Monday, May 19, 2014

It's Girls Week -- Elena and Malea Visit - Days 1&2

It is Travel Day!  We are up and moving early and things go so smooth that I even have the car loaded before the girls wake up.  Score one for me.  A quick breakfast, do the dishes, switch the laundry, empty the garbage and we are out the door.  It is 7:30 a.m.  I rock.  A movie in the player before we leave and let's get to Denver.  Once we arrive at the airport (and I take pictures for Rhiana of where the car is) we are off like a herd of turtles.  Seriously -- LOOK at what we are trying to get into the airport with.  Goodness.  Elena is an absolute trooper though and not only has her suitcase and backpack, but her "borrowed" booster car seat from Aunt Amanda.  She is loaded down but we make it to the ticket counter where we are approached by an American Airline rep before we even get there.  The staff is amazing and we are soon on our way through security and off to the gate.  We are early so I decide to just settle in on the upper level and let the girls have a snack and some time to run around.  I can be such a wise woman sometimes.

The girls enjoyed their snacks and then started to explore.  I sat back and just watched Malea --- within no time she was attempting to hook the straps on her stroller (another OCD item) and tried just about every angle she could think of to get to them.

All to soon it is time for us to head to the gate and get checked in and the stroller tagged.  American has us board first which is AWESOME and we are soon settled into our seats and awaiting take-off.  Texas here we come.

Elena and I play a game with each flight where she is responsible for telling me when the plane has left the ground.  She is very diligent in this task and stays very alert at the window until she can announce, "the plane is off the ground."

When the snack cart comes by, Malea is fast asleep (I think she was asleep before we left the ground) and I ask Elena if she wants a soda.  She gives a very definite yes and the flight attendant tells her what is available.  She latches onto Dr. Pepper instantly and is soon happily sipping away.

The flight goes well and Malea wakes just before we land.  Yes!  We gather everything up, head to baggage to grab car seats and outside to meet Grandpa who is waiting for us.  Ah --- we are here.  The hard part is over and it is time to take a deep breath as we drive to the house.

The toys come out and everyone is entertained until dinner and a short time after.  Before long I ask if they would like to go to the playground and get some energy out.  They have been cooped up all day and it is starting to show.  The answer is a resounding yes, so off we go.  We actually stay at the school for over an hour before anyone starts getting tired and I can tell that bedtime is just around the corner for one little girl.

Even Grandpa gets into the act.

Malea has found a ladder that she is determined to use in order to get to the slide.  We are oh so nervous, but she is relentless and does it time and time again until I just stand under her to catch if she slips.  She never does.

There is a climbing wall that Miss Elena feels she needs to master at all levels.  I talk her through it until she reaches the top of the hardest area and claims that she is "queen of the mountain" and that I need to bow down to her and serve her.  Too funny.  I ask her to do it again so that I can make a video of it.

Back to the swings.

Time to head back home and when we arrive -- Grandpa gets all sort of help taking his shoes off.

Malea is off to bed and Elena gets a "movie" before she heads for dreamland as well.  Mister and I are not far behind as I am beat.  It has been quite the day.

It's a new day and we start the day with waffles, strawberries, and homemade whipped cream.  This is definitely a request and we aim to please -- after all, we do want to be the perfect grandparents don't we?

The rest of the morning is spent playing in the house and I manage to get some some sewing accomplished during nap time.  I have a quilt that I need Saturday and I have a lot to do on it still.

Once Malea is awake we head for Elena's first request:  The Children's Aquarium at Fair Park.  She loves it here and it was one of the places she told her teacher about at preschool Friday.  After checking in, we head straight for the stingrays as Elena is in charge.  Most of our time is spent here -- enjoy the images and the video.

Malea is very interested but not quite willing to touch.  Yep, she got splashed.

It takes a little convincing, but she finally recognizes that she is alright and gives it another try.  There are baby rays this time and Elena is fascinated with them.  She can't keep her hands out of the water after awhile and we actually have a second round with the rays after walking through the rest of the aquarium.

We get some food but she is not willing to go quite that far this time.  Perhaps another trip.  So, Gammy does the feeding.

The aquarium is closing so it is time to go.  There is a fountain out front that has brought endless hours of joy in the past and we are prepared this time.  I remembered to add swimsuits and towels.  The girls get changed in no time and are soon testing the water.  It doesn't take Elena long, but Malea stays on the outskirts of the fountain -- if she gets water on her, she stops and wipes it off her legs with her hands.  She is meticulous in this.

Elena starts getting braver and braver.  She heads directly into the center of the fountain and goes out the other side.  A few minutes later, Grandpa tells her to go to the far side and run back at us so that we can record it.  She obliges, but as she comes through she is in a direct line with the water and she has her mouth open.  Not exactly wonderful, but she coughs and laughs and heads back out to play again.

Tummies are starting to grumble (mine included) telling us that it is dinner time and therefore time to go home.  We have had a great day though and lots of fun memories.

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