Friday, March 8, 2024

Brock and Jill and Greyson - Round Two - Day 4 - Dallas World Aquarium, Dallas Zoo

 Up, up everyone.  It's a full day and our wonderful visitors have to fly away this afternoon.  We are going to do our best to send them off on a high.  We had early entry to the zoo, but it's still pouring out.  Supposedly that is supposed to end around 11 so we are punting once again.  First stop is the coffee shop.  I didn't have access to this information and made a whole pot of coffee first - but a cake will happen this week now.  It's all good.  With rain really not letting up, we decide to go to the Dallas World Aquarium first.  Maybe we can get both in that way.  Straight downtown and in - it's pretty busy with the rain and all, but we'll still have a good time.  Enjoy the pics, comments only when necessary or helpful.

This otter was so fun ---- first time I've had this angle to photograph one.

Those flippers!!!!!  

Sloth love - I have really fallen for these guys since Honduras.

did you wonder what they were looking at?

Check out these feet - 

Snake in motion -

There were three of these in the tank and they were all standing up checking out the visitors.  (Look close and you'll see a second little head.)

Ooooh, here comes the manatee.  I've not been up here at this angle to see him before.

Smile, y'all.

Down we go and this is the view I'm used to of the manatee.  There is a diver in the habitat and this guy does not want to be without him.  It is all very entertaining and each time the diver tries to exit through his door, the manatee follows.  Turns into quite the game for a bit.

Now for the actual aquariums.  I know, seems like more a zoo than an aquarium, but I love it here.  This coral and the straight up and down fish make my heart happy.  I think they are Striped Shrimp Fish.

Posing for the crowd.

Nearing the end of the aquarium.  We did it.  The sun is shining and the day has changed.  

Love the pelicans as well.  Time to go.

Straight to the Dallas Zoo.  We'll do lunch here, first.

One quick peek at the lemurs.  The family of black and whites are out.

Lunch has happened and we are now ready to explore.  Off to the Savannah area.  We did this picture a few years ago - so a new one now happens.

Elephants - Greyson loves elephants!

Lots of elephants and even our sweet new baby. Okubili.

Sleeping lions.  Brock remarked that it was the first time he had been so close to an alive, large cat.

How on earth is this comfortable?  He's just sleeping away.

This one is keeping his eye on Greyson and that is the only one he will make eye contact with.

Just how big is a hippo?

Uncle and Greyson in the Underground.

Above them - one strange animal.

Emperor Tamarin

Birds Landing is a favorite stop and I love it each time.

Well - it's time to go, so a ride on the Carousel finishes out our time.

Airport drop-off happens and they are on their way back to Montana.  Mister surprises me with a stop at Vector for pizza and beer.  Perfect end to a fabulous week with family.  I truly cannot wait until their next visit and we already have a list of places to see.  When will it be?  Let's pick a date and start the planning.  Hugs to all.

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