Friday, January 31, 2025

Winter 2025 Montana Trip - Week One

 It's a fly day and we are taking advantage of city transportation once again.  Picked up at the house at 12:30 by the shuttle, we are soon dropped at the DART station and catch our train to the airport.

We have a wee bit of time and today is National Irish Coffee Day - so, might as well celebrate.

Looking out the window from the bar:

Making our connection in Denver requires de-iceing of the plane

and then a very late arrival in Kalispell.  Drive down to Mom's and head to bed shortly after arriving.  Kinda beat.

26th - Out to Sunday breakfast at Stage Stop.

During our meal, this car pulls up.  How fun is this?  Hello Lightning McQueen.

Time to head back to the house with full bellies.

We take a slight detour down into Bigfork to see the location where the old bridge was.  It's so sad to see it gone.

Mister got out of the car and walked over for a better look.  It's just a big mess.

Later in the day, Mister and I decide to go for a VERY chilly walk.  It felt good to get out a bit, though.  Looking east from the road - 

Looking west - 

It's so pretty out - even the ducks are on the move.

Returning to the house, we are stopped in our tracks.  Do you see what we see?

Does this help?

A little closer perhaps?  They watched us for a few seconds and then quickly ran off.

Dinner is at Riley's.

AND the planets are lined up tonight.  We can see them, but pictures are hard.

Several in front of us - 

A couple behind us.

Help from the app to identify them.  Venus and Saturn behind us.  Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter in front.

27th and 28th - Mister is working and I am trying so very hard to make progress on 3 solid months of blog posts that need to be uploaded.  We did manage to go to the  grocery store.

29th - Mister out grabbing the paper for Mom.  It's pretty dang cold out there.

Mom and I made another trip into town for a Post Office stop and some medicine for Mister as he has managed to pick up a cold somewhere.  She's driving, so I'm taking pictures.  There is a lake out there somewhere.

After another day of blogging, I made some brownies and readied the house for visitors.  Matt and Rebecca are on their way through to their new property and are going to stop by for dinner and a visit.  I am sooooo excited to see them.  Sis and Joe arrive and are followed by Matt and Rebecca a bit later.

Brock and Jill arrive shortly after and we are soon enjoying a nice meal together.  It's a great evening and plans are made for us to go and spend more time together and see the new property tomorrow.

Auntie time - 

30th - I let Mister sleep in until around 11 so that he could feel a bit better.  Then we got dressed and drove up to Olney.  It was a horrid, overcast drive until we got north of Whitefish and then it was simply beautiful.  We stopped at the Dog Creek Lodge to meet up and have lunch together before making our way to their new place.  No pics, so sad.

I only took a few pictures of the property and not any of the houses since there are both still under remodeling work.  Greenhouse and Garden Plot - how nice.

View out the living room windows.  Superb.

Into the guest house to work on furniture.  I supervised.  HAHAHAHA.

Well, it's time to start our journey back to Mom's.  It's been nice and I am so glad to have had this opportunity.  Love my family so very much.

31st - It's just a day around the house trying to meet goals and watching the weather change.  I finished up a sewing project and "think" I have the blog all caught up.  How cool is that?  Onto week 2.

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