Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy Saint Patrick's Day
We went down to The Old Monk for their celebration in order to have some corned beef and cabbage (yes, I was too lazy to cook it) for lunch and stayed long enough to watch the Irish Dancers.  Mister would almost look like a Leprecaun here IF there was a smile.  Obviously, he didn't want to wear the hat OR have his picture taken in it.  LOL -- I, on the other hand, loved it.  He got even though when I was standing on my chair to watch the dancers -- why oh why did I have to be born with short genes?  Love that backside -- tells me its definitely time to hit the gym again.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

So Pretty!

Isn't that amazing?  This tree is just a baby and managed to treat us to three beautiful blossoms.  I look forward to the day she gives us peaches too.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Home again! Glad to be here!

I was off to Montana alone for 5 days to do the taxes and monthly books for the family business. Leaving Mister behind for a trip hadn't happened in awhile, but away I went. I knew that I would have some fun time with both Matt and Rhiana's families and was looking forward to that. I also knew that it would be full days at work to get everything done that needed to be so I tried to fit in as much time with Hyrum and Elena as I could. I went straight to work after arriving at the airport but was staying with Matt and so that evening, I was able to spend time enjoying family and seeing how much Hyrum had learned. He called me "Gimmy" and I loved every minute of it. I arrived with my book in hand as usual and I think I have it memorized now as I'm pretty sure I read it at least 5 times a day while up there. He had just gotten a new piggy bank as he had filled the other one and so each day I tried to give him some change to run off with.

On Tuesday morning, I stopped at Rhiana's on the way to work and managed to wake up the whole family. Miss was still in her crib but awake and looking so sweet. I stayed for just a little while and then made plans to meet up with the "girls" and Hyrum for lunch, lol. We went to Wheat Montana and Miss arrived in a cheerleader outfit to steal hearts all around her. Even Hyrum kept looking at her like "what's up Cuz?"

I went back to Matt's that evening and played with Hyrum some more and he was so cute in posing for pictures once again.  Becca says that he never does that for her, but he would strike a pose and then not move until he saw the flash from the camera -- nice thing especially with a digital since they seem to take longer.

The next night was at Rhiana's house and we just visited, ordered dinner, and watched American Idol.  I managed to smack Elena's nose by causing her to lose her balance and hit the glass table in the living room -- oh my -- it really shows in some of the bath pictures that I took.  I felt so bad for her.

The next day, Rhiana was in the office with me and we had Miss with us all morning.  She was given her own desk and computer and look how into her work she is.  Wish we all were that thrilled.

After work we all went to dinner at Samurai Gardens, a Japanese restaurant and enjoyed ourselves while watching the chef and visiting together.  I love these moments when we are able to gather together with whoever is in the city. 

It was a nice week, but I was eager to get home and so on Friday, I finished up a little early and caught a flight home to surprise Mister.  I tried and tried to get these two videos to place in the text when they took place, but to no avail.  Enjoy -- Elena learning to walk and Hyrum mastering a trick on the trampoline.  Each one brought many smiles to my face.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Don't Ya Just Love Organization? A New Closet!!

Lucky me.  Mister had decided that I needed a new closet and you can just bet that I kicked and screamed and told him no.  Yeah right.  They were having a sale at the Container Store (free advertising here for them) and so we went in and put it together on their computer and ordered all the parts.  So here is a before and after shot (yes, I know, it was reasonably organized before, but NOW its awesome).  Oh, and honestly, I really only got rid of a small grocery bag of stuff.  I should get rid of more, but that's for another day.

So, I went from shoes on the back of the door and my closet with some shelves to this:

Everything is in there now -- shoes and all --- wow.  Thanks Mister.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Boiling Crab

Mister decided to treat me to dinner out after work today and since we had read about a restaurant in our area called The Boiling Crab. We decided to give it a shot.  We got there around 6:30 and managed to snag two seats at the bar.  Within 15 minutes, the doorway was jammed with people trying to get in.  Fifteen minutes after that there were at least 50 people either in the doorway or standing around waiting for a table.  The staff had a list going and were telling people that it would be at least a two hour wait and NO ONE seemed to mind or leave, amazing. We had 2 pounds of crawfish and a dungeness crab --- they give you bibs and they are indeed necessary if you care at all about what you are wearing.  It's messy, but fun. 

We had a good time, but this is not a place where you pop in for a quick bite to eat.  It takes awhile to get your food and then obviously you have to do all the work to actually eat it.  It is delivered in the bags that it was boiled in, complete with the sauce over it.  The rest is up to you.  Mister actually had wrinkled fingertips by the time he was done --- definitely a place to go to again though.  Come visit and perhaps we'll take you there.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Mister is 51

It was birthday weekend!!!  How fun.  Let's see --- what all did we do?  Saturday we went shopping and then down to Deep Ellum where we had read about a wine tasting for a local winery that was taking place.  It was called Calais and was french style wines made in small batches right on location.  They were really very good and we enjoyed talking with Benjamin the winemaker for quite awhile.  He was from Calasi, France and was full of information that he willingly shared with us about the wine industry.  We had a great time and before we knew it -- we needed to go since we had reservations for dinner shortly.  We went to Suze Restaurant for dinner and had a very enjoyable time together and a nice meal.  We shared an appetizer of Carpaccio (new to me), a wonderful salad, and split an entree of trout that was really very good.  Dessert was a huckleberry/pear cobbler with homemade ice cream -- yummy.

The next day was family day -- we headed out to Arlington around 11 and visited with everyone for while before going to lunch.  Mister had requested Sushi for his birthday and so off we went.  It was soooo good.  Sushi is kind of new to me still, but this restaurant does such a good job and I loved every bite.  One of the dishes was absolutely beautiful -- I had to take a picture, lol.



After lunch, we went back to Mister's Mom's house and visited for awhile, opened gifts, and then had a yummy dessert.  We got back to the house around 5 and relaxed the rest of the day.






The next day was Mister's REAL birthday and so I got up around 3 -- yes you read that right -- and started working on plans for dinner and breakfast in bed.  I prepared the appetizer for dinner and made my list and around 6 I headed off to the store to put everything together and surprise Mister.  Well -- didn't quite work out that way as when I returned he was standing in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee --- and me with grocery bags, a rose, and a thermos of coffee.  Hmmmmm.  I was kind of bummed that my surprise had been spoiled, but went ahead and made breakfast and served it at the dining room table --- we had a fresh fruit bowl, croissants, and a ham and cheese quiche along with mimosas.  Mister enjoyed his coffee and read the paper while waiting for this wonderful meal, lol.  After breakfast we relaxed for awhile, got a phone call from Amanda and the boys that was absolutely adorable as they sang to Mister, and then decided to go to a matinee -- Shutter Island -- good, but disturbing.  From there, well, its tradition to hit the Monk on his birthday so off we went.  We spent the rest of the evening there, complete with a birthday call from Cass and Scott.  By staying there all evening, indirectly the next day got to be part birthday too, since I hadn't finished his birthday dinner.  All in all --- a very fun time together and a great  celebration.

Friday, February 12, 2010

12 1/2 inches --- What????

Isn't it just beautiful?  But wait, where do we live?  Oh yeah, that's right, Dallas.  What the heck?  The city literally shut down for two days and people stood and wondered what to do.  Its not like people own snow shovels or blowers and the snow was way wet -- perfect for snowmen and snowballs though.  The silence over the city that morning was incredible and I have to admit that even being from Montana --- this was one of the most beautiful morning after snowfalls that I have ever seen.  Too bad no one owned sleds or anything either, lol.  I might have considered sitting in one as it was about 35 degrees out.  Magnificent!



That's the view from the front of the house.  Since it had been so warm, the compaction of the snow was pretty tight and had about a 6 inch ice base on the bottom of it.  Then the beautiful fluffy white flakes settled on that -- we watched it the day before as it had snowed for 24 hours solid -- Christmas snow came to mind more than once.

After taking some pictures it was time to rescue the trees.  Mister was pretty worried about several of them and it was a good thing that he went out and shook them all off ---- we had neighbors everywhere who lost big branches and the crackling of breaking trees is being heard around the city.

All in all --- it was very cool.  We bundled up and took a walk to the grocery store for the basic storm foods:  milk, bread, and eggs and laughed about it all the way home.  Once again -- records were broke everywhere as this was the largest snowfall ever in a 24 hour time period.  People everywhere were enjoying it and the time off from work it gave them.