Saturday, March 26, 2016

Mister's Camera at the Zoo

Oh my gosh --- it's a gorgeous morning and I want to walk again.  Mister wants to put his camera to use and thus the choice is made.  Early morning member admission to the Zoo and the opportunity for some wonderful pictures.

When we arrive, we discover that they are doing a special presentation with a few of the "ambassador" animals so that is our first stop.  Oooh, oooh, oooh -- a beautiful barn owl.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Utah Days 5&6

It's a shopping day.  I love that when I visit, we always get to have a shopping day for Miss Ophelia.  Cass had bought quite a bit already so we went through to determine what else was needed and if anything could be returned.  Once the decisions were made last night, we are off and running this morning.  The mall is handing out bunny ears and coloring books, so once we have Oph's new dresses/hat in hand and the returns have been made, she is treated.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Utah Days 3&4

It's another beautiful day and we are heading up to the cabin for a little getaway.  Kaylene is driving so I take up residency in the back seat with Ophelia.  Isn't she styling?  We talk and play games the whole way there -- oh, and eat goldfish, of course.

Paul and Scott have arrived before us, so the fires are already going and oh my goodness I do love that warmth.  Nothing else can warm the backside like a roaring fire.  It feels so nice.

Ophelia is watching Daddy get the four wheeler ready for a ride.  She can't wait to get on the "mo-mo".  

Friday, March 18, 2016

Utah Days 1&2

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!  Yes, we are all wearing green as our "ode" to St. Patrick.  Do you know why we wear green?  It's representative of the shamrock that St. Patrick used when trying to explain the concept of deity - the Godhead.  This explanation greatly help him in his efforts of conversion in Ireland.  This day of honor actually falls on his death day.  A bit odd as most of the time when someone is remembered, the day of honor is placed on their birthday.  A little known tidbit is that originally "blue" was associated with St. Patrick, green came along later.  Okay, enough with the history ---

I am the first one awake and hear Miss Ophelia in her room so I sneak in and close the door quietly, letting Cassie get some additional sleep.  We read books and play with her fabric "paper" doll that I gave her before she asks to go and color.  Coloring it is.  Apparently I must color too but at breakneck speed.  The moment my color touches the page, it is time to turn to another one.  As a result, EVERY page as a bit colored on it and no pages are finished.  Okay, now that I know the rules for the coloring books, let's try some plain paper.  Here, we are allowed to draw a week bit longer and I take advantage to make a memory page that we can both look back on.  Ah, fun times.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Traveling to Utah

I have an evening flight to Salt Lake City and guess what?  I am chasing the sun the entire time.  For a 2 1/2 hour flight, I watched the sunset.  I didn't do ANYTHING else.  (I know they are taken through a window, but dang they are sweet still.)

Winter is Leaving -- It's Spring!!

I love looking out the back door and seeing green everywhere.  Then, add in a bit of color and I'm in heaven.  The iris', garlic, and blackberries are starting to come around.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Jackson Pollock at the DMA

It's a date day!!!! Squeeeaaalll.  I have been away from my sweetie for quite awhile and just want a wandering around, enjoy each other day.  We are off to the DMA for the Jackson Pollock exhibit.  Take a peek at our eye candy.