Saturday, April 30, 2011

Next Stop - Billings - Zyra is 1

I flew from Las Vegas to Billings and met up with Mister who flew from Dallas to Billings.  This was the start of a small trip in Montana centered on birthdays.  Love this time of year.  First up is Miss Zyra who is 1 -- oh my what a great number to be.  I was excited to be with them and to share in this day.

We arrived at the house and the kids came running to see us.  They were both ready for a party.

Grabbing pictures when we can, we ignored Hyrum's shirt.

Stone faced Zyra, Unhappy Hyrum ---- but a very happy Grandpa to be spending time with them.

It did take Grandpa long to get down to playing.  We had brought a game for him and soon the two of them were creating many funny faces.

Becca had turned the house into a wonderland for the birthday and you could definitely tell that it was a little girls birthday party.  Everything was set - let the party begin.

While waiting Uncle Matt plays with Elena -- oh my check out that hair.

Soon it is birthday time and the moment for the star to shine.  We sat her on the banister behind the table and I am behind her standing on the stairs and holding her so she doesn't fall.  Look close and you will see my fingers.  She never wiggled at all -- just smiled and smiled.

Mom had created a special cake for Zyra along with a regular cake and cupcakes for everyone else.  Smart lady.

She put Zyra's cake in front of her and let her go.  It didn't take long and  she soon had cake everywhere.

Big brother, on the other hand, was slowly, oh so slowly enjoying his cupcake.

Taking any chance I can to get a girls shot -- Mister pulled us together for a quick one.

Next up, gifts.  We had purchased a "giraffe" for her to ride and it didn't take long for her to climb on board.  I cannot believe how big she has gotten already.

She loves the stuffed animal -- can't you tell?

After the festivities are over -- "Uncle" has some quality time with Elena.  I loved the interaction here.  Peek a Boo is such a great game.

Best picture of the day!

Next stop --- Flathead Lake -- and away we go.

Friday, April 29, 2011

A NEW Grandson!! Caleb is here. Off to Las Vegas

The waiting was almost over and little Caleb was ready to make his appearance in the world.  I hopped a plane to Las Vegas so that Amanda would have some help for the first few days and then Trent's mother was going to take over for a few days.  I was looking forward to having time with  Raef and Ryan equally as much as a new baby.  As always, I arrived with a few small gifts for the boys.  I had purchased a small Duplos and a small Legos set for them.  From the very moment the Legos set was opened, I realized that Ryan had outgrown Duplos and his fascination with Raef's car was obvious.  Live and learn Gammy.

I had arrived one day prior to Amanda's schedule delivery and so took the day to learn the routines, directions to school, schedules, etc.  Amanda is so organized that she makes it easy to pick up and take over.  I did snap a small "before" picture that I am sure she will cringe over, but dang --- this is NINE months and she looks amazing.

 Early the next morning, Mom and Dad went off to the hospital and the boys and I continued with life.  Meals, school, meals, laundry, meals, baths, etc.  I think I lost my camera during these times as I really don't have all that many pictures.

I picked up Raef from school and took the boys to the hospital to meet their new little brother.  They were so excited.  I was pleasantly surprised at how quiet they became the minute we arrived at the hospital.  They were drinking in the whole experience without even realizing it.  They each took turns holding "baby Caleb" and were so gentle with him.  I tried to snap the first picture of the three of them together.  Funny part is that I took several and this one is the best.  Ah, little boys.

Mom, on the other hand, was easy -- and I got a turn too.  What a sweet little one to have in our family now.

Ah, hospital time came to an end and back to life.  I spent the rest of my time there helping in anyway that I could find.  The boys and I had some great time together and I was also treated to great talks with Amanda when she was awake.  Mostly, we just let her rest.

 The highlight of each day for the boys was going up to Mom's room and taking turns with Caleb.  They are going to be such awesome big brothers for this little guy.  Just look at the love already.

I enjoyed my time here, but I had to get on a plane and fly North.  I would not set foot in my own house for over two weeks with all the family activities ahead.  Let's go.   Oh -- wait -- Amanda, I cannot thank you enough for allowing me to be a part of these oh so special moments.  I am indeed lucky.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter with Grands

Holidays are always so much better with family and this Easter is no exception.  Our house is full, but we love it.  Easter morning dawns bright and beautiful in Dallas and the indoor egg hunt is ON.

Although it does not appear that everyone is wide awake, the ones hunting sure are.  The kids take turns with youngest going first so that the harder eggs are left for the older ones.  The adults spend their time counting and recounting the eggs.  That and doing their best to utilize their memory banks.

And then -- the hunt for the baskets.  Where oh where were they?  Let the trading begin.

The rest of the morning is spent playing games and getting dinner in the oven.  Isn't it great when you are still in your pajamas playing?  I loved it.

Yep, Becca  -- you are indeed quite the funny one.  I loved it then and love it still.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Scarborough Fair

Ever since my first spring in Dallas, I have been wanting to attend the Scarborough Renaissance Festival.  Today is the day.  Jen's family is here for Easter weekend and wants to go as well so I am excited.  This should be fun.  I decide early on that if I am going to do this, I am going to do it right.  Thus, my beautiful dress.  Jen and all the grands dress for the event as well.  The only party pooper is Mister.  Hmmn.

Once we are all dressed --
we are ready to party.  First up:  Jousting.

All four of the boys give it a go and do quite well.  I love watching them as they face various challenges.

We find various games and shows to watch and participate in and everyone gives them a good old try.

Jen and Bekah decide to complete the look by having their hair done as well.  Don't they look amazing?

After the boys' jousting matches, a real match is in order.  We take up positions along the fence and watch the knights go after each other, cheering the whole time.

Oh, Uncle Matt --where are you?  The next generation of archers is ready to go.

Yes, there are also a few rides.  The smiles here are pretty indicative of an enjoyable time.

The last activity of the day are turtle races.  Yep.  At first I was leary of anything involving turtles, but these were pretty cool.

Yep, the one we all voted on won.  Woohoo.  This was a fun day and I want to do it again soon.