Saturday, April 27, 2019

Unexpected Time With a Friend

Good Morning.  We have a free play day today and I'm absolutely happy with it.  Last week, my friend, Bonnie, needed a change in plans and a place to stay for about 24 hours.  I was more than happy to answer the call and help out.  We left Mineola yesterday and today are going to just step away from sewing a bit.

Once her blog post is complete, we are off to the Dallas Arboretum for Mister and my 7th visit this spring and her FIRST!  Even though she has lived around the metroplex in the past, it was not a stop on her boy raising radar.  That's cool, for today it shall happen.

First stop is coffee.  Perfect.  On we go.  As we are driving near the lake, we share with her the sailboat groups and rowing teams that play here.  As if right on cue, mere minutes after we enter the gardens, rowers pass by on the lake.  Run, run for pictures.  Hey, even Dallas is in the background.  Yep, it's a gorgeous day here.

Letting Bonnie just enjoy the beauty is the number one plan.  There's no need for a bunch of conversation --- just eye candy all around.

My weekly shot --- the color is filling in once again.

The flowers around the ants enjoying the picnic basket are also really thickening.  It's just so fun to watch.

Apparently I missed at least one of Gary Prices statues last week.  If you want to see more of them, here is that POST.  Look at the joy this one radiates.

Do you want to see through her eyes.  Well, here is your LINK.  She shares in all in her own post.

Can you see what we see?


Hey there girlfriend --- have a sit down.

The first lotus flower of the season.  At least that I've seen.


Ooooh, more and more roses since last week.

Mister's favorite ones --- still buds

Wandering along, each turn offers new color for the eyes and things to point at.  Wow.  I'm so glad we have a beautiful day after so many yucky Saturdays this spring.

The beds have been turned over -- no more daffodils or tulips.  Onto the next season.

Stopping at the grotto ----

And a little photography lesson from my sweetie.  Apparently, sometimes the flash IS needed outside.

I love this picture and haven't peeked through here before.  So pretty.

Bonnie spotted this tree as it's almost furry.  I kept looking up.  The moon is hanging out above us.

The foxglove are coming to an end.  I will miss them, but this one just has so much personality.

Last week I though I spied an Amaryllis but wasn't sure.  This week I decide to get a little closer.

In the white garden lies another statue missed last week.   Oh, I want to lay down on the lawn with him and play.  What is he playing?

The original IPad.  Hahahaha.  So many memories.

At last --- we have arrived at the Rose Garden and I am thrilled.  The blooms just go on and on and on.  The aroma is heady and I can't stop my nose from creeping down to each flower.

One for the records

And some close-ups

Last week I was kind of unsuccessful with this picture.  This week, the universe says it's okay.

Artscape is also taking place at the Arboretum today and as we enter the great lawn -- over 80 tents meet our eyes.  Within moments, Bonnie has found a new friend and has a souvenir to take home with her.  One that will go into her cabin.

As we continue wandering -- a water marbling of silk scarves is taking place in a booth.  It is WONDERFUL and we both watch the entire process.  I think she videoed it, so be on the lookout, but I have stills.

How cool is this?  I want to try it sometime.

A quick look back at the festival and we are on our way.

But wait --- I want to play a moment.

And so does she --- inner child coming out --- so fun.

Ahhh purple and green are my ending sight -- throw in a little tree bark and my heart is happy.

Mister calls us over to a tree where a robin is singing away.  Of course, he quiets down the minute cameras come out, but so pretty.

Closer to the gate -- the first vestiges of magnolia blooms.  Perhaps next week.

And that's the gardens.  Tummies are hungry so we are off to Cafe Brazil and then home to pick up luggage and make the trek to the airport.

Once we have sent her into the wild blue yonder --- Mister aims for OHB.  It's beer o'clock and the Stars are playing.  Will they move on?  Time will tell.  (Psst. For today, they win and are still alive.)

A quick stop at Brumleys to see about herbs, but it doesn't go well.  I do spot Lamb's Ear though and laugh because it was a conversation at the Arboretum.  Here's your picture Bonnie.

How about a banana plantation, anyone?

We end the day at the hospital.  Checking in on mom and making sure she is okay.  Once again, time will tell.  And we're outta here ---- no more posting tonight.


  1. So fun to live this again through your photos! 💟💟💟

    1. I enjoyed each moment of this time with a treasured friend. Stay well, on your path, and happy with life. Spring will be here before we know it.
