Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Late Frost and a Blood Moon

The forecast is calling for freezing temperatures tonight.  Really?  It is the middle of April and this is DALLAS.  Goodness.  This means that Mister and I need to cover all of our beautiful flowers so just before dark, we pull everything up close to the house in the front and back and cover with plastic and then sheets.  Fingers crossed.

Now -- what to do about our baby peaches?  We give it our best shot and with a sheet and two tarps, manage to give the tree an umbrella that will hopefully keep it a bit warmer and stop the frost from touching it.  Again -- fingers are crossed.

One of the benefits of tonights clear skies leading to our cold temperatures is that we are having a lunar eclipse tonight and should be able to see it.  Yay!  I have never been in the right place at the right time to see one of these so am excited.  Yes it is at 2 in the morning -- Yes we are old -- Yes we are going to do it.

Mister has checked nearby locations for the best viewing area, but I walk out to the porch about an hour before the eclipse starts and the moon is just right there --- straight off our porch.  We don't have to go anywhere.  Mister sets up his camera and is blessed with some really great shots.  Here ya go:

We have light pollution by staying in the city, but all in all --- it is great fun and I am glad we stayed awake for it.  Now -- it is 3:30 and definitely time for bed.

1 comment:

  1. We had to solar eclipse here in Australia too. We had to walk out on our street and we got a reasonable view of it. We missed a fair bit of it though as we were busy. Our winter is still a good ways off. Its starting to cool off but we are blessed in that we rarely get frosts which is good. Hope the peaches survived
