Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas continues -- Ohio

From Montana I was off to Ohio for my every other month visit with Amanda and all of her "boys". I am able to be Gammy on Fridays while both Amanda and Trent work and look forward to it each trip. This time we didn't do the normal "kid" stops, but went shopping as I had a long list and a short amount of time to put everything together. First stop, the mall. The boys were so cute as we wandered around looking for a place to get something to eat. They spotted Santa and slowly started walking his way -- I just stayed back and watched and they went right up to him and sat on his lap, gave their required requests, had a picture, and picked out their treats. Amanda later told me that they had never been to Santa before and she was surprised that it went so well -- what can I say -- Gammy magic.
After seeing Santa, we were still on the prowl for a place to grab a quick and easy lunch and found pretzel dogs. They boys decided to split one in case they didn't like it and a slushy to go along. Well, they liked it and so Raef got to take the money up to the counter all alone and order another one and bring it back and they shared it as well. Was fun and they were such a delight.

We also went to several other stores and I managed to finish shopping for their family right under the boys eyes including Raef's birthday present for next month. It was almost too funny as I wheeled around a cart full of toys at Toys R Us and they paid absolutely no attention to what was in it --- they were pretty excited about picking out a new movie and were a little distracted if the truth be told -- okay okay -- bribery works. When I was done shopping -- we headed back home and wrapped all the gifts -- yes even the ones for them -- and still no clue. BUT, once they were wrapped, well then they determined that they must be unwrapped the minute that mom and dad get home. I laughed and agreed. (Amanda's gift had arrived that morning and I had quickly answered the door and hid it up in my room. Perfect timing.) So --- the boys just couldn't stand it and got to go first of course. I love that
they called the "Diegos".

Then Mom and Dad got their turns and I think both the mixer and the steamer machine were big hits. There were smiles all around anyway.  We then had to get everyone organized and head to a church activity in which Amanda and Trent were playing the roles of Mary and Joseph. Don't they look quiet and dignified? Well, there was this brief moment when the "Star" appeared and it was a disco ball -- Trent broke a little and rolled his eyes. I loved it. Then we were treated to Amanda and her beautiful voice. I tried to video it, but it was pretty dark in there --- so please just enjoy the sound bite -- She is amazing.

Once we got home and the boys went to bed, it was time to play with the new toys. Steamers all around and comments like "it tastes just like it should". Was fun to watch and the next day we made breakfast treats with the mixer. Such a good time and it always goes by so fast. There was time out with the boys and Amanda on Saturday and dinner out of course. Can't wait for the next trip at the end of January. Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Birthday Time/Christmas Starts - Montana

When we arrived back at Jen's house, she decided that she would continue on to Montana with me since it was going to be her brother's birthday party and so after a quick drop off of some bags, off we went again for another 5 hours. Oh my --- what a great group of kids as I was tired of being in the car and knew they had to be. A quick call prepared Matt and Becca for extra company and plans were made for the party. When I first got to town, I had to go to work and met Rhiana, Kyle, Elena, Becca, and Hyrum for lunch while Jen went to see Louis' family. While in the car, I snapped this picture of Elena --- now tell me she doesn't look lilke cousin Ryan --- its shocking.

Then, birthday time and perhaps an early Christmas present or two. We started with Josh's birthday a little late as we were having it while on the road. He was so cute with the gifts, insisting on handing me each paper as he tore it off even though I was trying to take pictures. We had gotten him a new bike and managed to get a pic of both him and Hyrum on those bikes --- too cute.

I managed to sneak in some "girl time" for pictures and that's no easy feat with all these boys around all the time. (Seven grandsons -- two granddaughters, but we're making a comeback this spring when Zyra gets here).

Becca cooked a wonderful dinner and then it was Matt's turn to be the focus of everyone's attention. I had a little surprise planned and so presented him with three boxes for his birthday. They were components for a new computer and I promised him that I had kept in the family birthday budget. I had a printer (a package freebie, lol), keyboard/mouse, and speakers, He was bewildered and asked if I was making a point that he needed to buy a computer (YES --- his was AWFUL and actually an old hand-me-down of my first computer). Then Jen got into the act and gave him a router and he just laughed.

After he opened the gifts from everyone else and when things were quiet, I said that I had also brought Christmas early and if Becca wanted to open her gift, I would give them to them now. Matt said no, but Becca (knowing what it was since she had been hiding the boxes at the house as they arrived) overruled and I went to get the last two packages.

It was the monitor and the laptop! They were pretty excited and it was such fun to play Santa from Mister and me. So, Christmas has begun and the giving is by far the best part. I decided to add a couple of videos here --- one of Miss Elena just started to get the idea of crawling and one of Uncle Matt playing a card trick on the kids --- he stumps Rhiana too --- LOL.

Monday, November 30, 2009

November - Whoosh!

Two whirlwind months in a row -- Wow.  We were only home for 14 days and I headed out again.  I flew to South Dakota only to get in Jen's van within 2 hours and start on the road back to Texas for the Thanksgiving holiday.  A stop for a Tae Kwon Do tournament in Sioux Falls (fun day with medals all around) started out the trip and then the big drive commenced.  With Louis deployed, we were lucky to have Jen and the kids come and spend some time with us and we enjoyed each and every minute of it -- including the drives down and back.  We were able to play a little tourist as well as traditional family moments for the holiday.  We did the Acquarium trip and were able to spot monkeys that had escaped their cages frolicking above us.  Each person found things they loved and Mister was there when the manatees were fed and so got some great up close pics.

Four boys showing their construction skills and apparently all getting along --- what a moment.  The girls were gone for awhile and Mister and boys were left to their own entertainment.  A picnic was had on the back patio and everyone appeared happy still when we returned.  We also made a trip to White Rock Lake and took advantage of the beautiful weather by using the playground to its fullest.  Mister had his camera out and snapped some great shots of each one of the grands --- this series of Josh was just so precious.

A day to Fort Worth is always required so off we went to the Water Gardens and then to Cowtown.  The kids did the maze which was fun to watch and Jen surprised everyone by wanting a shot of her on a longhorn -- so of course that's exactly what she got.  Those horns have a 6 foot span -- amazing.

It was a great time together and included a trip down south to scope out where Jen was moving, taking in two movies (Twilight-New Moon at the Inland which Bekah described as "cool" and A Christmas Carol), a shopping trip to the mall for fleece jackets all arouond and  Thanksgiving dinner with Misters mom and all of us --- was a full house, but everything tasted so good and we were sure that Jon's skin was going to turn orange from the amount of sweet potatoes that he consumed.  We also found time for making Christmas cut-out cookies, of course, and treasured each moment of  it all.  Then we were off and back in the van for the trip back.  A great week.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Every now and then I think it is necessary to take stock of one's life.  This entry will reflect that by just having a few of my thoughts and absolutely no pictures.  Being grateful for the things that come our way seems to be overlooked way too often and I have found myself guilty of that same behavior.  A few things have happened the last few weeks that have me thinking about just how incredibly blessed I really am.  In the last month I have been able to spend time with most of my children and all of my grandchildren and have treasured each and every one of those moments.  Additionally, I was fortunate enough to have been able to share that time with someone who means so very much to me and have been consistently amazed by how special he truly is and how much I learn how to be a better person just by being around him.  He has taken my family into his heart and for that I will be eternally grateful and know that they will be cared for as he has cared for me.  I am indeed a very lucky girl and need to remember that everyday.  To have found someone who promises to love me and make me laugh each day is an absolute miracle to me at this age.  Thank you Mister -- for helping me to become whole again and to face each day with a smile.

Love, Lady

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Road Trip - Long Entry, Sit back and enjoy!

We were supposed to be flying up to Kalispell, renting a car and driving to South Dakota via a night in Billings, driving back to Billings and then flying home.  Was a decent plan but for some reason I got a bee in my bonnet to just drive the whole thing and for a brief moment of insanity Mister agreed (I'm pretty sure he is still questioning why he did that).  So we left two days early and arrived back home two days later, making it a 2 week trip and over 6,000 miles.  Whew.  Mister's insanity continued on for the first complete day by deciding to just drive straight through -- what was he thinking?  The drive was good though (except for a small blizzard in Wyoming as we went through) and the snow peaked mountains in the distance were magnificent to see.  We arrived up at Moms house Sunday afternoon (instead of the Monday  night we would have flown in) and were able to help get some things done since we had a little more time.  The weather was so varied while we were there and so we were treated to snow as well as sunshine.  We were also able to get together with Sis, Joe, Zach, his new girlfriend, Rebecca to celebrate Mom's 70th birthday.  Sis got her a beautiful pair of opal earrings and Mister and I had taken her to pick out a new camera earlier in the day.  Congratulations Mom -- what a milestone.  They were days filled with work, good conversation, and fun -- its Mom's turn now to come down here again.


After four days in the beautiful Flathead Valley, we were on the road again.  We drove to Billings with a quick stop in Butte to check out the Quarry, one of the few microbrews we missed last summer on the tour.  Mister pulled out the computer again and we enjoyed our time there getting to know the brewmaster and his wife.  We got to Billings in time for me to help Rhiana get Miss Elena's Halloween costume almost done (a flower fairy - too cute) and then took Matt's and Rhiana's family's out to dinner for a treat before crashing at Matt's house for the night and heading to South Dakota the next day.

 Elena is watching closely before her turn comes.

We arrived at the base around 1 and after getting all "registered and checked out" arrived at Jen's house where pumpkins, tools, and smiling kids were waiting to see how big of a mess we could all make.  Within minutes of getting there, we were literally up to our elbows in pumpkin.

After the pumpkins were finished, the crystals cleaned up, the birds retrieved, the cage put back together (long story, but funny), the boys were dropped off at a sitters and friends and we were off to Bekah's Black Belt Test.  She was amazing and so deserving of it (and I'm not prejudiced at all).  She handled everything they threw at her, never lost her composure and five hours later was awarded her belt.  It was a very long, wonderful and interesting day.  We crashed.

 Halloween Day!  Jen was up and dropping of the three oldest at Tae Kwon Do workshops and so when she returned, we  loaded up the two little ones and headed to the Journey Museum, an excellent museum on South Dakota history which was very hands on and enjoyable for all ages.  The boys were busy looking at rocks, learning about dinosaurs, and digging for fossils.  


From there we went and picked up the kids for lunch at DQ and then back to the workshop while we made a quick dash to Mount Rushmore.  Mister hadn't been there since he was quite young and noted how many things had changed.  Jared was working on a Junior Ranger program and so we were busy finding all the things he needed to mark off on his assignment sheet.  One of the items was to draw the different wildlife we saw and we were actually lucky enough to see several mountain goats along the  path.  It was a beautiful day and Mister was able to take some great pictures.


We then went back into town and picked up the boys and Jens van (another story, lol) and everyone went back to the house to start getting ready for trick or treating except Jared who stayed with us while we waited for Bekah to finish her black belt workshop.  We made a quick stop for some fresh brewed root beer which gave Jared the giggles big time and the Mister took us on a Roller Coaster car ride up to Dinosaur Park -- wow.  After getting Bekah, we headed to the house for a quick dinner and then time to costume and make up all 5 kids.  The kids and Jen and Mister headed out the door for some serious candy gathering and I stayed in to hand out candy.  That itself was quite the chore as sometimes it was not more than a minute between doorbell rings and I stood there with a constant stream of kids for up to 10 minutes at a time.  Amazing.  Upon their return, the dividing of the spoils and the big trades began -- a tradition that never leaves.  Another long day and I was ready to fall in a heap.


  November --- where has October gone?  I know!  it went with a trip to the office in Montana, a visit from Matt and Becca, a tip to Ohio, and the adventure that I am in the middle of writing about.  Oh my.  There were very few down days last month.  I wonder what this month will bring.  We slept in a little Sunday morning and then decided to go to Canyon Park and feed the ducks and geese and fish.  It was a good time and nice to just relax for awhile before heading over to a picnic area and making a quick lunch.  When the boys were finished eating (this includes Mister) they were off to play tag and climb on the play equipment until Mister lost his grip and fell to the ground with Jared as his cushion.  No one was hurt (although Mister did complain of some soreness the next day) and much laughter was heard.  Afterwards, we made a stop at an indoor miniature golf that was all in the dark with black lights and since we were the only ones using the course, took our time and had fun -- not too competitive.  We then went back to the house and several of us went down for naps (me included) while others watched a movie and dinner cooked.  We spent the evening playing Apples to Apples and just talking and visiting.  It was sooooo nice.



That was the end of our time in South Dakota, but are fortunate enough to have them coming to visit us for Thanksgiving --will be fun times.  The next morning we were off and back to Montana so that I could actually work for a couple of days (nice to pay for these trips now and then, lol) and spend a little time with family there.  Becca was getting ready to go to Brazil with Hyrum for a couple of weeks and so we enjoyed our time with them -- Mister even babysat while Matt and I worked and Becca ran errands.  Time with all was great and on the last night -- Matt and Rhiana were doing all they could to stay awake once Elena gave in.  Time for bed and the long drive home the next day.


Slight head chop off in this pic, but the expression is priceless.


While we were up there, Mister picked up a new camera -- the first picture taken on it was this:

How perfect!!

We then headed back home but I stopped the insanity and we spent the night in Pueblo, Colorado.  Back home on Friday -- a great trip, a lot of miles, and lots of fantastic memories.