Friday, July 18, 2014

Wyoming Grandsons Days 7 & 8

17th - It has poured rain all night and is still at it.  I guess this will be an "at home" day.  Just for clarification --- the boys are choosing this.  They just want to hang out.  Each one finds something they are interested in and the morning passes without any real excitement at all.

By afternoon, cabin fever starts to set in and I am too tired to care.  The rain has stopped so Mister takes pity on me and takes the boys out for awhile to run off some energy.  He is such a good man.  They check out two separate playgrounds before it is time to go home.

When they return --- I am ready to play again and we set to work building on the gears.

We have looked at the forecast and OMG --- we will only be in the 70's for the next couple of days.  Awesome.  Unheard of for Texas in mid-July.  We'll take it though and make good use of it.  Time to plan another outdoor activity.

The day has finished and everyone is in bed.  Gotta love it when Caleb says, "Five minutes" in a sweet little negotiating voice.  If you agree, he goes along without argument when the time is up.  Perfect.  Raef is lovin' his extra half hour alone.  I'm glad --- although Ryan is none too pleased about it.  Ah well -- you win some, you lose some.  I can't have everyone happy with me at once -- learned that oh so many years ago.

18th - We have gorgeous weather and so are fulfilling our promise to return to the zoo for part II of our adventure.  Once again, we are the first people in and take a few minutes to play on the BIG letters.  Only after I take the pictures do I see the sign that says, "Do not climb on letters."  Ugh.

We are off to the Wilds of Africa today.  I am so hoping that everything is operating right and that the animals are enjoying the cool weather as well.  Let's go.  A quick stop at the penguins for a peek and we are savannah bound.  I LOVE this area of the zoo and hope the boys do as well.  It was not open the last time they visited and it is so special.  First stop --- the elephants for pictures of course.  What young person can resist these?

Gotta LOVE this one.

As we are walking towards the predator habitat, we can hear a lion chuffing ---- he keeps it up long enough for the boys to get there and watch.  What fun -- he lets a roar go when he finished.  How often does that happen?  Well I am here to tell you that it is the first time we have heard the chuffing at the Dallas Zoo.  A roar now and then is the best we have gotten and usually from the females.

Next up are our friends the giraffes.  Oh my --- I do adore these creatures.  Since we are the first ones here --- they are hungry.  Yay!  Each one gets to feed them some yummy lettuce and watch that wonderful black tongue snake its way to the treat.  Each picture deserves it's own place.  Enjoy.

As we walk over to another side of the giraffe enclosure, they follow along to say hi.  Another unusual experience.  They boys are so lucky today.  Let's hope it continues.  We stop off for a quick lesson on the different bones of the animals on the savannah.  Caleb discovers a lion that roars at him if he puts his hand in it's mouth.  Oh the giggles.  Soon he HAS to show me it.  Away we go.

As we leave the education center, it is time for the predator encounter and they are bringing out the cheetahs.  We grab a spot near the front and wait five minutes as the place fills in around us.  The boys are able to watch and learn all about how they teach the cheetahs movements that help the keepers do health checks on them.

The Gorilla trail is next on our agenda.  Last time we were so lucky with the gorillas that I wonder if we used it all up.  As I suspect, not a gorilla to be seen.  However, we are indeed treated to something very special today.  The luck does continue.  There is a baby chimpanzee that Mister and I have been trying oh so hard to see.  Today ---- Mama has him and his older brother right up by the windows showing him off.  Oh my ---- how cool is this?

Since the monorail was not running the last trip, we hop on for a quick tour of the part of our zoo that you cannot see any other way.  It's a great break and a chance for the older people to have a seat for a few minutes.  Whew.

I know I am thankful for it.

The boys have completed this side and make a request for a quick trip over to the Children's Zoo before we leave.  They have been so good that we agree instantly.  Off we go to the Underground for some exploring.

A quick stop with the goats for a pet or two and I am ready to head home.  However, the bird show is about to start.  Well, gotta see that of course.  What a great day.  We have been here for almost 5 hours and not a complaint in sight.

Although it is early afternoon, we make a decision to have a big lunch and then a sandwich or something for dinner.  The vote is for pizza -- lookout Tony's we are headed your way.

When we get home, Caleb brings me a box of Jello instant pudding and says, "This is chocolate and sweet and yummy" as he follows the statement with a slurp.  Once my laughter dies down, he and Grandpa set about making it and sing the Bob the Builder song as they do so.  Well --- at least a variation of it:  "Can we make it?  Yes we can." 

Naturally, the cook has to clean up after himself.

Once baths are finished, Caleb checks to see if his treat is ready.  Yep so he prepares a dish for everyone.  He is pretty pleased with himself on this one.

Another great day in the books.

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