Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sweethearts Day!!

Is that not the cutest card ever????  This is perhaps my favorite holiday all year.  I mean seriously -- a whole day devoted to love!  What could be better?  I had planned on getting up early and making scones for my sweetie after a quick run to the store, but after a really bad night --- well that didn't happen.  BUT . . . . . perhaps things were better this way.  Mister had already planned a wonderful treat for me for breakfast AND had a box of amazing locally made chocolates.  Wow!  We are going to savor them for at least a month (made easier by the fact that we are leaving town for 10 days).  We had cranberry/blueberry muffins and juice by candlelight -- yep, love that man!  Then it was time for me to head to work for the day.  Oh well -- can't have everything.

 Don't these look oh so good?  They are beautifully done and smell divine.

After work, we ran a few errands and did some shopping - yep new clothes.  (Doing the happy dance now.)

Once we were home again, Mister had a wonderful dinner planned and so he set to work on it while I took a much needed shower.  I know - TMI.

Check out his dinner -- fresh mussels in a white wine sauce with garlic, tarragon, and lemon along with a fresh salad and bread.  He is such a great chef -- and I am so jealous.  This was massively delicious.

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