Saturday, May 6, 2023

Birthday Week (4th - 6th) - Includes Roaming For Gnomes

 My birthday week is always such fun as my sweet Mister goes above and beyond to make it happen.  We've already been out and about but here are some highlights for 2023:

4th - Birthday dinner out at a new to us place right in our own neighborhood - Cedar and Vine.  Sitting on the patio is always a bonus and the night is wonderful due to the company.  My love.

Once back home, it's present time.  So. Much. Fun.  Treasures from my children.

My sweetie did a turtle nest for me again this year.  It will hatch in June (I'll be in Montana) but I absolutely LOVE the gift.

My haul - plus the t-shirt below.

5th - Knowing that I think Cane Rosso is the BEST pizza ever - we are off to OHB for a nice beverage and some truly great grub.  It's another evening on the patio with the man I love and there really isn't any better gift around.

6th - Out and about a bit.  First stop is down at Pelican Bay, but not too many beautiful birds there this morning.  This one egret was fun to watch, though, and some babies always make things happy.

Away he goes - (I always call the egrets gents for some reason)

Now, for a new to us coffee shop.  Well Grounded Coffee Community is the stop.

If staying in, the first step is to select a mug.

Really nice music playing in the room.  The place looks empty, but while we were there, ALL tables filled and we offered our seats to others when we left.


I have an ongoing list of things to check out in Dallas and today we are going to tackle Kessler Park and the gnomes that are said to inhabit the area.  First up is this gnome home.

Various other trees hold surprises as I walk around.

Roaming the neighborhood, a fountain appears as well.

Kessler Park has another draw which Mister knew about, but I didn't.  The Historic Kessler Steps.  They were originally constructed in 1924 and restored in 2018.  They were involved in a large neighborhood dispute, but the steps won out.  They were originally built to connect Kessler Parkway to the higher elevation Canterbury Court.

Along the path there is a walkway leading to this beautiful home.  I wish.  This is a beautiful area, for sure.

A nearby bridge offers a view of downtown.

At this point, I am looking some things up on my phone and when I look up, this is my view:

I asked Mister where we were and he said he had read about this area and went to check it out.


Next stop is Manhattan Project for a yummy treat and some of my most favorite chicken.

As we are driving back towards home, we discover a new brewery in town.  Well, at least, a second location for one we've already been to.  Still . . . a stop happens.

The night ends at TCBY.  So, so good.  Such a great few days.  Loving life.

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