Sunday, May 7, 2023

End of Birthday Season 2023 - Dallas Zoo and Dinner w/Friends

 The birthday season is coming to an end, but we have a wonderful day planned once again.  First up is the Dallas Zoo and a baby elephant.  How fun is this?  Just enjoy the pics - I took quite a few.

How cute is this?  Look close.

Drink time - 

So much beauty on the Savana - 

This one was a hoot to watch.  Love that tongue.

Hippo time.

Okapi --- One of the most beautiful creatures, I think.

More hippos - aren't babies grand?

A quick peek at the gorillas and lemurs.

Ending the evening with friends we haven't seen in quite a few years.  What a fabulous dinner with Bert and David.  Love ya guys.  And with that - birthday season is done for another year.  Onto 66.

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