Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sweethearts Day!!

Is that not the cutest card ever????  This is perhaps my favorite holiday all year.  I mean seriously -- a whole day devoted to love!  What could be better?  I had planned on getting up early and making scones for my sweetie after a quick run to the store, but after a really bad night --- well that didn't happen.  BUT . . . . . perhaps things were better this way.  Mister had already planned a wonderful treat for me for breakfast AND had a box of amazing locally made chocolates.  Wow!  We are going to savor them for at least a month (made easier by the fact that we are leaving town for 10 days).  We had cranberry/blueberry muffins and juice by candlelight -- yep, love that man!  Then it was time for me to head to work for the day.  Oh well -- can't have everything.

 Don't these look oh so good?  They are beautifully done and smell divine.

After work, we ran a few errands and did some shopping - yep new clothes.  (Doing the happy dance now.)

Once we were home again, Mister had a wonderful dinner planned and so he set to work on it while I took a much needed shower.  I know - TMI.

Check out his dinner -- fresh mussels in a white wine sauce with garlic, tarragon, and lemon along with a fresh salad and bread.  He is such a great chef -- and I am so jealous.  This was massively delicious.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Jared's Baptism

Once again, our plans for the weekend with Matt changed and so we were able to go down to Temple again to witness and celebrate Jared's baptism with him.  Cassie was without her husband for the weekend and so we picked her up at the airport when she got off work and took her down with us.  We went straight to Jared's basketball game.  It was fun to watch him at a new activity and we enjoyed visiting at the same time.

While watching the game, I had Bekah sit in front of me and played with her hair creating this masterpiece.  Haha.  Well it must not have been too bad because she left it that way for the entire day.

We then went back to the house to visit, force Bekah into another performance, and get changed for the big event.  Once we got to the church, I set about trying to get a few pictures for memory making.  There were a few more and a video, but I haven't managed to get them from Jen yet.

First things first.  Daddy needed to find him a jumpsuit that fit.

Bekah played the piano quietly as prelude music and would also play for the ceremony itself.  She is becoming quite the accomplished musician.

Jared was soon changed and Daddy had set up a slide show of pictures from the past few years with Jared and family.  We stood and watched for quite awhile, laughing at fond memories.

Mom and Dad with the man of the hour.  These are fun times that I am glad we try hard not to miss.

I am only posting this picture because we absolutely could not get Bekah to go along with it and then I have no idea where I am looking, but it is a fun "girl" shot.  At least Jen and Cass look good.

During the program, Jared's siblings sang a song for him.  I know, I know we shouldn't have taken a picture during the program, but we couldn't resist as this was just so special.

Ice cream cake and punch for all afterwards.  Jared even invited the basketball players in the gym to help finish up the cake since we were all going out to dinner and couldn't keep any leftovers.  Yep -- Eat Dessert First!!

Even Grandpa got into the act and served the remaining punch to everyone.

Dinner out at Jared's choice --- Golden Corral.  Then the long drive home.  Another great memory made.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Date Night - Calais and Cane Rosso

I LOVE Date Night!!!  Can I say that again?  I LOVE Date Night!  We always have such a nice time and share time with some of the most interesting people.  It is odd for us to go out on a Friday, but once we finished working on the trip for the day, we decided to head down to Deep Ellum to pick up wine and get a bite to eat.

We started out visiting at Calais Winery with Benjamin Calais and the place was really hopping.  After some great conversation and a sample of the new wine, we bundled up our club wines and few new purchases and said our goodbyes.

Our next stop was Cane Rosso and as we checked in at the front desk, we discovered that there was an hour long wait.  We put our names on the list and then I went and peeked at the bar and much to  my delight there were two open seats.  I grabbed them quickly while Mister removed our names from the wait list and we settled in for some great food and fun entertainment all in one package.  This was the view from our seats.

I love this place!  It has the best pizza by far and I cannot wait to go back each time we leave.  First up - the Foccacia!  Oh my.  So good.

We are able to watch the staff as they make magic with the pizza dough.  The oven is so hot that it takes all of about 3 minutes for something to cook completely.  The Foccacia literally is done in about 30 seconds.  Next course -- the Prosciutto e Rucola.  Let me tell you --- this pizza was amazing.

I cannot wait until the next time we visit here.  It is always number one on my list when we are down in Deep Ellum.  Oh heaven to my mouth.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

And Jared is 8!!! Birthday Time!

Well -- an unexpected trip down to Temple for Jared's birthday.  Matt was supposed to make it to Dallas this weekend, but flights did not work out and so we got up and headed south to help Jared celebrate his special day.

We were lucky enough to have some time to visit with Jen and Louis before the work getting ready for the party set in.  I think I am actually showing them some posts in this blog.  Too funny.

Rebekah had an upcoming audition for band and so we made her give us a concert and it was soooo good.  Jen took a video and I am hoping to get a copy of it and if I do, I will add it to this page later.  She has a set of drums and a marimba and we were blessed to hear her play both.  She absolutely hates performing for us and having her picture taken sends her into a state of refusal.  Such a teenager.

Now it was time to work so that we could put together his party.

Jen was doing a really cute "Bugs" party and everything was part of the theme.  It was being held at the gymnastics studio and so as we finished we loaded the cars and headed out to set everything up before the guests got here.

The kids had such a good time in the studio playing on the equipment.  I loved watching all the climbing that was taking place and had to get involved whether it was smart or not.

It is always fun to get together with family and I love these moments.  Mister appears to be wondering what someone is up to while I am treated to a special moment with the birthday boy.

A trip out to dinner ended the day and then the long drive back to Dallas.  So glad we went and were able to be part of the day.

Friday, February 1, 2013

A Little Culture Please

We have been members of the Dallas Museum of Art for many years and the changes they have recently made prompted a visit for us.  With the new "free membership" program now in place, we wondered how the previous "paid" ones were being handled.  After a stop at the desk which answered our questions, we went up to the permanent collections and spent a couple of hours admiring, discussing and learning from many of the great masters of the past.  When a clock appears, Mister's fascination with them usually allows me a chance to take a break.  It was a nice afternoon and I cannot wait to go back later this month when the Chagall exhibit opens.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Scott's Birthday

I refuse to believe that my kidlets are getting older.  I am willing to celebrate with them, but it's starting to make me feel old.  Jen and Louis drove 2 hours last night to join Cass, Scott, Mister, and I for a dinner in Scott's honor.  We went to Tillmans Roadhouse in the Bishop Arts District and had such a fun time and the food was pretty dang good too.  No birthday cake, but we did have S'mores made with homemade graham crackers, homemade marshmallows, and dark chocolate.  Divine.  It is one of the house specialties and not to be missed if you ever go there.  I am thankful for these moments with my children and their spouses.  They do not happen very often and I treasure them as always.  Happy Birthday Scott -- We love ya tons.  Mister and Lady

Monday, January 21, 2013

An Updo For the Entryway

Every  six months or so we try and do something fun for the house.  The birds in the yard were starting to squawk and glare at us so we went off to get them some bird seed at Lowe's.  While there, we wandered up and down the aisles and found a couple of lights that we really liked and would match the colors in our home.  They didn't have them in stock so we went home and ordered them.  One is for the entryway and the other will go over the dining room table.  The entryway one is finished and I sure do like it.  The dining room will take a bit longer as Mister has to totally move the existing connection and the make ceiling repairs of course.  Isn't it pretty though?