Tuesday, September 5, 2023

The Grand Adventure - Days 3, 4, and 5

 3rd - We have four more sea days before a port and so it's time to just settle in.  We did have another medical emergency late last night - the ship had to go back several hours towards Boston to meet a Coast Guard helicopter.  I was beat and slept through it all.  However, with a late start and two stops for medical, one that included a HUGE backtrack, we are not making much progress.  However, it's a new day.  Enjoy.

After breakfast, Mister and I locate a pod on the side of the ship and just watch the water pass by for quite awhile.  THIS is the time with him I have been looking forward to.

Now to wander around a bit.  From one of the upper decks, we can see that a cooking class is taking place inside the red glass dome.  Probably looked strange to them to have us peeking in overhead.

The row of pods we were lying in.

Mister chatting with a crew member that is supposed to be running the water slides.  We have a total of 15 kids on this cruise so I think he's going to be bored for quite some time.

Back to our room and our first towel art is on the bed.  We've met Juliet, our steward, and she is lovely and warm.

I asked for robes earlier and they have been delivered as well.

Mister and I sat in the atrium for awhile and I managed to get a little sewing done.  The waves outside are pretty high, though.  Apparently we have two hurricanes tracking us.  Not a great picture, but . . .

The day has passed and it's already dinner time.  Like I said, this early dinner is a bit crazy.  Tonight is a formal night and lobster is the deal.  Mister and I had some pictures taken so we will see if there is a new one to have at home.

Showtime in the dining room.  One of our waiters, Felund, is the one on a table, furthest back.

Arun, our second waiter and Kelly is bopping right along.

Back to the room to change and then go enjoy the sunset.

The ship deck is pretty empty.

We stop off at the Atrium bar, meet Emmanuel and Vera - great bartenders.  Some fabulous string music by Soul String Trio.  I tried to buy some of their music, but couldn't find them online - sometimes they are listed as the Accidental String Trio, but still no cds.  Too bad, they were amazing.  Their rendition of Stairway to Heaven had Mister impressed as well.

Moonrise - it's kind of like our annual trip to the beach - sunrise, sunset, moonrise, etc.

Ship views.

He's back down with me now.

4th - Well, no sunrise this morning.  Fog, lots and lots of fog.  We are barely moving and I'm truly confused.  We are still even with the U.S. and have a LONG way to go.

Down the elevators and back to the spot I found yesterday to sit and sew.

A stop at the room and the BEST TOWEL ART I've ever had.  Love it.

More sewing and the girls join in.  We'll find a better place tomorrow.

Mister and I decide to explore the ship some more and see what we can find.  This area leads to The Firebird Lounge.

We peek in through a back door.

Continuing on - the stairway we went down - just inside the Follies Theater door.

Also, back here, is a quiet area that not many locate.  It is the Enchanted Forest.  The portholes are awesome and what a perfect place to read or work.

It exits near this walkway - 

Back to the Atrium bar and Emmanuel.  Tonight the duo is Cross Quays and they are pretty decent as well.  LOTS of people singing along with them.

A brief moment of sunset before the clouds took over again.

Dinner and the decision has been made to switch to late dining.  Five o'clock just comes too early.  Yummy mussels and Felund thinks I need dessert even though I didn't order it.  My stomach has not allowed ice cream lately, so it's a no for me, but what a sweet thought.

A little singing and dancing ensued.

Then, Mister and I went to see Viva Variety!:  Broadway star Chuck Wagner.  I have no doubt that at one time he was amazing, but he has a hard time holding the notes now.  It was kind of a show all about him.  Not bad, but not good either.

5th - Good morning on Sea Day 4.  We are still putting along and can't understand what is up.  However, breakfast in the dining room today and we have a table right by the window.  Nice.  Arun shows up and is selling juice.  Silly man.

It is yummy - that's nice.

This is our nighttime area.

Time to explore some more.  The upper level of the dining room, looking down.

Getting some steps in - a little walking.  The water is much calmer today and it's turning into a nice day.  If we are really going to walk, I need to change shoes.

Shoe change done.

Here we go - around and around the 10th deck.

Look close to see what we spot.  A couple of stowaways.

One flew off, but not far.  Nowhere to go.

We stop in to look at the Follies Theater when it is empty.

Then, the girls and I settled in on Lido to sew.  Mister went to meeting at 1with the crew for a Q&A as he is wondering why we are not making progress.  Turns out, we may not go to Greenland after all.  I cannot express the deep depression we all have now.  

Today's towel buddy.

We have changed our dinner to 7:30 now.  It's soooo late, but better than 5.  Mango soup tonight.

From there, we called it a day.  No one is wanting to do anything and just let the whole mess sink in.  The captain did tell them in the Q&A that tonight would be rough and it is already starting.  At 2 in the morning, mister woke and the balcony door had been blown open, curtains were flying outside and wet.  He tried to get a video of the noise and wake and halfway through, it shows up pretty good.  I slept through it all.  That's the end of this post - I'll be better tomorrow.

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