Sunday, March 7, 2010

Home again! Glad to be here!

I was off to Montana alone for 5 days to do the taxes and monthly books for the family business. Leaving Mister behind for a trip hadn't happened in awhile, but away I went. I knew that I would have some fun time with both Matt and Rhiana's families and was looking forward to that. I also knew that it would be full days at work to get everything done that needed to be so I tried to fit in as much time with Hyrum and Elena as I could. I went straight to work after arriving at the airport but was staying with Matt and so that evening, I was able to spend time enjoying family and seeing how much Hyrum had learned. He called me "Gimmy" and I loved every minute of it. I arrived with my book in hand as usual and I think I have it memorized now as I'm pretty sure I read it at least 5 times a day while up there. He had just gotten a new piggy bank as he had filled the other one and so each day I tried to give him some change to run off with.

On Tuesday morning, I stopped at Rhiana's on the way to work and managed to wake up the whole family. Miss was still in her crib but awake and looking so sweet. I stayed for just a little while and then made plans to meet up with the "girls" and Hyrum for lunch, lol. We went to Wheat Montana and Miss arrived in a cheerleader outfit to steal hearts all around her. Even Hyrum kept looking at her like "what's up Cuz?"

I went back to Matt's that evening and played with Hyrum some more and he was so cute in posing for pictures once again.  Becca says that he never does that for her, but he would strike a pose and then not move until he saw the flash from the camera -- nice thing especially with a digital since they seem to take longer.

The next night was at Rhiana's house and we just visited, ordered dinner, and watched American Idol.  I managed to smack Elena's nose by causing her to lose her balance and hit the glass table in the living room -- oh my -- it really shows in some of the bath pictures that I took.  I felt so bad for her.

The next day, Rhiana was in the office with me and we had Miss with us all morning.  She was given her own desk and computer and look how into her work she is.  Wish we all were that thrilled.

After work we all went to dinner at Samurai Gardens, a Japanese restaurant and enjoyed ourselves while watching the chef and visiting together.  I love these moments when we are able to gather together with whoever is in the city. 

It was a nice week, but I was eager to get home and so on Friday, I finished up a little early and caught a flight home to surprise Mister.  I tried and tried to get these two videos to place in the text when they took place, but to no avail.  Enjoy -- Elena learning to walk and Hyrum mastering a trick on the trampoline.  Each one brought many smiles to my face.

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