Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Bekah Is 14 -- Say It Isn't So

I am in shock!  How can it be that my granddaughter is 14?  I am not old enough for that -- am I?  I know that while I was raising my own children time seemed to fly by at the speed of light.  I kind of expected it to slow down a bit with my grands but that doesn't appear to be happening.  It is so sad in many ways and yet oh so exciting in others.

We arrived in Temple to find our grandsons enjoying the hot Texas weather in the only way that makes sense other than hiding inside with air conditioning.  They were in the pool of course.

Cassie has come along with us and we both need to make a quick run for cards so Jen comes along and we head to the dollar store for some fun.  Seriously -- you didn't think we would make this easy on her did you?  Once we return, it is time to get this party started.

The question is:  Where is the birthday girl?  Ah yes -- exactly where any normal teenager would be.  In her room.  After coaxing her down to be subjected to a hug and kiss -- I manage to get her to try on her pioneer outfit for the trek that is starting tomorrow.  Now I ask you:  How cute is this?  Oh and doesn't she look oh so happy?

Once her modeling is over, we all gather in the living room for her to open presents.  Bekah has one friend over, but other than that -- it is all family and yes, we fill up a room.  Notice than Jon us unable to leave the Legos for even this short period of time.  Ugh.

The absolute best part of this day are the smiles that we capture with cameras.  Bekah absolutely hates to have her picture taken and so these are treasures indeed.

Yep, Aunt Cassie has given her a magic want along with other special treats.  Mom and Dad give her a new gun which is apparently what she has asked for.  I shouldn't be surprised since both Amanda and Cassie asked for one at about this age as well.

Bekah has grown and grown and grown lately.  A quick back to back with Aunt Cassie shows that she is in the running to pass the girls.  I think only Amanda is taller than Cassie so she is almost there.
Not too much fire on that cake --- she has a long way to go to catch me.

After the cake, Bekah sat down with Grandpa to order our gift.  Since Mister is a drummer himself, he helped her pick out her new drumsticks for the Drum Corps that start in about 10 days.  We cannot wait to go down and watch her perform this year.  Doesn't she look happy about this time with Grandpa?  Ha ha, I absolutely love it.
Aunt Cassie take a free moment to spend some quality time with her nephews.  I stayed off the tramp this trip -- will try the pool next trip down.

It is time for our activity of the day:  bowling.  Temple has the coolest new bowling alley and I am looking forward to this.  Once upon a time, I could bowl.  What I didn't know until today is that so did my husband.  What??  How can I not have known this?

Jen's shoes are amazing!  You can tell that she bowls league as she has the shoes AND her own ball.  I am wishing that I could get back into this as I do really enjoy it.

I cannot tell if Jared is happy to be here.  What do you think?

It was a great day and we ended the activity with a game of laser tag.  I had a great time, but goodness I was sweaty when it was over.  Time for the long drive home.  Congrats Bekah!  Thanks for letting us spend the day with you.

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