Sunday, May 18, 2014

Three Days in Wyoming - Ryan Birthday

It's May and that almost always means that we head north.  This year it is a bit different as it is only me that is traveling and I will returning with grands in tow.  I am off to Wyoming today to celebrate a grandson's birthday and pick up a couple of granddaughters.  Just before leaving, we learn that Ryan (birthday boy) has had an accident at school and was kicked in the face, breaking his jaw.  Ugh.  Poor kid -- time to go and try to cheer him up a bit.  Let's fly.

I arrive in Denver on Thursday and proceed to spend the next ninety minutes wandering the parking garage in search of Rhiana's vehicle.  I sure thought I understood her directions, but apparently not.  I call Mister for some moral support and he suggests that I go to the United desk and ask them if there is help in the garages.  They send me to the parking permit guy who sends me downstairs to the parking garage office.  They call for help and I am soon on my way with a wonderful assistant who takes me directly to the car -- in another detached area.  I would never have found it myself.  Within 15 minutes, I am on my way to Cheyenne and stop at the base gate to wait for Amanda to pick me up.  Whew -- first part of trip is finished.

I am greeted in the car by Caleb who is all smiles and eager to share what is going on in his world.  My heart is full.  I stop to see Ryan, visit, and drop off a new book.  He is quietly coloring at the table.  He looks good, but is doing his best to remain quiet --- hard for rough and tumble Ryan.  I also have some planes from Grandpa for the boys -- so we take a few minutes to put them together.  After Amanda returns from a second gate run to pick up Trent's father, we bundle Caleb up and head to the mall so that he can get some play time in.

After our time at the mall, I need to go and meet Kyle to collect the girls.  We are soon loaded into the car and off to the house to unpack, play, have dinner, take baths, and collapse.  We watch Frozen (first time for me -- Elena has it memorized) and off to bed.

Good morning -- since Ryan is hurt and has a doctor's appointment today, we are up early and off to preschool.  I am going to watch Caleb while Amanda and Trent take Ryan to find out if he has to have surgery on his jaw.  Fingers crossed that he doesn't.  Caleb and I decide to start the day with a couple quick pictures of him with his quilt.  I was not here for his birthday and want to grab a picture or two for my own memory.  We take a few minutes and play a couple of games of "I Spy", laughing the whole time at some of the items we find.

It is chilly outside, but I want a walk and a hot drink so I ask if my buddy would like to walk to the coffee shop and get a juice box.  He is all over that as mom has informed him that he cannot have any juice boxes today since she needs them for school lunches.  The coffee shop has no such restrictions.  On the way back -- I find it amusing that he walks the lines in the empty parking lot.  Once he gets to the grass, he hurries over to the next line and starts all over again.  Very cute.

As we are walking through the field near home, Caleb spots a bunny and is off to investigate.  In the meantime, I hide behind a tree and pop out to take his picture as he gets closer.  LOVE it.  He is such fun and I love having him all to myself.  It is definitely a treat.

Once we are back at the house, I tell Caleb to find a game that we can play together.  He brings me Tumblin' Monkeys and we get it set up and play a round.  Patience is not Caleb's forte though as he quickly starts pulling the sticks out -- several at a time.  We settle in to just play with the sticks and monkeys.

As we are playing, Amanda returns and I learn that Ryan is doing well.  No surgery is needed if everything continues.  YAY!  He sits down to color quietly -- such a birthday and I show him a couple of coloring techniques that I used to do as a child.  In no time, he is working away on trying to imitate them.

It is soon time for me to go and pick up the girls, but we will be back this evening.  When I arrive at the preschool, they are still finishing lunch so I visit with one of the staff for awhile.  She is taking a trip to Dallas next week and is looking for ideas of things to do.  Elena and I give her lots to think about.  Once home --- it is nap time for Malea and Elena is able to sit and play with her LEGO's quietly.  I take out my embroidery and in no time Elena wants to make something too.  Luckily, I have brought along some crochet thread so I show her how to finger chain and she starts in.

She makes it long enough for a bracelet and is pretty dang proud of it.

Once Malea is awake -- we are off to Amanda's again.  It is party time -- well at least as much of a party as one can have when you cannot eat anything.  Amanda makes a yummy homemade chicken noodle soup and it tastes so dang good.  Then it is present time.  Caleb really wants the gifts to be his and doesn't understand that they aren't but stands by hoping each time that one will come his way.  Cards and money start things out and then it is my turn.  I am so hoping he likes this and that the colors are ones he can see well.  I sure tried to make that happen.

Oh yes -- nice smile - remember broken jaw!  Lousy picture though.

After presents, it's time to burn off some energy and outside is the perfect place for that.

Aren't trampolines wonderful?  The contain and entertain all at the same time.  Malea is in heaven to be let loose again.  Staying put while gifts were opened was oh so very hard.

She is soon joined by Raef and his shadow -- Elena.  She sure loves him.

Boxes -- the absolute best toy ever.  Cheap and oh so many uses.

After multiple requests for Ryan to settle down so that he doesn't undo the mending that is taking place, the decision is made to have everyone come in and settle in for a movie.  Five cousins and a croc(?) find spots on the sofa and soon all is quiet.

And the finale --- milkshakes instead of birthday cake.  No candles to blow out and I am so glad I sang Happy Birthday to him this morning cos that doesn't happen either.

Another party is in the books and I am so glad I was able to be a part of it.  He has certainly been a trooper through all of it and kept his smile even though things didn't go the way he had hoped.  It has been a fun and busy day.  I have two tired little girls and it is time to take them home but before I leave -- I grab one last picture of Ryan.  My heart is full.

Once the girls are home, it is pajama time and Malea is off to bed.  Elena has a little time to play and wants her picture taken with her quilt too.  Yep -- good idea girl.  I want that as well.

This is a cheesy smile but it makes me feel so good.  All the stitches and effort are worth it just for these smiles.

We play a game of Go Fish and then it is off to bed for both of us.  I am just as tired as they are.

Saturday morning brings smiles and wide awake little girls.  We have packing and laundry to do today.  Lots to get ready for tomorrow.  Also, Elena is complaining of an ear ache so I need to get that checked since we are flying tomorrow.  Let's get busy.

First things first -- pictures of Malea with her quilt.  Is this not just ultra sweet?  Oh my I love it.  Do you think I can get some smiles though?  Let's turn her over and give it a try.

Once the chores are finished and we are packed -- it is time for a doctor run.  Yep -- a minor ear infection so off to the pharmacy we go.  The first place doesn't have the medicine in stock so we have to go down to Albertson's for some.  By now, hunger has set in so we do a horrid thing.  I buy Lunchables and the girls eat right in the cart while we wait for the medicine.  When we first entered the store, I irritated Malea by putting her in the cart and she hasn't stopped letting me know until she gets the food.  Then part way through -- she throws the food.  Well --- more screaming.  Oh my -- where is that medicine.  By the time we leave the store Malea is in an downright temper tantrum.  Once I get her into her seat and we start driving --- she instantly falls asleep.  Wonderful -- now what to do?  We drive around for awhile and then just go and sit at the gate to the base so that when she wakes, we can go and play at Amanda's.

She does not wake any happier.  Yay.  After another 10 minutes of screaming, I discover that she is VERY OCD about her jacket.  This last 10 minutes has been because her jacket is not zipped up.  Really?  Goodness.

Amanda arrives to save the day and we are off to play for awhile.  Within no time, we have a wonderful storm, complete with thunder and lightning.  The kids are lovin' it and playing on the front porch the whole time.

Raef cannot handle it for long and is soon romping in the rain.  He is thoroughly enjoying himself and comes back refreshed and not just a little damp.

Caleb can't take it any longer and must give it a try as well.  Check out how he is holding his pant legs up.  Way cute.

Once Raef returns, he again proves what a sweet older cousin he really is by spending some time playing with Malea in the sandbox.  He is adding rainwater so that the sand packs better.

This has been a great trip, but we need to head back to the house and finish getting ready for tomorrow morning.  We have to be on the road to Denver early in the morning.  It's a travel day.  Thanks so much Amanda for all you did for me while I was here.  I truly feel blessed to have been a part of it.

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