Friday, June 7, 2013

A Day in Cheyenne

It is a beautiful day in Cheyenne and I am blessed - truly and sincerely blessed -- to have time with my grandson Caleb.  I say that because this is the first time he warmed up to us right away.  We usually have to work at it for a couple of days.  This morning we are busy playing on the porch only for some reason I can't get the cars in the right order and he keeps chastising me.  Come on Gammy.

Since the older boys are at school and Trent is working, we decided to take Caleb to The Cheyenne Botanic Gardens Children's Village so that he can run and play for awhile.  Once we arrive, he is off and running to his favorite area -- the trucks.  Add in some water and I think it is the perfect entertainment for a little boy.

He is busy the entire time and plays well with others, even sharing when asked.  We have a great time in the sunshine and laugh away at his antics.

There is a long walkway from where the trucks are located and Caleb discovers this and takes off as quick as his little legs will push the dumptruck.  I love it --- all I can think about it Calvin and Hobbes. Each time he takes off down the walkway, Grandpa is in pursuit and herds him back our way.  No fear in this little guy.

He runs the entire time we are there -- no wonder he takes such long naps.  Goodness, I just am amazed at the amount of energy spent.  He never stops.

Once we return home, it is lunchtime.  Grandpa and Caleb are sitting at the table together and I walk around the corner to see a new form of shortcut eating taking place.  In the corner, I see Mister trying to get a shot before the moment ends.  Looks like he succeeded.

Soon this little guy heads for a nap and we go shopping to get ready for the party.  It is tomorrow and there is still plenty to do.  Rhiana arrives tonight as well, so we are planning dinner and then Mister and I are going to babysit so that the "young uns" can go out and party a bit.

Once the boys arrive home from school, Raef and I get online so that I can show him the blog pictures from Egypt.  We have talked on the phone prior to our visit and he told me about a camp he is going to this summer and is all about mummies and stuff.  He looks through all the pictures, asking questions and getting as much information as he can from me.  When we finish that, he gets his Minecraft game and starts to build a land called "Gammy" and it is Egypt.  As he works on it, I let him know that he needs to put a sarcophagus in his tomb.  We have a large discussion on exactly what that is and I think he understands.  My mind is changed a short time later when he, Ryan, and I are talking.  I ask if he put the sarcophagus in the tomb and he asks again what that is and I go through the explanation again -- relating it to a coffin.  Soon Ryan asks, "what is a coffin?"  Raef's swift reply is, "that is what vampires sleep in."  What??  I give up.  I am laughing so hard as I rely the conversation to Mister -- everything we talked about came down to vampires.  Too funny.

Amanda and I had gone shopping during Caleb's nap and picked up all the things we would need for the party, including some gifts.  He had wanted a Lego Ninjago - one of the last ones he didn't have, but we were unable to locate it.  Lego had come out with a new line - Chima and so we changed plans and went that way.  That meant that our idea for the cake had to change and we were going from the desert to the jungle.  Okaaaay.  At the hobby store we found a mold for a plaster volcano and it was now time to assemble it in order for it to set by morning.  Raef and I get to work on it, having a great time trying to keep the whole thing together.  It rapidly becomes a four-person project involving binder clips and much laughter.  Raef even has plaster on his face by the time we are finished -- whew, glad that is done.

I peek out the window and Mister has embraced his inner child and is playing on the tramp with the boys.  He is out there for almost an hour and comes into the house ready to collapse.  Go Grandpa.

After dinner, the "kids" meet up with some friends and head down to Fort Collins for the evening.  We finish playing with our little charges and soon it is bedtime for all of us.  The boys get a special story from Grandpa before bed and our day is done.  We are soon in bed as well.

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