten Graduation for Josh and we are soon parking at the middle school for the awards ceremony for Jon.  It doesn't take long before the students start filing in and we spot our grandson in the far right back.

The ceremony is being held in the gym at the Belton Middle School and it doesn't take long before we are ready to start.  My memories of 2 hour awards ceremonies at my own children's junior high come back and make me nervous until the principal announces that we will be released within the hour.  Cool -- let's get this thing started.

Things move along fairly quick and soon Jon's name is called.  He is awarded with A/B Honor Roll, Duke Participation, and a Leadership Award.  Way to go Jon!

Not so way to go Grandpa --- Poor Jon's head is cut off in the picture.  Ugh.

When the ceremony is over, I signal Jon to meet us up in the bleachers and after a few minutes we are so very confused as to where he is.  Sneaky kid -- he is behind us laughing as we try to figure out where he is.  Hmmm.

We check him out of school for the rest of the day and are off to meet Jen and Josh for lunch.

Josh shows up complete with graduation cap --- Woot woot!  Kindergarten is behind him.

We have a nice Mexican lunch and visit for awhile before Jen has to go back to work.  Jon really doesn't want to go back to school so Grandpa and I take them home and spend the afternoon with them watching "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles".  Am I in a time warp?

Oh yeah -- someone lost a tooth.

Cuddle time --- love it.

The other boys get home from school and are eager to see what big brother has been up to in his game.

Jared starts up the movie again and we are treated to a second viewing of the turtles.  Oh my.

Mom and Dad get home and Bekah has a new game of Banagrams which she wants to play.  I am pretty sure we broke a lot of rules and created many new words.

We stayed for dinner and then hit the road for the drive home.  Another fun day in Temple.

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