Monday, June 17, 2013

We Have Hyrum & Zyra - Days 1&2 (Father's Day)

Yes!  After months of trying, we have finally managed to find a nice set of flight conditions to allow a child exchange.  I am flying to Denver and meeting Matt, Hyrum, and Zyra.  I am excited enough that even though this is an early morning flight, I am wide awake.

I arrive before they do and so am able to be at their gate as they come down the jet bridge.  Ah, the smiles and hugs truly make my day.  After a bit of initial confusion and attempt at a couple of flights without success, we put Matt back on his flight home and walk to our next gate.  We are given seats and are soon on our way to Dallas and Grandpa.  Hyrum has waited patiently in the airport to play his DS once he is on the plane only to discover that the battery is dead.  Obviously there is not anything else to do but listen to music and fall asleep.

Zyra, on the other hand, is raring to go and plays the whole flight.  We are off to a great start.

Aunt Cassie and Grandpa meet us at the airport and after collecting some car seats from Aunt Cassie, we are on our way.  Once Zyra is put in the car, she instantly falls asleep and we decide to pop in on Mister's mom for a quick howdy.

We put Zyra on a small couch in the den, give Hyrum a snack, and settle in for a short visit.  It doesn't take Hyrum long and he is playing peek-a-boo with us behind Great-Grandma's chair.

As our visit comes to a close, we gather Zyra up, still sleeping and continue home.  She wakes when we put her in the car and we joke about what must be going through her head.  How long is this drive anyway?

Once we arrive at the house, it is only a matter of minutes before Hyrum has asked for the racetrack and cars to be set up.  Grandpa gets is all out and operating while I make a run to the store.  It is Father's Day, after all, and I want to make Mister a nice dinner.  He has requested a Salmon and Spinach in Phyllo.  Scott and Cassie have arrived to share in the festivities and I have a lot of work to do.  Best get busy.  OH - best line ever heard by Zyra when Aunt Cassie arrived:  "I have an Aunt Cassie that works at the airport too!"  Priceless.

Cassie pitches in and helps and we soon have all the packets made and baking.

These take a little extra time to make, but are oh so worth it.  We put a bit of rice in the cooker as a side and then sit back and  wait.

Uncle Scott keeps the little ones busy with Legos he has brought over and they are building away as we finish up dinner.

Does this not look divine?  I can hardly wait to enjoy.  Surprise!  The kids enjoy it as well.  Double bonus.  It is great to sit down and give Mister a little extra special TLC for the day and after traveling all day -- I kinda need it as well.

After our meal, it is dessert time --- the absolute best part.  We are simply having some wonderful sorbets with mint from the yard.  Yum.

Oh -- presents, too.  Of course.  Mister laughs and smiles at the thoughtfulness and fun that went into his gifts.

I jokingly call him "Sheldon" quite often and Cass and Scott have picked up on that and give him a "Bazinga" apron and and evolution T-shirt identical to one worn on the show.  Awesome.  It has been a fun day, but all good things come to an end.  Before they do though, we must find Waldo and have a story.

After a night full of sleep for all of us (especially me) everyone is up, dressed, and ready for whatever this day is going to bring our way.

While Miss Zyra stacks, sorts, and patterns with the pegboard, Grandpa and I plan an itinerary.  We want to stop at the bookstore and the grocery store.  I guess it will be an errand day, not too busy and yet productive.

Our first stop is at Half Price Books, which I have to say fascinates me beyond belief.  It is this incredibly huge bookstore offering both new and used books at incredibly discounted prices.  This place is constantly PACKED with people and is open until 11 each evening.  I have yet to drive by without the parking lot being full with the exception of Christmas Day, when it was closed.  We go to the Children's Section to find some preschool books to send home with the kids and soon Zyra has found a great little place to sit and a stack of books to go through.  She is joined by her brother and after a short time, I take them to the stacks to locate a couple of story books that they wish to purchase.  It is a tough decision but success is had and with treasures in hand, off we go.

Next up:  Groceries for the empty house.  Whole Foods is just around the corner and we decide to let the grands tell us what they like and let them do the shopping.  I cannot tell you how fun they find this and yet, I am so impressed with their choices.  They pick out fresh fruits and vegetables, meats, cheeses (oh they loved the samples here), breads, dairy, and some snacks.  Overall, their choices are healthy (well, it WAS Whole Foods) and well-balanced.  We leave knowing that there will be less drama at the table this week.  As we are leaving, Hyrum discovers the cart return and has a great time sending the cart back up into the store from the underground parking lot.

Once home, they are starving!  Of course, so we ask what they want and are given a menu of ham and cheese sandwiches, grapes, and spicy plantain chips.  Oh and could we please have some pieces of our new cheese as well?  Coming right up.  Add a glass of milk and they are definitely happy campers.

It is quiet time now and Miss Zyra, along with Sally, gets out her new coloring/activity book and gets right to work on a matching project.  Oh I absolutely love to see their little minds at work.

Grandpa finds some flashlights and we darken the hallway so that Hyrum can play.  He cajoles Zyra into coming and joining him.

I look outside and Mister is starting to get the birds fed, so I let the kids know and it doesn't take long for shoes to be on and they want to help.

I am always fascinated by their willingness to pitch in and do the simple little jobs with glee.  It seems as though everything becomes fun instead of work.  Perhaps Mary Poppins had it figured out all along.

After dinner, I get out the Dr. Seuss puzzle and we set to see if we can assemble it on the living room floor.  Zyra is fascinated with it -- ah, a girl after my own heart.  I LOVE puzzles.

As the day comes to a close, we draw a nice warm bath and let them play for awhile.  Again, I am impressed that the water stays in the tub and that they get along so well.  At no point do we have to stop a battle -- Woohoo!  They play for a very long time - no kidding here, check out the shriveled hands below - and we decide to call it a day.  So incredibly wonderful to have these little personalities in our house this week.  I know I am not going to want to give them back to Mom and Dad.

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