Saturday, June 8, 2024

Road Trip - Days 7 & 8, Last Day in Provo and Travel to MT

 It's our last day in Provo due to a booking error by me.  It sucks, but every now and then I blow it.  This is one of the nows.  We have to check out of our little house this morning and once the work is done and the car loaded, we are off to meet Cassie and then - THE ZOO for the day.  It is about a 45 minute drive, but at least the traffic isn't terrible.  In we go with my reciprocal membership for the adults and Cass's coupons for the little.  The first thing we see are chalk drawings happening all over the grounds.

There is a new area that we haven't checked out yet - Wild Utah.  Inside the Animal Education Center, the kids get up close with several animals.

There are little crawl through areas on the various exhibits and inside one can see even closer still.   

A Desert Tortoise and a Yellow-bellied Marmot.

An indoor/outdoor hive --- love these.

When we leave the building, an American Badger stops to say howdy before retreating back into his hole.

Bighorn Sheep putting on a show for us.

Hands on for the kids.  Making seed pods to plant.

Back to the main entrance - The African Savanna with giraffes, ostrich, zebra, and crazy noisy Guinea Fowl.

African Lions taking a siesta in the shade - it's hot out.  (Warning - don't look too close, lol.)

Water and quick play stop.

The Colobus Monkeys are having some fun feeding time.  This was a great chance for the kids to see them moving about the habitat.  The keeper threw the greens on top of the net and they would pull them through.

Co-operation at its finest.  Love these both.

A stop at the White Rhinos - this one is sad to me.

Just outside the elephants, the kids have a chance to participate once again.

Some lunch takes place and that is CRAZY.  We get it done, but, goodness.  I will say that the worker manning the cash register is awesome.  We just keep taking food to the tables and then Mister goes back and recounts what was taken so he can pay.  From there - it is off to the next area and first up are otters.

And we follow that up with the Sea Lion/Seal show.

This drawing really caught my attention.  Polar Bears.

Did I mention how hot it is out?  Check out the meerkat.

Last stop is the Gorilla house, where there is a baby and Mama is holding it, but I just can't get a very good pic.  Oh well.  At t his point we take a group picture and start the departure process.  Torsten really doesn't wish to participate.

Ooooh --- so good.

Saying good-bye is always so tough for me.  I really miss this one and wish we were closer to get together more often.  Hugs always coming your way.  Thank you for sharing the week with me.

With that, we point our car north and make our way to Pocatello, ID for the night.  Once again, thank you Marriott.

The view out our window.

Managing to find a local brewery, we are off to dinner and a bit of relaxation for the remainder of the evening.

While outside on the patio enjoying our time, nature provides a beautiful end to the day.

6/8 - Well, let's get this next leg done.  On our way to Montana and one never knows just what you'll see along the way.

Lunch stop in Missoula and we find a fun brewery that is along a creek.  Mister gave me parameters and I delivered.

Some of the trees look a bit shaky to me - hmmmn.

I wish we could stay a bit longer, but we still have miles to cover and one drink is sufficient.  Ahhh, the mountains are beautiful.

As we come into Ronan, we spot signs for a quilt show.  Following them is a bit comical, but we manage to find the spot.  

As we enter, I notice this flyer on a quilt and LOVE IT.  What a simple solution.

In the parking lot outside, there is also a chainsaw event happening.  Let's take a peek.  LOVE the turtle.

And with that -- the last bit of the drive happens and we make it to Mom's house, only to be welcomed by the deer.  Whew.

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