Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Cane Rosso White Rock is Open -- We are 3rd Pizza

I had errands to run and Mister wanted a break from the house so offered to ride along.  My planned itinerary was:  BPERS (drop off tea set for final firing), JoAnn's (quilt backing and elastic), and Love Field (pick up the tickets with Southwest).  I assured him: "Not over an hour".  That was at 2:00.  At 4:30 we were on the way home and remembered that our favorite pizza restaurant was opening it's sister store at 5:00 today.  Right turn Clyde!  We arrive at Cane Rosso White Rock few minutes before opening and walk around the patio talking with the workers as they have a small problem with the water feature pennies.  Soon the doors are unlocked and we seat ourselves at the bar where we meet Edgar.  He gives us the rundown on the new pizzas and we opt for The Capricciosa.  At the same time the bartender, Bones, keeps bringing us new "dranks" to try and some of them are dang good.   Our pizza is the 3rd pizza of the opening night -- obviously we needed to make our selection quicker, but it looks and tastes delicious.

As always, the main event is the show taking place in front of you when seated at the bar.  Just watching how quickly the pizzas are made and cooked is fun.  Yep, it is old fashioned spinning of the pizza dough.  After our pizza, we are still hungry and so we naturally order a starter.  One Focaccia please.
That is our baby in the oven right now -- oh my it is sooooo good.

And another drank is delivered along with it.

I cannot believe we are doing this, but Edgar has told us that we must order the "Edgar" for dessert.  How much can two people eat tonight?  After finishing our starter, we take a small break and then give in and order our "Chef's Special".  The waiter has told us that Edgar is not lying and we learn that the owner eats one everyday -- really?  It does not disappoint.  So very good and we enjoy while others around us look on with envy asking just what it is.  We are so stuffed and after two hours here, roll out the door to head home.  Welcome to the neighborhood Cane Rosso.  We love ya.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Main Street Art Festival - Fort Worth

It is a beautiful day and we are tired of being indoors so decide to have an adventure.  This weekend is the Main Street Arts Festival in Fort Worth.  It is one of my favorite festivals so Mister suggests that we make a day of it and take the train over.  How fun.  We ride the Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) trains around Dallas fairly often, but I had never taken the Trinity Railway Express (TRE) over to Fort Worth. Today is the day.  We hop the DART down to Union Station and connect to the TRE which will take us right to the festival - pretty dang convenient isn't it?  When we arrive at Union Station, the train is waiting and we grab seats in the upper level.  We give Cass a call to see if she and Scott can meet up with us, but it doesn't work out.  Oh well.  The ride is nice and I am able to see areas that I have not been in before.  The interior is lovely and it is easy to sit back, relax, and just enjoy the view.  Once we arrive in Fort Worth, we walk the two blocks down to the festival and start out by finding some lunch.  I am hungry and thus getting grouchy.  Yea, I know you are smiling cos you know it works that way.  After a stop at Jake's for a quick snack, we are off to enjoy the art.

It is a beautiful day and since it is a Friday, the festival is not overwhelmingly packed.  There are street musicians along with the incredible art and food booths.  The atmosphere is fun and although we spot a few things that we like, nothing really screams "take me home" to us.

After about three hours, we are ready to take the return trip.  As we walk over to the station again, we realize that the train is still about 20 minutes away so grab a seat on a park bench and watch until I hear a whistle blow and go running to grab another shot of a train approaching.  Mister tells me afterwards that it is not our train, but when ours does arrive, I am unable to get a picture so this one will have to suffice.

It has been a very nice day and we don't go over to Fort Worth near often enough -- need to start making more of an effort to know our sister city.

Next time, I want to visit the mint and take a tour before they are no longer offered.  I will have to  put that on the calendar -- maybe a time when I have some of the older grands and they need something to do.  Hmmmn.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Meet Benjamin -- Calais Winery

We have mentioned before about Calais Winery and in how it was the wine we used at our wedding.  Well, we are wine club members there which gives us a legitimate excuse to travel down there at least once every other month to pick up our wine.  We popped in tonight and found the place absolutely packed and Benjamin Calais running his backside off.  He sees me come in and gives me a hug as I offer to help him out.  It turns out that the private party has just ended and he tells me to take a seat and visit with him for awhile.  He asks where Mister is and after I say that he is parking the car, he starts to pour us a couple of samples to enjoy while we talk.  It doesn't take Mister long and soon the shop is empty except for us and a few other customers who pop in, grab what they need, and leave.  Time spent here is always an education and thoroughly enjoyed by both Mister and myself.  Benjamin does not let us down tonight and after a couple of hours of great conversation, we take our leave with 4 bottles in tow.  What a perfectly pleasant evening here --- looking forward to the next trip down, but in the meantime, we have wine to drink -- woohoo.

White Rock Market -- Reminds Me of Montana

We are so blessed to have a wonderful local farmer's market in our neighborhood twice a month.

The atmosphere at White Rock Local Market is festive with music, artists, and chefs all giving it that extra bit of pizzazz that we all love.

Chef Brian Luscher is making an egg omelet with all ingredients found at the market.  Fun!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wicked! And An Interesting Growler Shop

Fair Park is the destination tonight as we have tickets to WICKED!  I have waited forever to see this musical and just finished rereading the book in preparation for tonight.  We drive down a little early to check out a new pub across the street from Music Hall where the Dallas Summer Musicals are held.  The new pub is Craft and Growler and calls itself a "beer filling station."  Check out the unique and patented taps.

After a nice visit with the rep from Real Ale Brewing, it is time for us to zip across the street.  As we enter the hall, we see a very large dragon type sculpture near the ceiling and a large map of Oz in front of the curtain.  As we walk close to check out the map, we get a peek into the orchestra pit and discover that it will not be a typical orchestra tonight.  Cool.  Mister loves the drums.

The musical is wonderful and we enjoy everything about it.  I am a bit disappointed, though, that it was soooo far from the book.  Drat.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Yard in Bloom

I absolutely LOVE this time of year in Dallas.  The yard is blooming all around and the colors are simply vivid.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Weekend in Austin -- Bekah Dance Comp/Jon 12th Birthday

Since Miss Bekah has a dance competition in Kyle (outside of Austin) and Jon wants to do his birthday party at Jumpstreet in Cedar Park, Mister and I decide to make a weekend of it.  We leave Dallas at around 6:15 Saturday morning for our drive south and after a quick stop at The Czech Stop and Little Czech Bakery for some yummy kolaches and a slight detour due to missing our exit, arrive before Jen and Bekah.  After a frantic phone call from her asking for help as she too misses the exit, we soon are together and ready to start the day.  First up in the competition is Bekahs duet:  "That Cat is High".  You can link to it and see it here.  It won a Platinum award and went on to win High Score for it's age bracket in duets/trios and also Grand Champion for all duets/trios in Division 1.  Woohoo Bekah and Jasmine.

Time for costume changes and a break as the girls wait their turn for their tap number: "Watch The Birdie" .  Check out the link here.  Once again, this number won a Platinum award, High Score for it's age bracket in large groups, and Grand Champion for all Large Groups in Division 1.  The girls did such a good job.

After a quick change (4 numbers) the jazz number, "Steam Heat" was next.  Again a Platinum.  And their last number was a lyrical to "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" and it received a Gold.  Such a fun day and it sure took me back many, many years and brought smiles to my face as I remembered these times with all of my children -- yep, even Matt.

Congrats Bekah.  AND thanks so much for letting me and Grandpa be a part of your day.  It was Grandpa's first competition and I think Jared was glad he was there --- they got to go and get sandwiches halfway through for a break.  We really had a great time and I cannot believe that you are taller than me.  Grrrr.

After the competition, Mister and I went for some dinner at The Black Star Co-Op and then on to our hotel.  It really is quite sad that on a Saturday night in Austin, I was asleep by 9.  Dang, age is creeping up on me anymore.

The next morning, we found It's A Grind Coffee House and stopped for a quick breakfast on the way to meet the family at Jumpstreet.  I had slept in and that was all we had time for -- I know, I know -- went to bed early and slept in on a holiday weekend.  What's up with that?  Once we arrived at the indoor trampoline park, things were already hoppin' --- ha ha, I'm funny today.

First up was a mechanical bull.  Yep -- and several had to give it a try.  Since it is Jon's birthday, I'll show him first.  The bull wins no matter who gives it a try.

I stand and watch for awhile thinking I will give it a try and before I can make a decision both Louis and Jen go for it.  Here are the videos of their rides:  As you can tell, if you don't have shorts on, well you don't last long.  When Jen's turn ended, she told me not to try.  It hurt more than it should and so my decision was made.

After the bull, Oh yeah --- it is on.  Highlight was Jen scoring on Mister when he was away picking up another puck that had fallen off the table.  What a cheater.  HA HA

It was time to play -- thus Mommy/Daughter time.  That only lasts so long and I am exhausted and move on to just photographing others.  Seems that is the smarter way to go. The tramps are a great time though and everyone gets into it throughout our two hours here.

I manage to catch the birthday boy just before he falls into the pit.  After a short time, everyone needs a rest and soon the whole family is at the air hockey table again.

I get talked into playing a few games of dodge ball and since we are all on the same team, we soon decimate the other side and so I jump ship and go to help them out.  I am no sooner there, than I am annihilated by a previous team member who has come all the way to the center line to blast me with the ball.  Drat.

There is a small arcade to kill time during rests and absorb any extra quarters that may be lurking in purses or pockets.  Bekah and Josh are racing as I climb on the back of Bek's bike.  Now she really has to drive as I don't have a clue what to do.  We manage to still do okay and she gets 8th place high score on the machine.  Not too bad with an old lady on back.

After the two hours are up, it is time to focus on Jon.  He wants seafood for lunch and we locate The Catfish Parlor in Georgetown, which is on the way north again.  We take our time and enjoy a leisurely lunch before climbing back into the cars for the drive back to Jen's house.  Jon and his friend, Bemica, climb in with us and we play word games all the way back.  It was great to watch them get creative with language and use "ten dollar" words.

 We arrive back at the house before Jen and play a game of Blokus with the boys while we wait.  Jon wins the game which seems fitting since it is his day --- and he won fair and square too.  He simply outplayed us.  Soon, the rest of the family arrives with his birthday cake and the celebration really gets going.  All the candles are out in a single blow -- not sure he even took the time to make a wish.

Gifts are next -- I love that HE loves cards.  He opens them first and just giggles away at the ones we give him.  I couldn't decide on one, so put two in there.   The second one has stinky scratch and sniffs --- great face here isn't it?  Mister has found a great stunt kite for Jon that doesn't have rods and once Jon figures out what it is, he is all smiles.

His gift from his parents is a new 243 rifle.  He has just finished his hunter safety class and is excited for the chance to learn to shoot.  As soon as we have had our cake, he and Dad leave for the range to sight it in and give it a whirl.

Mister and I stay for a little while visiting with Jen, but soon realize that it is getting late and we still have to drive to Dallas tonight.  It is time to go, but it has been a great 2 days with family.  I am always astounded by how old my grands are getting --- really Jon --- 12???  My goodness, where have the years gone?  We love ya tons.