Monday, June 3, 2013

Another Recital - Back to Billings

It is time for another trip north.  I know, I know -- I am asking the same question.  Wasn't I just there?  Well, yes, but it is time to go again.  Elena's dance recital is this weekend and I wish to see it.  Mister has elected to stay home and rest so off I go into the sky on my own.

I arrive easily -- yay -- and am picked  up by Rhiana and Malea as Elena is at a rehearsal.  We go to the house so that I can settle in and visit a little.  When I go upstairs to put my things away, I spot this scene in Elena's room and my heart is so full knowing that she is using her tea set and at the same time taking such good care of it.

Rhiana has made arrangements for a sitter this evening so that the two of us can spend some time together -- very cool.  I watch Malea while she goes to get Elena and then after a short playtime with the girls, we head to the Montana Brewing Co.  for dinner and a drink.  Awesome.

I spend the next day at the house with Britanie, the girls' nanny.  We visit while we work -- she with the girls and me on costumes and projects.  It turns out that one of the costumes has to be almost totally remade in order for it to fit and so I spend quite a bit of time on it.  Rhiana has a list of items to buy today so that we can have everything ready for the dress rehearsal tonight.

Once I finish the costumes, I take Elena over to Matt and Becca's to play with Hyrum and Zyra while I visit with Becca.  On the way -- ugh --- I get stopped for a most ridiculous ticket.  GRRR.

I do manage to play a game of Go Fish with all three of my grands before leaving and heading back to get hair and makeup ready for tonight.  It is going to be a long day for Missy.  I cannot believe that I have spent an entire day without taking a single picture.  What is wrong with me?

Rhiana has dropped off all the needed items to put Elena's garment bag together for the night.  I get everything packed while Britanie gets her hair done and she is ready to go when Mom arrives.  She is gone for 4 1/2 hours and returns with her things in shambles.  What the heck happened?  We are missing parts and things are torn off -- crap.  Once I get everything reasonably accounted for and a list for Rhiana on what is missing, Elena and I are off to bed for a sleepover.  Yep, I am enjoying it as much as she is.

The next morning there is an art show at the Moss Mansion and so we call Matt and Becca to see if they want to meet there.  They do and the rush is on to get out the door.  Elena will only be able to stay for awhile as she has another rehearsal today, but we will do what we can before she leaves.  First stop:  face painting.  Elena chooses her design and is ready to go.  Matt and family arrive while she is getting painted and help Hyrum and Zyra choose their designs as well.  They are next in line, although I am not at all sure that Hyrum is happy with this activity at all.  Nice farmers tan Son.

Within moments, Hyrum insists that it all be washed off.  Oh well.  Off to the games tent we go.  There is a ring toss that Elena does easily, granting her a prize.  Then it is Zyra's turn and she cheats and walks up and puts a ring on the peg (lower white peg in picture).  After being told that she can't step off the pad she is standing on, she winds up and pitches a second ring.  Laughter breaks out everywhere as she actually rings the red peg.  Amazing.  Next up is the lollipop pull.  Why am I always missing Hyrum as he takes his turn?

Becca has gotten some cotton candy for the kids and Elena has decided that she wants to paint a rock so both activities are going at the same time.  During this, Zyra determines that she doesn't want the face paint any longer either.  Goodness.  Soon Rhiana has to take Elena to the theater and the rest of us wander through the art tents.  I have a great deal of fun showing Hyrum and Zyra the way some of the things are made and what they are made out of.  It is a good time and when we finish, we all walk back to their car while Malea and I continue on to the house.  Rhiana and Elena will be back soon, so we play in the backyard for awhile.

When Mommy and Elena return, it is tramp time for the three of them.  I cannot believe how much Malea likes to just bounce in the center.  She is all smiles.  The girls play for awhile and then it is nap time.  Tonight will be another very late night so rest is required.  I go upstairs too and Elena wants to nap with me.  Well, of course.

Once we were awake and refreshed, I ask Elena if we can take a couple of pictures in her costumes since so many things have been going on this month and her picture date got lost in the confusion.  She agrees and so we put on costumes and head into the backyard for a couple of shots.  Obviously since it is me photographing, they are not the caliber of a professional studio, but at least we have a couple.

The evening is spent dropping Elena off, having a nice glass of wine with Rhiana, watching the recital and laughing ourselves silly as Elena keeps looking for her mommy, and finish the night with ice cream at Perkins.  Ah yes, traditions do continue.

"Where is that dang spot I'm supposed to be standing?"

It has been a great visit and I am so glad I have been able to be a part of it.  I am off to the airport the next day bright and early BUT don't get out of town.  I spend the whole dang day at the Billings airport and then am picked up by Matt to sleep for a few hours and then try again.  Once the first flight left without seats again, I ask Becca to drive me to Bozeman and fly out of there.  Yay, it works and I am glad to be home.  Billings is so tough to get in and out of --- drat.

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