Saturday, April 20, 2019

She Went Sky Diving . . . Maypearl

This young man!

I was there when he came into this world and he is now turning 18 and graduating from high school.  No way!  When asked what he wanted to do for his 18th birthday, he said sky diving.  Very cool.  Then he asked if I wanted to go with.  What?  You want to do this with your grandmother?

It's been on my bucket list for a very long time so . . . . YES!

We try for two weeks, but nature has different plans.  However, today it looks as though the universe is okay with it.  We are off to Hillsboro and meet up with Jen's family for lunch.  I'm not too sure about my tummy handling this so go light.  Jon, not so much.  Hahahahaha.

A stop at the outlet mall --- I'm worried about being late.

We are off to the site - wildflowers again.

That's my plane.

With time to kill -- this is not a quick process.  Games ensue.

Jen reins supreme.

Wandering around -- am I nervous?

Is he? For me?

Yep, he wandered quite a bit.  I really need to peek at his pictures to see what caught his eye.

How about some looks around the hangar?

Paperwork ---- signing my life away big time.

One last picture together, hahahaha.

It's time to harness up.  Jon first while I watch.

Then me.

 There's our plane --- waiting . . .

And we're finally ready.

Meeting up with the amazing guys who are responsible for keeping us alive.

After about three hours, we are ready to fly. Into the cart we go.

I'm the last to load and didn't truly understand what that meant at this point.

The plane is full!!!  Five soloists and two tandems = 9 crammed in here.

A handhold and smile for each other.

Love ya, Grandson.

 And away we go.  Mister took pictures of the whole take-off.  What they can't see is that the door on the other side NEVER closes.

 Apparently is last in, first out.  Right now, it's a bit scary, but no turning back.

Good-bye plane

Hello free fall - honestly, it really doesn't feel like I am falling.  Just a lot of wind.

Time to open the chute.  Ahhhhhh the silence is crazy cool.  Soooooo beautiful.

Glasses off --- is that my grandson down there?  How did he get lower than us?

Now for some views from the ground.  Yep those little white dots are Jon and I.

Both of us a little closer.

Jon -- the size difference is real --- Mister didn't use zoom so that each picture could show us getting closer.

Now, my turn.  It's just so lovely.  I don't want it to end.

And the gentlest landing ever -- standing.  Perfect.

Hugs from my caretaker, Kevin.

Hey Jon - where are ya going?


Get over here Jon.  Wasn't that just awesome???  What a great memory.  I cannot thank you enough for including me in this.

 I had to reduce the resolution on this video to upload here, but you get the idea.

Hugs all around as my family heads back to Abilene and we make our way back to Dallas.  One little pod of bluebonnets to say good-bye.  (keep going)

Just before we leave, Mister drives up to get a better picture of our sweet little plane. (no, this post is still not quite done.)

One our way back to Dallas, we go through Maypearl and hit a little street fair.  Check out the side of this building.  Since my tummy is doing flips, walking will help.  Right?

In front of a vacant lot ---- tells of story of a time long ago.  Old entrance.

And the sidewalk in front of this.  It makes me wonder if many different storefronts did this here.

Ahhhh, bluebonnets along a fence.  I cannot get enough of these right now and know that they will soon be gone for another year, making me want to enjoy as much as I can.

Perfect with the side of that building.  I want to go back in time and see how it was in this wonderful little town.

One last look back at the bank.  Drat, time to get back to Dallas.  What a simply amazing day.  One for the memory books and a front page one at that.

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