Monday, February 22, 2010

Mister is 51

It was birthday weekend!!!  How fun.  Let's see --- what all did we do?  Saturday we went shopping and then down to Deep Ellum where we had read about a wine tasting for a local winery that was taking place.  It was called Calais and was french style wines made in small batches right on location.  They were really very good and we enjoyed talking with Benjamin the winemaker for quite awhile.  He was from Calasi, France and was full of information that he willingly shared with us about the wine industry.  We had a great time and before we knew it -- we needed to go since we had reservations for dinner shortly.  We went to Suze Restaurant for dinner and had a very enjoyable time together and a nice meal.  We shared an appetizer of Carpaccio (new to me), a wonderful salad, and split an entree of trout that was really very good.  Dessert was a huckleberry/pear cobbler with homemade ice cream -- yummy.

The next day was family day -- we headed out to Arlington around 11 and visited with everyone for while before going to lunch.  Mister had requested Sushi for his birthday and so off we went.  It was soooo good.  Sushi is kind of new to me still, but this restaurant does such a good job and I loved every bite.  One of the dishes was absolutely beautiful -- I had to take a picture, lol.



After lunch, we went back to Mister's Mom's house and visited for awhile, opened gifts, and then had a yummy dessert.  We got back to the house around 5 and relaxed the rest of the day.






The next day was Mister's REAL birthday and so I got up around 3 -- yes you read that right -- and started working on plans for dinner and breakfast in bed.  I prepared the appetizer for dinner and made my list and around 6 I headed off to the store to put everything together and surprise Mister.  Well -- didn't quite work out that way as when I returned he was standing in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee --- and me with grocery bags, a rose, and a thermos of coffee.  Hmmmmm.  I was kind of bummed that my surprise had been spoiled, but went ahead and made breakfast and served it at the dining room table --- we had a fresh fruit bowl, croissants, and a ham and cheese quiche along with mimosas.  Mister enjoyed his coffee and read the paper while waiting for this wonderful meal, lol.  After breakfast we relaxed for awhile, got a phone call from Amanda and the boys that was absolutely adorable as they sang to Mister, and then decided to go to a matinee -- Shutter Island -- good, but disturbing.  From there, well, its tradition to hit the Monk on his birthday so off we went.  We spent the rest of the evening there, complete with a birthday call from Cass and Scott.  By staying there all evening, indirectly the next day got to be part birthday too, since I hadn't finished his birthday dinner.  All in all --- a very fun time together and a great  celebration.

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