Saturday, September 16, 2023

The Medium Adventure Ends - Two More Sea Days and Home - Whew

 With our ports behind us, we've hit the final sea days and are on our way back to Baltimore.  As I walk past the map in the atrium, I thought I'd snap a picture to share.  This shows how totally crazy our trip has been and how we didn't even come close to Greenland.  You can see the backtrack towards Boston and all ---- We hadn't even reached Halifax when the decision to forgo our main destination took place.  The top --- which doesn't show well has us going up and down the Gulf of Lawrence numerous times.  St. Anthony and Corner Brook are further north.

Some time on Lido today and I've finished the last block I brought for this project.  Yay!. 

My mood is not wonderful - I don't feel well and have a cold that is definitely taking me down.  At least I have a sea turtle to make me smile today.

AND - these two put on a show.

Some fresh air does help with the breathing, but I am actually resting in the room quite a bit.

Mister is still up and about --- at least one of us feels good.  Not a very bright sunset, but it'll do.

I'm the one who wants to go to the dining room tonight as my favorite dessert is on the menu:  the Grand Marnier souffle.  It is just so yummy, but so rich.

Shonie goes with me to the show this evening and it's really not very good.  Oh well.  Wish she had been with me at the production numbers. You can tell by how cheery this post is that I don't feel well.

15th - It's our last day on ship.  Even though I'm drugged heavily to keep the cold at bay, I want to walk around and enjoy.  Sunrise ---- then some tea.

Towel art all over Lido

Continuing with the sunrise -- it IS lifting my mood.

Sitting in lido --- waiting for something fun to happen.  Still waiting.

I guess one of us should have info on tomorrow.  I'm off to the debarkation talk.  We did receive a flyer in the room giving info, but maybe there is more at the talk.  What I do discover is that the information in the flyer (regarding times) is different than what is presented.  Later --- this is corrected and we are told the flyer is correct.  Just the communication on this ship ---- so much to be desired.

Back in the room - our last towel art from Juliet.  

Shonie is treating to sushi today and I am going along, but my appetite is not what it should be.  Mister will enjoy.  Me?  Miso soup hits the spot - this is before the broth is added.

Shonie goes all in --- wow.  So wish I was up to helping her out.

After lunch, I said I was going back to lay down, but the packing needs to happen and while I have some energy from the soup, I tackle it and soon have suitcases all ready to leave out tonight.  Mister comes back and settles in on the deck to read for awhile.  I want to walk for a bit and peek in on Kelly and Shonie as well.  Now I know where all my peeps are.

Ballroom dancing class.  Shonie should have been doing this everyday.  Next time, I bet she does.

Mister has relocated to Serenity, so I join him there.  Pretty much have the place to ourselves.

For some reason, biting flies are hanging out here and that sent me running.  Where did we pick up those?  I found an open window on lido and took pictures through the little opening while watching the sunset --- our last one and it didn't disappoint.

Enjoy with me.

Mister receives another picture from someone who has photographed him.  I think he has an admirer.

Dinner in the dining room ---- ends with some good-byes.  Mister had left to photograph an upcoming bridge and Kelly had departed as well.  Oh well, Shonie and I did the farewell shots with Arun, Feland, and Bernard.  They treated us like royalty and made each evening wonderful.

The bridge that Mister goes to photograph turns out to be a tunnel.  Hard to take pictures of that, lol.  The road just disappears into the water and this massive ship goes over it.  I want to drive that.

Coming back down.  Time to play a little in the casino and then close out the account.  I wound up ahead, so that's good, I guess.  I'm not sure how they base the offers - is it time spent or $$ lost.  Must research more.  That's it -- off for some much needed sleep as airports such when you don't feel good.

16th - Well, good morning!  I'm up early enough to watch us pull into the Port of Baltimore.  What a beautiful morning.

By the time the sun is up, we are settled in and ready to start the debarkation process.  We have tags numbered 29 so will be some of the last off the ship.  That's okay as we have a LOT of time to kill before flights.  Breakfast on lido and just spending time together is what takes place.  My poor sweetheart is now sick as well.  Half of the ship is coughing --- so fun.  New foodstuffs ready to load.

One last towel art to share --- this one is so fun.

Debarkation goes amazing, as does customs (as in NO stops).  We manage to collect our luggage and haul it out to the Uber stand.  The ride arrives, we load up, and are off to the airport SUPER EARLY.  As soon as we are all through security, we meet up and hang out at the Flying Dog Taphouse.  Shonie does her sweatshirt pics --- it's made it to:

 and then she hands it off to Kelly for the next picture (she has an upcoming trip planned).  Love the glasses here at the pub.  We have really seen some fun glasses on this trip.  Creativity at its best.

Picture time --- I really don't want to say good-bye and that's saying something.  In all honesty, we really didn't spend a ton of time together on this trip - which is how a cruise works.  It's a really big ship with something to appeal to all.  I can't wait for our next adventure together.

GREAT pic.  Who says three is a bad number for friends?  It worked out great for us.

Some scenes from an virtually empty airport on a Saturday around 1.  Wow.  Our flight doesn't board for several hours still, so some wandering happens.

This one just cracks Mister up.

And that's it --- flight home goes well - only a five minute wait for an Uber and the house is still standing.  Now to die.  Joking, but since we both feel terrible, I'm sure this next week will be super unproductive.  It is what it is.  Now --- let's get started on booking the next cruise.  Hey Kelly - let's go.

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