Friday, April 19, 2013

Main Street Art Festival - Fort Worth

It is a beautiful day and we are tired of being indoors so decide to have an adventure.  This weekend is the Main Street Arts Festival in Fort Worth.  It is one of my favorite festivals so Mister suggests that we make a day of it and take the train over.  How fun.  We ride the Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) trains around Dallas fairly often, but I had never taken the Trinity Railway Express (TRE) over to Fort Worth. Today is the day.  We hop the DART down to Union Station and connect to the TRE which will take us right to the festival - pretty dang convenient isn't it?  When we arrive at Union Station, the train is waiting and we grab seats in the upper level.  We give Cass a call to see if she and Scott can meet up with us, but it doesn't work out.  Oh well.  The ride is nice and I am able to see areas that I have not been in before.  The interior is lovely and it is easy to sit back, relax, and just enjoy the view.  Once we arrive in Fort Worth, we walk the two blocks down to the festival and start out by finding some lunch.  I am hungry and thus getting grouchy.  Yea, I know you are smiling cos you know it works that way.  After a stop at Jake's for a quick snack, we are off to enjoy the art.

It is a beautiful day and since it is a Friday, the festival is not overwhelmingly packed.  There are street musicians along with the incredible art and food booths.  The atmosphere is fun and although we spot a few things that we like, nothing really screams "take me home" to us.

After about three hours, we are ready to take the return trip.  As we walk over to the station again, we realize that the train is still about 20 minutes away so grab a seat on a park bench and watch until I hear a whistle blow and go running to grab another shot of a train approaching.  Mister tells me afterwards that it is not our train, but when ours does arrive, I am unable to get a picture so this one will have to suffice.

It has been a very nice day and we don't go over to Fort Worth near often enough -- need to start making more of an effort to know our sister city.

Next time, I want to visit the mint and take a tour before they are no longer offered.  I will have to  put that on the calendar -- maybe a time when I have some of the older grands and they need something to do.  Hmmmn.

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